Harry Potter: Go To Hell

Chapter 133: The Fallout of Cheating

Hermione was in shock. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was expelled? From Hogwarts? Her life was destroyed! How could this happen? She turned towards the Headmaster. "Professor Dumbledore, tell her. Tell her she can't do this. You said this would never happen. That Harry wanted me to dumb down his work. That it wasn't cheating. That he gave permission for me to use his work as my own when I didn't have the time to do my own for dumbing down his." She began to panic. "This isn't right. She can't do this. I belong here. I've worked so hard to earn my way and get where I am. You said I was doing him a favor and he'd thank me for it later when he had time and space enough to understand. Tell her she can't do this." Her breath was coming hard and fast. Her voice was a thin whisper of sound as she hyperventilated.

Behind her a new voice entered the conversation. "She has no choice, Miss. It's in the charter and since you freely admitted what you've been doing in her hearing, she's contract bound to expel you. Just as she would've been had it been any other registered student. Indeed, I and my partner have also heard you admit you were falsely representing yourself using another students work as your own while altering their work so as to lower their marks. Now please turn over your wand. I'm afraid since you're still underage, I have to keep that as you have been expelled from this institution. I hope your parents selected a secondary institution for you to attend should your Hogwarts placement not work out when they registered you to attend Hogwarts."

"What? But… What am I supposed to do now?" She was on the point of breaking down and succumbing to a crying fit.

"I and my partner will escort you to the Ministry. Another team has already been sent to your home to bring your parents to the Ministry so they'll be with you during your questioning. We'll ask you some questions in the presence of your parents. If you did select another school on your registration form, it may be possible for you to transfer there immediately. If you didn't," he shrugged. "A decision will be made as to whether or not to snap your wand and bind your magic. It may be possible for you to hire a professional tutor to help you so you may take your Owls. Even if you didn't select a secondary school, there may be one with an opening willing to take you on as a student this late in the year. But depending on your answers to our questions, the Ministry may decide not to give you that option," said Kingsley speaking slowly and clearly.

"Now, Kingsley," interrupted Albus. "Surely this isn't necessary. It's all just a misunderstanding. Minerva over-reacted to what she heard and blew it up into something it isn't. Ms. Granger hasn't been cheating and the charter of the school doesn't apply. She was merely helping another student maintain the grade point average he wished to maintain. That's all."

"That isn't what we heard, Professor," said Kingsley serenely.

"No, I didn't," the woman in question declared hotly. "I wish I had. But I very clearly heard her admit she rewrote Mr. Potter's assignments behind his back and without his permission or knowledge with the clear intention of lowering his marks. Assignments which she went out of her way to switch for him without either his knowledge or permission. I also very clearly heard Severus say she then used Mr. Potter's stolen assignments as her own in the Potions classes she took with him. That not only caused her own marks to be elevated in the rankings and lowered Mr. Potter's standing even further but it skewed the entire year's results as well. What she did not only hurt Mr. Potter; it hurt every student in her year."

"I'm going through the rest of the Gryffindor's of her year now to see if she tampered with any of their work as she did his," admitted Severus. "For someone with her personality, I find it hard to believe Potter is the only student who's work she dummified. I do know she has a very hard time when other students know something she doesn't or get the answer to a question right when she answered, or would've answered, incorrectly."

Minerva sighed. "I can see a lot of long nights ahead of us to try and find out just how wide spread her cheating was." She glared at Ronald. "And if I find one single assignment of yours that's not actually in your own hand or in words you actually know the meaning of, you'll find yourself out of here as well, young man."

Ron scowled and grumped. "I did my own work, mostly. My turned in assignments were all written by me and in my own words. Sometimes my brothers or Potter would help me with but she never would. She always said she had too much to do preparing for whatever the Headmaster told us was going to happen that year and with her own classes and stuff. Potter, when I did get him to help me, insisted I actually do the assignment before he'd help me with it. Then he'd look it over to correct my spelling and grammar usage. Or point out places where I could add more to make it better or where I was incorrect. I usually didn't bother adding more but I'd correct my mistakes. Sometimes he'd explain stuff I didn't get but I didn't really want to hear it. Neither he nor my siblings ever did the work for me."

Silkily, Severus said, "That is good news for you, Mr. Weasely. If it's true but we all know what a liar you are. So you'll excuse us if we don't take your word for it."

Ron rolled his eyes but didn't bother to answer the charge as he knew the Potions Master liked him even less than Ron liked the Potions Master. He watched silently as Hermione was forcibly removed from the Castle in the company of Kingsley and his partner. The magic of the Castle had already removed her name from the student rolls and any images of her as a student now had a black ribbon with a large golden 'C' trimmed in silver cutting across it. Nor could the ribbon be removed as it was now a part of the picture. She'd been formally expelled and the ribbon was a mark of her disgrace. It had been a long time since a student was expelled but Hermione Granger wasn't the first. Nor was she likely to be the last.

Albus was too busy floundering, wondering just how things had gotten so out of control to notice when the two remaining students as well as the staff left the office. He'd watched silently as Kingsley and his partner had led the distraught Ms. Granger to the fireplace and ushered her through the flames with all her belongings. All he could think was, "Now what will I do to control Mr. Potter?"


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