Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 42 The real first broomstick

The flying class teacher is Mrs. Huo Qi. She has short gray hair that stands on her head like inverted steel needles. She looks very capable. Mrs. Huo Qi's eyes are yellow, and her eyes are as sharp as those of an eagle.

Seeing the students walking towards this side, she said sternly: "Okay, why are you all so slow? Come over here quickly, and then everyone stands next to a broomstick. Quick! Quick! Hurry up! !”

Wright did not follow the other students to the open space where there were rows of broomsticks, but walked from the group of students to Mrs. Hooch. Everyone present was looking at him, including Chang Chu.

"What's wrong, kid?" Mrs. Hooch frowned, as if she would lose her temper if Wright said anything that had nothing to do with flying lessons.

"Teacher, I just want to ask a question." Wright exhaled, then looked at Mrs. Hooch and said politely, "I would like to ask if I can use my own flying broom for flying lessons?"

"My own broomstick?" Mrs. Hooch stared at Wright closely, "I think you should have seen what was written on it when you received the Hogwarts admission letter, right?"

"Yes, teacher." Wright nodded, "But it says, 'Freshmen are not allowed to bring their own broomsticks,' and I..."

"Are you telling me that you made a flying broomstick in the first week of school?" Mrs. Hooch couldn't help laughing. "Don't be ridiculous, kid! Even if Professor McGonagall and Professor Fernando Professor Liwei is very optimistic about you, but flying class is not a magic class, nor is it a transfiguration class. Put away the broomstick you bought from Diagon Alley! Now we have class."

"I want to say, yes, I made a flying broomstick by myself this week." Wright said word by word, while pulling out a flying broomstick from the mok bag on his waist.

The image of this newly made flying broomstick last night is roughly based on the one Wright purchased at that time. The slender broomstick presents a smooth streamline shape, which can minimize air resistance and increase the speed of flight; the broomstick at the tail is thin Zhilette was not rendered silvery white this time, but still maintained the color of the original wood. A small silver crescent mark is engraved on the top of the black broomstick, indicating that this is still a variant of Moon Dream.

Mrs. Hooch took a deep look at the broomstick that Wright took out. After a while, she looked up at Wright with some uncertainty and asked with doubts: "Mr. Paz, if I am not wrong, If so, this broomstick should be the Moon Dream produced in 1901, right? But I don’t seem to have seen this model anywhere?”

"Yes, I designed this myself, roughly based on the style of Moon Dream." Wright nodded.

"Did you do it by yourself?" Mrs. Huo Qi said in disbelief, and the surrounding students who heard their conversation were also in an uproar.

"It's not considered to be done independently." Wright shook his head, "Have you heard that during this summer vacation, someone was selling broomsticks at a street stall in the south of Diagon Alley?"

"Of course!" said Mrs. Hooch. "Little Boothby has simply tarnished his father's reputation! As soon as old Ladis died, he immediately sold his father's belongings. But did you buy that "The dream of the moon?"

"Yes, and Mr. Boothby also gave away all the materials for making the Moon Dream." Wright said calmly, "It is precisely because of the help of those materials that I made the Moon Dream." Dream."

"Ah!" Mrs. Hooch glanced at the broom in Wright's hand again, and said with a very envious tone, "If I had known about that at that time, I would have definitely dropped everything I was doing and rushed there."

After a while, Mrs. Huo Qi calmed down.

"Okay, Mr. Wright." Mrs. Hooch looked at Wright, "You are allowed to use this broomstick you made yourself, but you must fly within my sight."

"Okay." Such a request did not exceed Wright's expectations.

The surrounding students quietly looked at the teachers and students talking here. They only knew that Wright was going to become famous again this time. He once again broke the school record: he made a real flying hand in the first grade. broom.

Dozens of students stood next to the broomsticks issued by the school, but most people still looked at Wright, especially the mutant Moon Dream in his hand.

"Okay, kids! I know you all want to see how Mr. Paz's broomstick looks like, but after all, this is a flying lesson, not Mr. Paz's personal exhibition." Mrs. Hooch said helplessly , "Now please stretch out your right hand, place it on the broom handle, and say: 'Get up!'"

"Get up." The students said weakly, looking at Wright with some reluctance. In their opinion, the school's broomsticks are not as good as the one in Wright's hands, whether in terms of appearance or other aspects.

The Moon Dream, which Wright had made himself, immediately jumped into his hands, just like the first time he used a broomstick.

But there are only a few flying broomsticks as obedient as Wright's Moon Dream. Chang Chu's broomstick jumped into her hand obediently, but she didn't look very happy.

Eddie's broom did not move at all, Marietta's broom just jumped in place and then stopped moving, and even fewer Hufflepuff students were able to successfully summon a broomstick into their hands. This made the students even more envious of Wright's Moon Dream.

After a long time, when the students had successfully summoned the broomstick, Mrs. Hooch showed them how to ride the broomstick without falling off their heads. She walked around the group, correcting their hand grips, and scolding some of the unsuspecting students.

"Okay, when I whistle later, you will kick your legs, and then ride the broomstick off the ground, and push hard." Mrs. Huo Qi walked back to the front of the team, turned around and said to the students, " Hold the broom steady, rise a few feet, then lean forward slightly and fall straight back to the ground. Pay special attention to my whistle, Mr. Pass."

Wright floated to a height of about five feet with some trembling. To be honest, all the small broomsticks he had made before ended in failure. This was the first time he made a standard-sized broomstick, so he was inevitably a little unsure.

"Wright, be safe, are you okay?" Mrs. Ho Qi did not pay attention to the students who had not yet taken off, but stared at Wright closely. However, most people in the arena were looking at Wright, and she did not appear unique.

"I think it's okay." After the broomstick returned to stability, Wright relaxed his grip on the broomstick slightly and said to Mrs. Hooch.

"Very good!" Mrs. Huo Qi said, "Please lean your body forward slightly and pay attention to safety!"

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