
Chapter 51: Hestia and Her group meeting Hephaestus

While Hephaestus send his new clone, Thoth to ambuss and capture Seth. Hephaestus has been creating a new base for his new operation in this world.

Hephaestus originally wanted to make the base in the cave that imprisonned Ptha but he decided not to since Ra has been sending some of the Egyption Gods there.

Hephaestus built his new base inside a mountain. He hollowed out a mountain and transform the inside into four area which are the forge, the gate, the armory, and the living space using the speech power of Ptah. The forge as it's name suggest is a place where Hephaestus can design and forge his weapon. The forge is also used as the place where Hephaestus stores his material. The gate is that place where Hephaestus built the gate that connects to the Greek World. When the time comes, Hephaestus plans to summoned his robot army to capture some of the Egyption Gods. The armory is the place where Hephaestus stores the items that he forged and where he will stores his army when he summons them. And finally the living space, as it's name sugest is the place where he stays and chill. It is also Hephaestus's study room.


After Hephaestus finnished building his new base in the Egypt world, some guest arrived.

From the new gate that Hephaestus created, some of the greek gods came out. These gods were Demeter the goddess of Plant, Apolo the god of the sun, Hestia the goddess of Kindness, Athena the goddess of wisdom, Artemis the goddess of the moon, Themis the goddess of order, Aphrodite the goddess of love, and Ares the god of war.

After coming out of the gate, Hestia told Hephaestus what happened in the greek world while he was gone.


"Huh ??? Hold on can you calm down. Ehat do you mean monster god thingy ???" Asked Hephaestus with confusion writen on his face.

"Hephaestus.... olympus have fallen." Said Athena

"HUH ??? Can you all explain more clearly ?" Hephaestus

"A monster named Typhoon led some beast to fight the gods. He manage to connect the bloodline and power of these races with his own and use them to fight the gods" said Themis

"You're joking right ? Isn't there Hades and Posieden ? With their help there should be no problem to take that monster down right ?" Asked Hephaestus

"Before the war, Typhoon manage to trapped both Hades and Posieden in their own domain making them unable to help us" said Demeter

"Typhoon manage to seriously injure Zeus and killed a lot of the lower gods" said Aphrodite

"If it weren't for the gate in you're forge, we might also been captured by them" said Hestia

"I see... well in that case, since you guys are unable to go back to our home world, you guys can help me conquer this world" said Hephaestus

"Wait are we in another world ???" Asked Artemis

"Yea, while you guys been partying. I've been here thinking fo ways to let our world devour this world" said Hephaestus

"Hey why didn't you invite me ?" Asked Athena

"I did though ! but when I asked you if 6ou want to conquer another world you said that you were busy cursing one of your priestess that was raped by Posieden. What was her name again ?" Said Hephaestus

"Medusa and fine but Hephaestus what can we do to help you ???" Asked Athena

"Well you can do what I'm doing !" Said Hephaestus

"And what is that ?" Asked Aphrodite

"Devouring the gods in this world and replacing them of course. Didn't you notice my aura seem different than usual ?" Said Hephaestus

"Hey yeah, I just notice. I thought you were in your child phase that's why you're in that form" said Apolo

"Haha no... this is the form of tbe god I devoured names Ptah the god of speech. Well Ptah technically the god of creation but his creation part was given by the world and was devoured by the god of the sun and the god of darkness of this world" explained Heohaestus

"Oh ! Hephaestus how will we devour and replace them though ?" Asked Demeter

"No worries ! All of you just have to capture the gods that you want to devour and brung them here. Then I'll use their bodies to create a god mask which can be made using their divine body and helped yiu all disguise as them as for their oriesthood.. I'll turn tgem into innate weapon so tgmhat you can use their power" said Hephaestus

"Hey Hephaestus why do we have to do this ?" Asked Hestia

"Yea what is the benefit of doing this ?" Asked Themis

"Well by doing this, we can have more authority of this world which can be used to attack this world from the inside when I attract our world to innitiate a plane war with this world. As for the benefits... after our world devour this world, you can used the innate weapon made from the gods of these world to let you're laws devour their laws. For example, Demeter as the goddess of plants you can let your law (Plant) to devour the law of fertility of Isis if you chose her as the god you will devour shcih can strengthen you're plant laws. That's why I reccomend you guys to chose the gods that you want to devour carefully" said Hephaestus

"Do you have any recommendation on who we should devour ?" asked Apolo

"Yes actually. Demeter should devour Isis the goddess of fertility. Apolo should devour Horus the god of light. Hestia should devour Hathor the goddess of heart. Athena should devour Seshat the goddess of knowledge. Artemis can devour Bastet the goddess of hunting. Themis should devour Naat the goddess of Justice. Aprhodite shiuld devour Quadshu the goddess of lust. And Ares should devour Montu the god of war of this world" said Hephaestus

"Okay then let's follow your arrangement" said Themis.

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