Chapter 57: Underneath The Cottage
Chapter 57: Underneath The Cottage
"Junk! Junk! Wake up!" the Minotaur heard the sweet and sexy voice of the beautiful April, shouting at me. Even when she shouted at him, she was able to make him like she was craving him and desiring. Junk could hear her. Pretty well. Not as well as usual because he had been deeply asleep for a while now, but he could hear her pretty well. Everything was black for the longest time. He couldn't see anything. He tried opening his eyes, but it happened to be a bit harder than he originally thought it was going to be. It was so foggy. The darkness was so foggy. By the time Junk was finally about to open his eyes, he was met, face-to-face, with April. She had been shaking him off for several minutes now. The tip of her nose was only an inch away from the tip of his nose. She was staring right at his eyes.
"What happened?" he found the strength to finally ask her.
"You passed out last night! We were supposed to have sex, but you were gone! I couldn't wake you up!" April explained to him.
"So, we didn't do anything like last night after we visited the house?" the Minotaur continued, asking one more question.
"No. But that's not the issue here. There is something you need to know about. That's why I tried waking you as soon as we found out," April was panting. She was standing over Junk, who was still lying down on his back. Her hands were holding his shoulders. Junk was not wearing his set of armor at the moment. It had been set to the side. To be honest, Junk wasn't wearing anything for that matter, other than a scant loincloth between his legs.
The human slept naked.
"What do you mean? What could be worse than not having sex last night? What came over you this morning?" Junk was so lost.
"You should perhaps be looking by yourself," she said to him.
"Alright. Where is it? What do you want me to see?"
"You won't be able to see anything like this. Get up! Come on! Get up! Everything will make sense then," April explained to him. He was so tired that the elvish girl had to help him up. Supporting him despite her incredible thickness. She wasn't supporting him much, simply helping him out. She pulled on his right arm as hard as she possibly could to finally help him up.
"Oh, boy, I'm not feeling right at all. Do you think it's because of the huge amount of tea I drank yesterday?" he asked her.
"It can only be that. You truly went wild with the mana milk tea. You drank more than half of the entire cauldron," she said to him.
"Right," he laughed as he was finally up on his feet. "Alright. I'm up now. What did you want me to see so badly, April?" he asked.
"Well, you haven't noticed it yet?" April couldn't believe it. She shrugged her shoulders and walked in circles. Back-and-forth, back-and-forth. For her, it was obviously much simpler, but it apparently wasn't the case for the boy. He kept searching.
"No. The only thing I can see right now is a swamp. What else is there to see, exactly?" he asked her.
"Do you remember where we decided to camp last night?"
"Yeah. Sure. Next to the house that I 'accidentally' flooded with the tea?" he asked her, not entirely sure, even though he just said that he was. In all honesty, he was still thinking about it and looking.
"Exactly, Junk. Do you see that house anywhere?" she asked.
"Damn. Are you sure this is the right spot where we decided to camp last night? Where is the old house that vibrated?" he asked.
"This is the right spot. I know just as much as you do, I woke up a few minutes ago. Come with me," she led the way, and he followed her to the site in the marsh where the house was supposed to be. Replacing it, there was a large and wide hole in the muddy ground. There was a hole underneath the house this entire time. But the small wooden cabin, the cottage, had completely disappeared.
"I'll be damned," the young man said as he saw the hole. "Where's September? I just noticed that she is not here with us."
"I don't know. She wasn't here when I woke up," April said. "What do you think we should do now, Junk?" April asked him. April was still wearing the same purple nightgown that she was wearing last night. The one that had been given to her by September.
"It feels pretty obvious to me," he immediately answered her. Junk smiled for the first time since his awakening. The crevasse in the muddy ground was made, so someone could walk into it. Almost as if it had stairs, but they weren't stairs at all. Only a muddy path.
"What is that supposed to mean, exactly?" she demanded.
"We go in there, and we go after September. She probably went in there, looking for answers. Let's go!" Junk said.
"I got nothing else, so why not? She could be in there," so, without any other sentiment of hesitation, April followed Junk into the crevasse in the ground. The more they walked into it, into the ground, the more they realized that it was more of a secret tunnel than anything else. Especially more of a tunnel than it was a hole. It was dark here, but not completely dark. The sides of the tunnel had vibrant green roots which lit up in the dark a bit. Enough for the two of them to see through the darkness and to traverse this path. Everything was fine in the tunnel for the most part, until the both of them heard something in the far distance. Some shuffling. Someone or something was moving in the darkness, and it wasn't them.
"Do you hear that, Junk?" April stopped and asked him.
"I sure do," he simply responded to her with.
"Do you think it could be September?"