Harvesting The Witch Queen

Chapter 54: Brew

Chapter 54: Brew

They were not welcomed in the Morgan Swamp. 

That was clear. The Autumn witch might have been at one point in her life, but it was no longer the case. The thing that came out of the green water as a nightmarish being. It was the bog monster. A green aquatic creature from the swamp who seized the first opportunities to grab one of the people that was going through his home. The creature had been able to instigate and analyze the three passing on the bridge. The aquatic beast wasn't going to attack Junk first, that was simply too dangerous. The first prey was no other than April. The young elvish girl was about to be caught and swallowed by the arms of the bog beast. There was nothing that April could do about it at this point. 

The moment she heard the worrying splashing behind her, she turned her head and witnessed the claws of the creature and knew that it was too long to run or move away. She tried ducking, so the monster would miss her and pass above her head, but that didn't work since the creature was coming from beneath and didn't truly need to go that high in the air to grab her. He was about to swallow her thick thighs with his arms and pulled her in the green swamp water with him. Then, it would be the end of April as a member of the trio of renegades, battling against the witches from the guild. She was going to be taken away from them. There wasn't a lot of time to react. The one who was closer to April at the moment of the ambush, who could possibly have done something about, was September. However, she was seen smirking as she stood there, waiting and anticipating for April to be taken away from them.

It took it a while. At least, its going to get her for sure, the Autumn witch thought to herself as the aquatic swamp monster attacked. April was doomed. That would have been the case if it wasn't for the Minotaur, who interfered at the last second. Ran as fast as he could toward April and swallowed her in his big and strong arms before that could have been the case with the monster. Well, with the other monster. Junk had truly come in at the last second. 

"April! Careful!" Junk shouted as he first ran toward her. 

He was able to get to her in time and protect her? The witch asked herself. This obviously didn't please her, even though she didn't communicate it to the others in any fashion. Witnessing the fact that his prey was no longer available for him to care for, the swamp monster surprisingly vanished like a ghost in the water. When Junk and April looked around to find what had just ambushed them, it was already long gone. It was never seen again at this moment following the attack on the broken bridge. Still, Junk didn't let go of the green-haired elvish girl. He continued surrounding her and hugging her with his arms. The goal was not to hug her in order to make her feel any better, but it was rather to make sure he wasn't going to lose her again. That would have been a serious shame if he lost his precious breeding girlfriend to some random monster in the swamp. The waters surrounding them became calmed again. Almost as if nothing had just happened.

"Thanks, honey-Junk," April cutely called the Minotaur. 

"Are you alright?" he demanded to her, just to make sure it was the case. He, of course, took a look at her body and made sure she wasn't hurt or anything like that. Nothing had happened to her.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me," she reassured him. 

"That was Gilly. Don't fear it. It rarely bites," September interrupted them and explained to them. She managed to crack a smile as she said these things to them. Almost as if it was no big deal.

"Who the hell is Gilly?" the horned beast interrogated her. 

"It's the bog monster here. I have known it ever since I was a child. It won't do any harm to any of you. You can trust me."

"But it already did. April was almost pulled into the water by him. Why would it do something like that if it didn't want to hurt her?" The Minotaur was making a pretty great point here. 

"It simply wanted to play with her. That's all. You have to excuse it. It has been so long since the last time it saw a beautiful and young woman such as April. Well… In fact, it has been a long while since the last it saw any woman, to be quite honest with you. It most-likely got excited," the Autumn witch continued explaining to them. She then didn't want for them to ask her more questions and turned her back on them. She kept walking on the wooden bridge as if nothing had ever happened. 


"I told you, it was close," the witch said as they made it to a lonely house in the middle of the swamp.

"September. I'm confused. How many houses do you have?" he asked her. This was probably the third one they visited so far. 

"This is not my home. This used to be the house of someone else," she briefly mentioned to him. She pushed the frail door of the house and entered inside. April followed closely. Then, it was Junk. This hole was worse than the cabin where he met April sometime ago. There was dust everywhere. There were a bunch of old antiques piled on each other a little everywhere in this place. However, what caught the attention of Junk the most was a black cauldron that had been set up in the middle of the main room. The cauldron was cold. It had been inactive for quite some time now. All the ingredients to make it work were still there, but the cauldron had been collecting dust for the better part of a decade or so. The cauldron was exactly what September walked toward after first stepping into the small house in the Morgan Swamp. 

