Harry Potter and the Fortunate Queen

Chapter 196: Sweet Knife

"She what?" Chris almost shouted.

"Chris, relax," Cedric said calmly. "It's nothing. I told you, I'm already in my seventh year. It really doesn't matter."

"Cedric, she blackmailed you to quit your Quidditch captaincy, that's — that's —"

"Evil," Harry supplied clenching his fist.

"Exactly," Chris snarled. "And don't tell me it doesn't matter, because if the Quidditch team didn't matter then you wouldn't have left the team."

"But Chris, D.A. is more important than Quidditch, remember?" Cedric sighed. "I just can't sell you out or the other D.A. members, just to remain the Captain."

"Yeah but —" Harry began but Cedric held his hand up and stopped him.

"I'm fine, really."

"And you are also awfully calm about this," grumbled Chris.

"Yup, I have to if I want to be in the Order of the Phoenix," Cedric smiled.

"You are going to join after school?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, Dad is working for the Order but he is not in it but I want in. I really want to make a difference in our world and considering the circumstances, I don't think being a Ministry employee will make the cut for that."

Cedric grinned but Chris shrugged.

"I'm still going to talk that evil, twisted b*tch. She has crossed the line." she declared.

"Don't," Harry warned. "If Gryffindor team doesn't get the permission Angelina will lose it."

"Oh, she will give permission to Gryffindor team," Chris smirked. "Just because I'm keeping my head down, doesn't mean I can't fight back if I want."

So when Angelina came with a sad face that evening and said that Umbridge wants to think a little bit before giving their Gryffindor team permission, Chris marched straight into her office.

"Come in," Umbridge said sweetly when Chris knocked.

Chris pushed open the door and entered. Seeing her Umbridge looked startled, shocked and a little uneasy which gave Chris a savage satisfaction. But soon Umbridge covered her all expressions beneath her fake honeyed smile.

"Hem, hem. Anything you need Miss Norton?" She asked.

"Oh yes, Professor Umbridge," Chris glanced around and noticed the portrait which informed the Ministry last time. There was a small wizard, who was wearing glasses and was looking very interested in Chris and their conversation.

"Well?" Umbridge rushed into business.

"About our Quidditch team, Professor Umbridge," Chris said turning towards Umbridge. "I know Angelina Johnson, our captain asked for your permission and you said you need time. But Professor Umbridge our first Quidditch match is just two weeks away."

"I see," Umbridge gave nasty smile and leaned back comfortably on her chair. "You see Miss Norton, considering the last month, I think Gryffindor team players are merely reckless and irresponsible. So I will need to make sure that you all are well-behaved players before I pass your team."

"Sure Professor Umbridge, I understand. And that's why I came here, personally to request you to reconsider your decision." Chris turned her back on the portrait so the wizard in it couldn't see her face. "Well, maybe you think the Gryffindor players are reckless or irresponsible and you have the right to punish us if we are really behaving like that. And I'm glad you are just thinking about banning our team rather than sending Dementors after us."

Umbridge's smile vanished. Chris smirked in a challenging way. Umbridge hurriedly hid her nervousness.

"What do you mean, Miss Norton?" She asked sternly.

"I was talking about the guards in Azkaban Professor, you know the wizard prison. Harry told me that when he was in his trial, they actually wanted him to throw in Azkaban," Chris said innocently like she was just reminiscing a event nothing else. "You know, when he was accused of using the Patronus charm outside the school when two Dementors attacked him."

Umbridge actually coughed and looked pale for a second.

"Yes Miss Norton, I know that. I was there," She said. "And maybe he got off but everyone knows there were no Dementors, he made up the story."

"If you say so Professor," Chris said with a smile which could make anyone's skin crawl. "But that's not my point, I am here to request you to give permission to our team fast. As I mentioned, we have our Quidditch —"

"Yes, yes I remember," Umbridge said looking impatient. She even glanced at the portrait to see if the wizard had noticed Chris's expression or not and when she saw Chris cleverly had turned her back towards the painting, she glared at her. "Well, Miss Norton if that's all, I would like you to leave. I'm busy with — I'm busy."

"Sure Professor," Chris smiled and walked towards the door then slightly turned to her. "I will ask Angelina Johnson to come tomorrow just to be sure if you have changed your mind about team or not."

Umbridge didn't reply and just glared. 

"Good evening Professor Umbridge," Chris said the way Umbridge asked them to say and then left with a smile.

As expected next day Angelina got permission for their team.

"That was badass, Chris," Ginny grinned after Angelina left.

"Well, she wants to be this evil witch in the first place, so I thought two can play this game," Chris smirked. "And trust me, this is just the beginning."

As the first Quidditch match of the season, Gryffindor versus Slytherin, drew nearer, their D.A. meetings were put on hold because Angelina insisted on almost daily practices. The fact that the Quidditch Cup had not been held for so long added considerably to the interest and excitement surrounding the forthcoming game. The Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were taking a lively interest in the outcome, for they, of course, would be playing both teams over the coming year; and the Heads of House of the competing teams, though they attempted to disguise it under a decent pretence of sportsmanship, were determined to see their side's victory. Chris realized how much Professor McGonagall cared about beating Slytherin when she abstained from giving them homework in the week leading up to the match.

Snape was no less obviously partisan: He had booked the Quidditch pitch for Slytherin practice so often that the Gryffindors had difficulty getting on it to play. He was also turning a deaf ear to the many reports of Slytherin attempts to hex Gryffindor players in the corridors. The Slytherin Keeper, Miles Bletchley, tried to hex Angelina and Ginny twice and ended up in Hospital wing with Ginny's Bat-Bogey Hex. On the other hand, when Warrington tried to jinx Chris in front of the potion class, Chris dodged in time and hit him with Furnunculus Curse and Jelly-Legs Curse back to back without uttering a word. Snape came out at that very moment and saw Warrington had sprouted little tentacles all over his face but as no one saw Chris moving her wand (which she did under her robes), they couldn't tell for sure if it was Chris or not. Instantly Snape ordered few Slytherins to take Warrington to Hospital wing but when his eyes flickered towards Chris, she could have sworn Snape looked. . . impressed.


To be continued...

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