Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 44 Sound Barrier

The open space in front of the entrance to Hogwarts Castle.

The school teachers headed by Dumbledore looked at the sky with serious faces. Chang Chu stood next to them and panted slightly. She was holding a school broomstick beside her.

At this time, nearly forty minutes had passed since Wright flew into the sky.

Ten minutes ago, Mrs. Huo Qi asked a student to go to the auditorium to ask for help, and Chang Chu stepped forward without hesitation. Just when Chang Chu couldn't wait to run to the auditorium immediately, Mrs. Huo Qi used the flying spell to summon a broomstick and handed it to her. And that's why everyone is here right now.

Chang Chu took a deep breath, walked to Dumbledore's side and asked him: "Principal Dumbledore, I would like to ask if you know when Wright will be back?"

Dumbledore lowered his head and looked at the Ravenclaw eagle. His tone was extremely calm: "To be honest, I don't know, Miss Chang Chu. It depends on the flying speed of the broomstick made by Mr. Paz." , and his flight altitude at this time.”

"Will there be any accidents with Wright's broomstick? And Wright himself..." At this point, Chang Chu couldn't help but pause, and took another deep breath before continuing, "Will there be any accidents?"

"I'm sorry, I'm still not very clear about this." Dumbledore said, "This is determined by Mr. Paz's own manufacturing level. But please rest assured that Mr. Paz will most likely not have any accidents. "

"Then what if something unexpected happens?" Chang Chu felt a little excited, "What if he falls off the broomstick? What if he is hung by the wind somewhere else? What if..."

"Don't worry, Miss Chang Chu." Dumbledore's words seemed to have unfathomable magic, allowing Chang Chu to settle down and calm down, "Hogwarts has been surrounded by powerful protective magic. Even if Mr. Pass falls from his broomstick, he won't be blown away by the strong wind. And I don't think a smart student like Mr. Pass would fail to consider such a risk."

Chang Chu reluctantly nodded, and then retreated into the crowd, but she was still looking at the sky worriedly. The students who came with the teachers did not disturb her, only a small number of them whispered in low voices.

It is probably the most appropriate way to describe Wright's current situation as "extreme happiness leads to sadness".

Just like Dumbledore said, Wright had already made preparations for such an unexpected situation in Moon Dream.

In Wright's expectation, he would fly at an altitude of about thirty to fifty meters above the ground. If the broom suddenly malfunctions, he will jump off the broom in an instant, and then perform a wave of "Feather Fall Technique" in front of everyone in the flying class.

But who would have thought that this failure would occur at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters?


At the moment when Moon Dream disintegrated, a feeling of weightlessness hit him instantly, and Wright couldn't help but let out a scream. He only had time to use his shadow to hold onto the remains of Moon Dream, and then began to plummet downwards under the induction of gravitational potential energy.

As the speed of descent became faster and faster, a shock wave suddenly hit. It was like there was an invisible wall lying across the path of descent, and Wright, who was unprepared, ran into it.

As if in slow motion in a movie, the protective shell condensed by the shadow magic only lasted for an instant before it collapsed, and Wright was instantly shaken by the sharp noise and became dizzy. He could only stare at the moon. The wreckage of the dream was carried to the sky by the sudden strong wind, and then disappeared immediately.

When Wright finally woke up from his dizziness, he found that his descent speed had accelerated a notch higher. At this time, the strong wind coming from below was like a series of wind blades, cutting Wright's clothes into strips, and the skin all over his body was also cut.

Wright endured the severe pain and condensed a ball of shadow energy around his body, thus isolating himself from the wind blade. At this time, the wizard's robe on his body was in tatters, and the large amount of blood emerging from the wound instantly soaked the black wizard's robe red.

What's worse is that with the formation of the shadow energy shield, Wright's total volume instantly increased by a circle, the air resistance increased, and the speed immediately slowed down a notch. The violent impact hit him again, and Wright couldn't help but cough up a large mouthful of blood.

At this time, all the bones in Wright's body seemed to have been torn apart several times. The newly cut wounds on his body were still bleeding out, and even his ear holes were dripping blood. At this time, Wright couldn't even move a finger. difficulty.

After a while, Wright's thinking ability returned to normal levels. Based on the knowledge he had learned, Wright already understood what the first wave of impact was about.

His falling speed just now should have been close to the speed of sound or even exceeded it. Maybe he caught up with the sound wave that he made just now, or maybe he hit the air below that was tightly compressed due to the extreme falling speed. This causes a physical phenomenon known as the sound barrier.

The sharp noise just now should be the sonic boom produced when the sound barrier is broken.

It seems that even in a world where wizards can be born, the laws of nature have not changed much.

A slightly funny forced smile appeared on Wright's lips. He didn't know whether he should be sad that Moon Dream was torn to pieces, or be grateful that he escaped. After all, the impact of breaking the sound barrier can even shatter an airplane!

With difficulty, Wright took out the wand from the mok bag. At this time, Wright was extremely grateful for the quality of the products produced by Wieseek Magic Supplies Store. The protective magic attached to the mok bag was extremely powerful. The sharp wind blade just now connected with the mok bag. There are no cut flowers on the skin.

But before Wright could cast a quick healing spell on himself, masses of burning shadow energy began to appear from the wounds on his body. After the flames were extinguished, the original injuries on Wright's body also healed.

"Is this?" Wright was surprised to feel the changes in his body.

The burning of shadow energy not only brought about the healing of wounds, it seemed that his entire body was now filled with an indescribable power, and his movements seemed much more dexterous than before. Moreover, the total amount of shadow energy seems to have doubled as a result, making it more controllable.

"Is this a blessing in disguise? Sure enough, the shadow energy is my golden finger!" After regaining his vitality, Wright couldn't help complaining, "Hot chicken system! What kind of personal smart butler! He sleeps for more than ten years and doesn't wake up! Bah!"

After a long time, Wright was slowly able to see the shadow of Hogwarts.

After about ten minutes, Wright could already see the figures on the ground.

Dumbledore stood in the center of the crowd and stretched out the Elder Wand towards Wright. The surging magic power surged out from the top of the Elder Wand, holding up the shadow energy shield outside Wright's body, and then gently sent Wright back to the ground.

Wright dispersed the shadow energy shield, and before he could walk towards the crowd gathering over there, the girl riding a broomstick was already flying rapidly towards him.

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