Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 37 Gellert Grindelwald’s Speech

When Wright was sparring with Chang Chu, he was also exploring the skills of using armor for protection.

Although I don’t know who invented the Iron Armor Curse and when it was invented, this spell is so practical!

According to the records about this curse in the book, the Iron Armor Curse is a spell that can resist many kinds of curses. It can create a magical barrier (usually in the form of a shield) to deflect incoming spells and even physical entities, thereby protecting the person or area behind the barrier.

Sometimes the spells cast by others will bounce back in the direction of the caster, but sometimes they will dissipate when hitting the magic barrier or deflect in other directions according to the user's intention. .

Wright had tried many times before to dissipate the stun spells and disarming spells shot by Chang Chu, and this time he was ready to try a new operation.

He slightly deflected the shield created by the Iron Armor Curse, and the magic beam representing the Disarming Curse was bounced away by this action while hitting the silver shield in front of Wright. And in the next second, it hit an unprepared student in the crowd. The wand in that student's hand immediately fell off his hand, and even flew a long distance away.

Almost in the next moment, the student who had lost his wand was hit by the stun spell of the student standing opposite him, and he immediately fell to the ground limply.

Wright, who noticed the situation of the student who was knocked unconscious by the deflected stun spell, did not feel any apology, because he had noticed before that the student had never cast the Iron Armor Curse. In other words, no matter whether the unconscious student has a wand or not, he will still be unconscious.

Wright turned his head and looked at Chang Chu again, only to find that her mood seemed to be a little higher.

What's going on? Could it be that Chang Chu still has some potential for violence? Wright was a little shocked by his own thoughts.

Professor Derwent, who was standing on the small platform in the middle, also noticed the situation here. Although many such minor accidents had occurred in the past few minutes, he couldn't help but shake his head. Almost everyone can master the Disarming Curse and the Stunning Curse very well. Only a few students are not able to cast this spell, but there are still many students who have difficulty with the Iron Armor Curse.

You know, the Iron Armor Curse is a medium-difficulty spell!

"Okay, kids, stop for a moment!" Professor Derwent clapped his hands and turned everyone's attention away before continuing, "You have been practicing for more than half an hour, so why not take advantage of the opportunity before get out of class is over? It’s been a while, now you can take a break!”

Professor Derwent stood on the high platform, looking down at the students in the audience. His face was now full of serious expression, completely lacking the smile that a comedian should have: "I didn't intend to talk about myself again. , but after seeing your performance, it seems that I have to mention it.”

"I was born in 1912, which is more than seventy years ago. You are just children who have just entered school. Maybe you don't have an intuitive understanding of time, age, etc., so I'll just say it briefly. Bar."

"When I was in elementary school, Principal Dumbledore was still the Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts. Yes, yes, I studied Transfiguration under Principal Dumbledore for seven years." Professor Wente said, there is no exaggeration and comedy unique to comedians in his words, only the calmness that has passed through the years.

The students in the audience listened quietly and looked at the famous comedian and Purple Man, Devonte Simplin, who was very different from their impressions, their new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"When I graduated from Hogwarts at the age of 17, it was already 1930. During that time, Gellert Grindelwald, one of the most powerful dark wizards in history, was studying in Europe. The ground is developing its own power. From Germany, to France, to other European countries, no one can resist his edge. "

"Many wizards feel that Grindelwald's ambitions are very lofty and noble. Even now, sixty years later, I can still recall the inspiring words that were circulated by wizards at that time." At this point, De Professor Winter closed his eyes, seeming to be remembering something.

Then, Professor Derwent pressed his wand against his temple, pulled out a wisp of silver-white mist-like substance, and dropped it into the high platform beneath him.

Suddenly, human figures one after another rose from the ground. Then, a huge square stood on the empty platform in the classroom.

A gray-white figure appeared in the center of the illusory square. Although Wright couldn't see his specific appearance, his neat and decent clothes undoubtedly made people have a good impression of him.

The figure spoke.

"The so-called International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy makes us like rats hiding in the sewers! That law requires us to hide our true selves! That law makes those under its jurisdiction cower in fear, lest we reveal our identities ! Who is it protected by the law? Or them?" A hoarse and seductive voice echoed in the empty and quiet classroom.

"I, Gellert Grindelwald, refuse to submit to that law ever again."

"The old way no longer suits us. Everyone says I hate No-Majs and Muggles who have no magic power, and Squibs who can't cast spells. No, I don't hate them, I don't."

"I never fight for the sake of hatred. I believe that Muggles are not a minority group, but a different group. It is not that they are worthless, but they have a different kind of value. They cannot be disposed of freely, but should be treated specially."

A few sparse applause suddenly sounded among Slytherin's new students.

The figure just continued to speak: "The bloom of magic will only be in a very small number of souls, and will only be granted to things of a higher level. We will create a new world for all mankind!"

"What we hope for is freedom, truth, and love!"

"This will be a war to end wars!"

Professor Derwent pulled his memory out of the ground again, and then slowly turned around to face all the students.

"I believe you have seen Grindelwald's speech just now. To be honest, if I had been there at that time, I would have joined him without hesitation." Professor Devonte said calmly.

A few of the unobservant students laughed, but they were immediately stopped by the people next to them.

"I don't know what kind of people you will face in the future, but since as your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, I have the responsibility to teach you how to face dangers and solve them." Professor Devonte said, "But I'm only responsible for teaching, it's up to you whether you can learn it or not."

"I have also heard that, and today I discovered that some of you do have talents that are much beyond ordinary people." Professor Derwent glanced at Wright, and it was obvious who he was talking about.

"But I don't know what his future ambitions will be." Professor Derwent said, "Maybe to become the next Dark Lord?"

At this time, whether it was Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, whether it was Gryffindor or Slytherin, there were gasping sounds.

Chang Chu suddenly stood next to Wright and held Wright's hand.

"You're kidding, Mr. Paz, don't be nervous." Professor Devonte gave Wright a smile, but quickly restrained it.

"From Grindelwald to that person who must not be mentioned, the time interval is less than twenty years. You cannot guarantee whether the next Dark Lord will be born in the next twenty years. You can only It can ensure that you can master enough and useful magic spells to face the dangers you may encounter in the future.”

At this time the get out of class bell rang.

"I will still teach you the relevant knowledge of these three spells in the second period of Defense Against the Dark Arts, but in the third period, you will do those cute extracurricular activities with your second-year seniors. ”

"I hope you can master these three magic spells as soon as possible after class, so as to avoid being beaten to the point of losing your teeth."

"Now, get out of class is over!"

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