Chapter 144: Healing Together
"Hmm? Harry?" Sirius asked, looking at Harry whose mouth was slightly open and his eyes suddenly became wide. "Harry?" Sirius asked as he waved a hand in front of Harry's face. "Are you okay? Have you stopped working?"
"I… I think I might have worked it out." Harry said in a quiet voice as he shook his head.
"Really?" Sirius asked in a surprised voice. "That was quick."
"Not as quick as I'd like. Sirius, I have to go now, my team needs me."
"That they do," Sirius rolled his eyes. "just, do me a favour, please."
"What?" Harry asked with narrowed eyes, a favour from Sirius could be anything from the seriously serious to the ridiculously ridiculous. The last time Harry had done a favour for Sirius he ended up with pink hair for a week.
"Whatever is happening between you, Sif and Natasha, and any other girls that you may or may not become close to in the future, just… don't fight it." Sirius said, his grey eyes locking onto Harry's green eyes. "You deserve happiness just like everyone else and it'd be nice to eventually have some little Potters running around, if you know what I mean?" Sirius finished with a grin.
"I'll think about it." Harry couldn't help but give him a small smile in return.
Harry teleported into Avengers tower, he had only been there for about five seconds when Padfoot suddenly appeared in front of him.
"Hey boy," Harry smiled at him. Padfoot gave him a soft bark before moving forwards and rubbing his head against Harry's leg. "sorry about earlier." Harry said as he petted Padfoot's head.
"Woof?" Padfoot gave him a questioning bark.
"Better than before." Harry nodded, "now I got to go talk to the guys, let's get the last of this drama shit done." Harry said before he started walking, he eventually found the others sitting in the lab, all were wearing civilian clothing, though Thor wasn't here for some reason.
Harry noticed that Sif seemed perfectly fine, her leg appeared to have healed up thanks to her own advanced healing and the assistance that Harry had given her. Cap had his arm bandaged and Gwen the same with her leg, between their own advanced healing and the magical help from Harry, they would likely be better by the end of the day. Natasha had her shoulder bandaged, she could heal better than most but her healing wasn't on the same level as the others.
"Well," Harry said, announcing his presence to the room, everyone's head snapped towards him. "this looks horrible." He added.
"You're back!" Sif smiled brightly.
"That I am," Harry smiled back before his expression became apologetic. "I really am sorry about what has happened." He added as he looked around the room. "If you all want me to leave the team after we deal with this Ultron shit then I will."
"No," Natasha said before anyone could respond. "you're not leaving the team."
"She's right," Gwen piped up. "you're an important part of this team and you're our friend."
"What happened is exactly that, it's in the past," Steve spoke next. "we need to move on and start working on stopping Ultron."
"I think you should stay," Bruce agreed. "I'm sure the other guy will say the same." Everyone paused and looked at Tony.
"Guess I have to say it as well. I… I think you should stay," Tony said after a short pause. "despite what happened, you are still a crucial part of this team. And it's not like I can claim that I have never messed up, but with that being said, I still want to know what she saw. I mean, it must have been something if it can make you lose control like that."
"If he doesn't want to say then he shouldn't have to." Sif replied. "He clearly does not want to."
"Sif's right," Natasha agreed. "we all have bits of our past that we'd like to keep secret."
"It's fine," Harry said before anyone could say anything more. "you want to know, Tony?" Harry asked, his eyes locked onto the billionaire playboy. "I'll tell you."
"What? Really?" Tony asked, unable to hide his surprise.
"Yeah, I will." Harry said before taking a deep breath. "Back on my old world I did what many considered to be impossible, I beat the worst dark lord of all time, Voldemort. It wasn't easy, I started fighting the war as a teenager. People used to fear Voldemort, so much that they couldn't speak his name, they'd call him 'he-who-must-not-be-named' and 'you-know-who'. But during the war time I was able to gain a reputation even bigger than his, unlike him I didn't harm innocent people and kids and so on, but much like him I was not the sort of person you should mess with him.
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