Chapter 184: Chapter 184
"Your parents are providing house-room for me and this... coterie of aurors, who're apparently determined to keep an eye on me," he said. "While I'd probably shrug it off if it was just me, it's unfair for your parents to pay for the food.
"If your parents say anything about it, I'll tell them the same thing. So, don't worry about it, alright?"
"Alright, Harry," she said. "And, I can understand your argument. I just thought... since I invited you to come and stay―"
"To come and stay," he emphasised. "Not eat you and your parents out of house and home."
"Alright," she sighed. "I won't argue. But you're not eating us out of house and home, as you put it. The Grangers might not be in the same leagues as the Potters or the Blacks; but, we're well-off enough."
"Thank you," he gratefully replied.
Scimitar had just received the daily briefing from the watchers. Looking to the team he said, "Nothing unusual from the young knight's watchers. The knight and the Bookworm went out grocery shopping."
"That, in itself, makes it unusual," smirked one of the cursebreakers.
"Hardy-har-har," said Scimitar. "However, we have news from elsewhere."
That had the team listening.
"The Black Healer, Tonks, tried to get into Grimmauld," he said.
"Any idea why?"
"None," he replied. "However, she is not considered a threat. It may simply be because it's the home in which she grew up."
"She's also the Healer-of-Record, at the moment, for the dog, the knight and the Bookworm," added another. "She's watched, because of that."
Harry's 'make-do' Chinese that night was well-received by those who ate it. It might not have contained nothing but traditional meats and vegetables, but it definitely had a Chinese flair to it. He eventually decided to call it 'Chinglish Fusion'.
Sitting for dinner that night were the Grangers, Harry and two aurors. It was earlier he found out the aurors played a wizarding version of rock/paper/scissors to see who would miss out. The loser missed out. So, Harry quietly had Dobby set aside a serving of both the dinner and the dessert put under stasis for the unlucky auror who missed the 'Harry Potter Dining Experience'. But, Dobby was already doing just that. As it made his master happy to think he came up with the idea, he didn't say a thing.
Well, at least with word getting out that 'Lord Potter' wasn't as much into proving everyone to be a 'daft moron' at the moment, those in the auror department who had once begged off watching over him were now begging to get back in again. So said Auror Cassidy, while they were in the supermarket and purchasing groceries.
For dessert he went 'Australian' and made an Australian multi-layered tropical fruit 'trifle'. However he left out the alcohol and, instead, just used rum essence. So the adults wouldn't be concerned, he made sure to tell them in advance the background rum flavouring was just that, flavouring brought on by the essence - no alcoholic content.
"How'd you get the jelly to do that?" asked Monica.
"I baked the sponge and made the jelly yesterday," he said. "Today, I pulled the jelly out and crumbled it - that's the secret - then stirred in the strained tinned fruit. With the cake I trimmed the edges off where it was in the pan - one of those little 'cheffy' things - sliced it, soaked it in the juice from the tins together with the essence and just layered as I went - cake, jelly, custard, cake, jelly, custard, cake and unsweetened cream topping mixed with block chocolate crumbled to an almost powder. Then just garnished it with sliced fresh fruit and sprinkled some of the powdered chocolate over it. Simple."
"Simple, for you," she smiled.
When she saw Harry blush a little she didn't comment again.
"However you did it, it was simply divine," said Hermione.
When Marchbanks stood to make her announcements regarding filling the vacant Heads of House roles, the only one who wasn't happy for them was Dumbledore. While on the outside he was showing he was pleased for them, inside he was scowling in hate at Marchbanks as she invited the three new Heads of House to stand.
Her announcement proved he was now even further away from recovering the position of headmaster of 'his' school. If she was successful in appointing a Deputy Head that wasn't he, there'd be four people between he and his beloved Headmaster's office - Professor, to Head of House, to Deputy Head, to Head. Intolerable!
That evening, while Andi was back on shift at Saint Mungo's, Sirius went to the Black Townhouse on Grimmauld Place. She'd let him know she couldn't get in, which Sirius knew she couldn't as he'd locked it back down again after he and the Unspeakables had been through the place. That was his plan.
Walking in, he remembered yet again he was going to purchase at least one new house elf to get the place cleaned again. When he'd had to kill Kreacher that meant that what little work was being done was no longer being done. Or, maybe he'd ask his godson if Dobby might want to do it in his spare time as a 'reward'.
Setting his thoughts aside he moved through to the library to begin his research.
"Mind magics... curses of the mind..." he muttered.
He might not like the place, but this was for his godson and his godson's friend.
Two hours later, after nearly magically exhausting himself getting past various magical booby traps, curses, protections and the like. He thought he might've finally found the book he needed. This would be the fourth time he'd had the thought, though.
After checking it for even more traps, he stood back and magically pulled it from the shelf using a simple Accio. The book yanked out off the shelf and flew towards him. A quick sidestep to avoid it and the book bounced off the wall behind him before falling to the floor, where the cover flipped open.
'No curses or the like,' he thought. 'We're good, so far.'
More scans showed no other magics on the book other than a simple preservation charm and a Book-plate charm that would have the book return to the shelf if left out of it for more than twenty four hours. As the Rightful Lord of the House he was able to strip that second one away. He saw no harm in the first one remaining.
Picking it up with his off hand, just in case, he flipped through it. He already had a very good idea what he was looking for. Now all he had to do was find it.
Ten minutes later he was reading through the definition of a particular curse, his smile slowly widening as he read.
'Counter-curse?' he thought. A quick check, 'Yes!'
He'd do a jig if he didn't think there just might be a curse waiting to go off for 'dancing in the library'.
Snapping the book shut with his off hand, he dropped it into a left hand pocket of his robes - one he'd already layered in protections - and made his way to the floo.
Just before he left he checked to make sure the floo pot wasn't charmed - it was - stripped the hex away and dashed some powder into the fireplace.
"Tonks House," he firmly called.
When the flames turned green from a successful connection he checked to make sure it, too, wasn't cursed - it wasn't - then put the residence into lock-down again, with the lock-down timed to activate five seconds after the floo shut off. And stepped into the flames.
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