Heleion Archives

Hour of Specter I.

20th of February, 117th of the NDE. Martial City of Larvag, Skalafell Heimrad.

            The martial city of Larvag, named after an ancient chieftain who fought alongside the Black Rose against the Stygian Hordes that invaded the region eons ago. Built on the western bank of the Aspodrion River close to the natural border of the Eptirrion Mountain that was clearly visible in the best of weathers.

A sprawling city controlled by the Black Rose Order for the past two hundred years, taken over from the Snow-Scaled Host who moved to the neighboring city at the south along the river. While its main function was to halt or at least slow the march of invading armies, the city also served as a home to two major guilds. One that nestled into the inner districts of the city and dealt in the business of pleasures, maintaining a strong tie with the Black Rose Order who followed the tenets of their mythical leader and Goddess, Myelia.

The Impeccable Sparrows Guild was established six centuries ago by Lythienne herself, although she passed control to a close-aide a few decades before the Great War broke out. Their business ranged from clothing that used the same techniques that the Black Rose Order used for manufacturing their own uniforms. Then there was the business of beautification that included potions that granted elven beauty for hours or permanently if one could afford it.

Lastly, they also delved in more primal business that sought to satisfy the carnal desires of their customers. Nu-merous brothels funded by the Black Rose Order and the Clergy of Myelia dotted the streets of Larvag that even offered rooms and services for wedded couples where they could even try the aforementioned beautification potions – that were simply just watered down versions of the Black Rose Blend.

The Njord Collective on the other end was mainly relegated to the small port of the city where they tended to their fishing vessels, while also maintained a checkpoint for merchant vessels passing along the river. Like the Impeccable Sparrows, instead of relying on their own security host, they hired the local Black Roses to guard their headquarters, warehouses.

Viveka – a naurdian clerk of the Black Rose Order – stared out the window of her office located in one of the smaller tower barracks of the Black Rose Order built into the wall separating the port from the city. Her well-defined, shapely figure was clad in only in her issued aetherna satin blouse that draped her body in all its fluid alloy like grace with the imposing, triangular collars buttoned out.

On top of it, she wore the dragonid leather corset vest that neatly glued itself onto the soft satin material with stiff, creaseless appearance with the open neck part sliding under her blouse collars. Her long naturally oaken brown hair was bundled into a single tail with loose strands and a relaxed, effortless look. On the front, her fringe was cut short, reaching just above her sharp, thin eyebrows.

Beneath them her finely rounded eyes of shimmering mauve hue expressed her aforementioned boredom while her small hands continued sealing documents. Even though her attention remained on the scenery of the port outside hardly visible thanks to the sun already halfway down below the horizon and the snow that gently fell from the skies, her hands moved with the precision of artifice golems.

“Viv, have you heard about it?” Then her attention focused at the door front right to her desk which suddenly, but silently opened by Ruthi, her overeager Sister. An orii elf with delicate, thin body clad in the same uniform minus the suit like short coat and corset vest. Her blouse collars veiled by her long, golden blonde hairs layered straight strands that cascaded down to her small, almost insignificant chest.

“Heard what?” Viveka asked with the enthusiasm of a well-fed walking dead.

Rothi’s bright fair cheeks puffed out. “Come on.” Then she walked to the desk and sat at its edge not far from the golputer’s screen. “Svetliina saw Hersith Haldoreen when she visited the research department earlier during the day.”

“Interesting.” Vivika muttered to herself as she continued sealing the documents loudly. “You know you should not share information like that nilly-willy.”

“I know. But trust me, I’d know if you were a spy.” Ruthi said while pointing her sharp, delicate nose towards the ceiling with a proud expression on her enchanting face.

“Oh, would you?” Vivika chuckled a little as she coldly stared at the orii elven Sister of hers. “But I wonder what reason would she be here?”

“Probably just some routine inspection with some new invention. Still I hope to at least meet with her.” Ruthi’s eyes wandered to the walls, while her mind wandered into the distant land of imagination as she went through various ways to greet Hersith Haldoreen, the Hero of Augsburg. A title she earned for beating the Legate of the Seventeenth Legion during the Great War, and pushing the front back from Grauburg to Arghyria.

“Well, I’m rooting for you.” Vivika stood up swiftly without warning and grabbed her suit-coat and just as quickly zipped the single breasted piece up and straightened it out.

“Thanks. By the way will you come to the bar tonight?” Ruthi asked as she too decided to return to finish her work for today.

“Nope, don’t think so. Want to finish the book tonight.” Hearing those words Ruthi felt letdown then joyous once more.

“Oh really. Did you like it?” As the two headed out from her office she asked rather loudly that made Vivika’s ears twitch.

“Yeah. The beginning was a bit slow, but by the middle it was quite – stirring.” The two continued their talk until they reached the elevator where Ruthi leaned down and hugged Vivika quite strongly, whom returned it quite meekly.


Ainumil sat alone in her office, her silvery hair with hints of violet twisted into itself in the back of her head glistened under the warm light of the single lamp on her desk and from the light of the stars that entered from her large window left wide open with the curtains solemnly hovering at the sides. Her desk large and ornated with the symbols of Myelia were filled with piles of documents, each filled with beautifully written reports on the Pale Specter’s effects.

“Finished interrogating the rat?” Her neck cracked as she tilted her head up at the sound of soft footsteps on the carpeted floor. Standing in front of her was Adelia Foy, one of the thirteen Eye of the Black Rose assigned to watch over her and stifle the efforts of foreign spies.