"What is this place, Sep? I don't remember coming here with you before, yet, we've been into this swamp once or twice," the elvish girl demanded to the Autumn witch. Wondering what they were all doing here in the first place. There was nothing of interest here.

"This cauldron is the one my master used to use," she revealed to April and Junk. Everyone gathered around this cauldron.

"Your master?" the Minotaur automatically asked her about it. It wasn't that he was too slow to understand what she meant by that, but with September, sometimes what she said wasn't exactly what she meant. Junk immediately thought of something kinky.

"This house used to be sacred to me. This is the first time I have come back here in forever. There was a good reason as to why I've never brought you here before, April," September, then turned her head to the elvish woman with the purple nightgown. "This place is dangerous," she revealed to her. More serious than ever at this moment. Then, she turned her head back to the old and abandoned cauldron. She knelt. She looked at it in every way possible. Almost as if she was trying to find something. They could tell it was an important object for her. Well, Junk understood a lot less than April for natural reasons. April had known September for the better part of a decade. Perhaps more. They had been raised together at a certain point in time. Even though she had never seen it, she had heard about this cauldron a few times. The same thing for her old master. 

"We saw that earlier with that… Whatever that was in the water…" April shrugged her shoulders. She was no longer surprised by anything at this point. "I'm thankful that Junk was there for me."

"Oh, no, you don't understand, April. That thing… Gilly. The creature that tried messing with you earlier is not one of the dangerous things you should be worried about in the Morgan Swamp," the Autumn witch became serious and cold once again.

"What… What do you mean by that?" April asked her, stuttering, as she was desperately trying to understand what the worst things could be lurking around in these swamps. Waiting for them. 

"I hope you won't find out today," she left it at that and casually changed the subject after unintentionally (or intentionally?) scaring the shit out of the poor and still semi-recovering April. "Well, well, where is it?" she asked herself, speaking a lot quieter now. 

"What are you looking for, witch?" Junk asked her, curious. 

"This!" September had finally found it! It was an emblem. It was the image of an apple tree. It was hiding underneath the cauldron, which she was able to see as she partially lay down on the dusty floor of the cabin in the middle of the Morgan Swamp. Her big tits were rubbing and crawling all across the floor. Tickling it with her nipples, which had both been piercing the nose holes of the jack-o-lanterns on her breastplates. Her naked and uncovered nipples were touching the dusty floor as she searched for the apple tree. 

"It's underneath? Do you want me to lift it for you?" 

"If you don't…" but by the time she began asking him to do it, the strong and loyal Minotaur had already done it. With his muscular arms, he lifted the heavy cauldron. Then, the apple tree emblem was fully revealed and everyone could see it with their eyes.

"The emblem of your master! I remember it!" April shouted.

"What are we doing now?" the Minotaur asked September. 

"We are reactivating it," she said as she crawled underneath the cauldron, milking herself in front of the others. Intentionally pushed fresh milk out of her left breast and scooped it off with her right middle finger. Naturally, because she was such a performing woman in terms of lactation, she had accidentally squeezed a bit too hard on her boob and a great amount of milk was shot out of her nipple. The floor was immediately covered in it and Junk was too busy lifting and holding the cauldron in the air, so his Witch Queen wouldn't have her head squashed like a bug to lick the milk off the floor right now. Which was exactly what he was hoping to do right now. Ultimately, the witch took the drop of fresh, white milk from the tip of her middle finger and placed it on the apple tree emblem underneath the ancient cauldron. Nothing happened at first, but, then, all of a sudden, the engraved apple tree began shining bright of a beautiful vibrant red color. It had been activated. "Done. You can put it back down now," she said as she moved herself out from underneath it. But the Minotaur was so excited and in a hurry to go on the floor and lick the milk that was being wasted there that he accidentally dropped it. He didn't place it back down carefully. A huge bang was heard as soon as he sloppily dropped it! "Doing it carefully, please?" September looked straight at him in the eyes and frowned. She wasn't pleased with what he had just done. 

"Oops…" the beast said, right before actually going to lick the milk from the floor. Licking everything he could save. No one noticed it at first, but the cauldron had, unfortunately, cracked following the severe and harsh drop. 

"What are you planning to do with reactivating it, Sep?" April asked her, joining her and hoping to help. 

"We are going to be making a brew."

"A witch's brew?" the Minotaur asked after being done saving the milk. 

"Exactly," September smiled. "I'm going to be requiring your help, Junk. 


I'm going to be needing you to milk me as much as you can," she announced to him. 

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