Chapter 45: Demon
Every since the creation of the demon race by Hades using his divine power and Tartatus divine power, the demons have grew a lot stronger due to their innate ability. They have the ability to absorb the negativity of the world such as evil emotion, dark energy, etc. They also live in Tartatus where all the negativity of the world gathers.
One of this demon is named Sulfur, his predecessor was a powerful human King that was so evil that he murdered and ate all his children, wives, and comrades. The gods were so disgusted with his act that Zeus send a lighting bolt to kill him. However luckily for him, he was one of the silver human candidate to be transform into another race during one of Hephaestus servey. So when he was about to die, Hephaestus teleported him into the lap where his memories was wiped and his body transform to be ready for a race transformation. During the secret meeting of the gods, Hades chose him to be the first demon to ever be born.
Later Hades threw all the demons made including him to Tartarus so that they can devour and make sure the negativity traped in Tartatus never comes out. However Hades didn't realize that by doing so, he created one of the strongest race in the world.
As years go by the demons become stronger, Sulfur even became the strongest of them all. Everyday they would explore Tartatus and devour the negativity traped in Tartatus. Until one day, a monster callrd Typhon visited Sulfur.
Typhon "Well well well if it isn't hades's lottle servant"
Typhon "If you are not why are you still doing what Hades told you ?"
Typhon "I see. Well I can tell you a way to become stronger ! Even by doing this you can become stronger than Hades"
Sulfur "Oh what is it then ?"
Typhon "Become Tartatus"
Typhon "Maybe I am crazy. Anyway, do you know that currently Tartatus has no divine soul so if you are able to make your soul become the soul of Tartatus, you will become the new him."
Sulfur "And how will you be able to do that ?"
Typhon "You already have done a little bit of it"
Sulfur "Huh ?"
Typhon "Have you ever felt that you can control a part of Tartatus or maybe you are able to perceive the danger in Tartatus ?"
Sulfur "Yes I suppose"
Typhon "Well that is because of the vharacteristic of you demons. Although I don't know why, all of you demons seem to have a bit of Tartatus in you so the longer you stay and live in Tartatus the more your bond with Tartatus become stronger. And you as the strongest demon have the most bond with Tartatus. If you are able to deepen your bond with Tartatus, you might become the divine soul/consciousness of Tartatus"
Sulfur "Why are you telling me this ?"
Typhon "Because if I do, you will be a great assistence for what I am going to do!"
Sulfur "Oh what do you want to do ?"
Typhon "I want tp wage a war againts the gods and steal the god king positipn from Zeus. So I need you to hold back Hades while I fight the other gods"
Sulfur "And why should I help you ?"
Typhon "Because if you're bond with Tartatius is strong you might be able to order him to devour the Underworld and if you manage to make Tartatus devour the underworld, you're bond with Tartatus will become a lot stronger and even allower you to directly become the new Tartatus"
Sulfur "Okay I agree"