Adelia kept her silken, dark chocolate brown hair with contrasting light caramel highlights in the same bob style, except she let it grow down onto her shoulders where it now framed her dark blouse collars that glistened as the light from the desk lamp shone on them.

“Yes. Seems she was working with the revolutionaries.” Adelia threw a small photograph onto the table depict-ing a sealing tape gagged stygian with a hole in her forehead, laying in a ditch. “Mostly just provided some gadgets and poisons manufactured here.”

“You know she would have been still useful. Double agents are harder to come by these days.” Ainumil said as she leaned back in her chair. Her fair violet cheeks buried between her rouge pink collars as she slank down in her leathery chair while staring directly into Adelia’s scarlet eyes.

“Maybe. But I think they will fall sooner than later so all in all it was the right choice.” Adelia said as she car-ried herself stoically as she circled around the desk, approaching Ainumil like a starving wolf its prey.

“Do not underestimate those lunatics.” Before Adelia could have reached her, Ainumil turned around and stared out the window, letting the soft silvery light of the stars illuminate her smooth skin. “Anyways, next time call me before you decide the fate of one of my artificers. Even if they are not the brightest.”

Adelia stopped in her tracks and grabbed the seating from both sides before she swiftly turned them around. “As you wish Sister.” Their faces were close enough that both could smell each other’s sweet, flowery scent. For a few moments they stared into each other’s eyes, then a wide grin appeared on Adelia’s face – a victorious one.

“Damnit.” With flushed cheeks, Ainumil cursed after Adelia teleported away.


“Ah good evening, Miss Viveka!” As she reached the entrance to her apartment building in the western district, the door suddenly, but slowly opened and a handsome man with sleek, trimmed dark hair in a fine suit greeted her with an affable smile.

“Evening Mr.Bergh!” She reciprocated with her own smile that fitted her face better than the usual cold, emo-tionless expression she wore during the day.

“Will you be free this weekend?” As they swapped places, Jonas Bergh, a representative lawyer working for the Njord Collective asked mustering his strength and keeping his nervous quivering at bay.

“Yes. I can’t wait for it.” Viveka said after a bit of silence then the two bid goodbye and Viveka sighed. “I guess I’ll add that to the list.”

At her apartment’s door she stopped for a moment and inspected the knob before she grabbed her key-crystal and slotted its hewn end into the hole. It lit up in its usual luminous glow and she carefully opened the door and let out a sigh.

“Did you read my report?” Entering she faced herself sitting in the chair completely naked except for the layers of silver sealing tape that kept her restrained to the chair while a wide strip glued itself to her lips and cheeks, with a deep, vibrant red lipstick mark adorned the center where her wide, soft lips bulged out.

“I read them and relayed them to the higher ups.” Claraste reached for her the invisible disk that clung to her soft dark bluish skin under her faultlessly sharp jawline on the left. A sprinkle of her mana flushed into the disk’s center and her faux visage retreated into the disk in the form of silvery liquid while her height adjusted, her sharp bob style hair rustled, even popped as the eerie liquid retreated.

“And?” She asked as she sat in the tape covered lap of the real Viveka who emitted a soft muffled mewl as the vibrator’s end inserted into her vulva fidgeted.

“So far you got authorization to take out Ainumil. For Haldoreen they are reluctant as her death may lead to unforeseen consequences.” The Lady In Red said while sitting down sipping a glass of northern whiskey – usually flavored with cinnamon giving it a slight sweet aftertaste – while she read the documents, the results of Claraste’s decade long stakeout in the Epterrion Basin following around Ainumil and Haldoreen.

“Did they also read about her possible connection to the Forsaken’s and the events unfolding at their acade-my?” Claraste asked as she playfully sniffed the neck of Vivika, eliciting a muffled yelp from the bound and gagged clerk.

“They did. And one of our diplomats reached out to them. Most likely they will take care of her which is the best outcome for us.” The Lady In Red casted a warning gaze to Claraste who ignored it. The Lady In Red stood up and teleported behind her, grabbing her lightly then teleporting once more to the bed. She threw Claraste on it and moved her hands to the edges where while enchanted ropes slithered like serpents onto the bed, looping around her dark bluish wrists and the edges of the bed.

“What about the Void Station?” Claraste asked impatiently while her soft, glistening lips widened.

The Lady In Red leaned closer while she fondled Claraste’s breasts through the blouse. Before she continued, she bit onto her right ear tip that incited the dark elf to let out a mewl. “They said sabotage is out of the win-dow. They would immediately suspect either us or the Arghyrians that could lead to another war. And no one wants that honestly.” Suddenly, she perched back up and as she gestured with her index finger towards the trussed up Vivika who got turned around by an invisible force.

Then the roll of sealing tape on the table near the window overlooking Ainumil’s office flew into her hand. She ripped it open and severed the strip with her alabaster teeth before pressing it onto Claraste’s lips and cheeks. “MMnnph cnn N?” Disciplined delight dawned on her tempting visage under her large red hat as she gazed upon Claraste sealing taped face.

“Shush. We will continue in the morning. For now, just relax.” The Lady In Red whispered once more, her hot breath assaulted Claraste’s neck, filling her body with an unbearable hotness while her gloved fingers reached into the borrowed skirt while Vivika listened enviously, letting out a few moans in hope she could join in.

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