Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent

Chapter 79: Chapter 76: Lazy Day

Also Check Out: Highschool DxD: Crawling Chaos

~Takumi Katsuragi~

I leaned back on my couch in my Underworld Mansion as I watched the beautiful ad I made play.


The camera panned to an obvious set stage used to film a commercial, an older middle-aged man with grey hair and a rough-shaven beard and a cheap button-up Hawaiian T-shirt with floral patterns along with a fake-looking gold watch and bracelet slid into the frame.

"Hey everyone! I am John Potion! Tired of getting injured in battle or after training and having a wait so long to recover from your injuries? Yeah, no thanks, none of that for me!"

Large bold yellow texts reading "No thanks!" and "None of that for me!" appeared on the screen along with a still frame accompanied by whipcrack sounds.

"Well worry not! Because here at the Goch Emporium, we have potions galore! Got badly bruised from sparring with your rook? Perhaps you burnt your arm playing with fire? Well, no need to worry about any of that now, with this!" John Potion pulled out a red vial from under the table and walked over to a homunculi holding out an arm with bruises and cuts all over it and gestured to it.

"With the Crimson Healing Potion™, you can say goodbye to those nasty injuries! Just one swig of this bad boy and your wounds will fade faster than you can say 'wow!'" John Potion handed the potion over to the homunculi who drank the potion with a blank expression and it took only 3 seconds for the wounds to fade, and afterwards the Homunculi panned to the camera with a stoic expression as it zoomed in.


"Heheh, you heard the man! Gone in the blink of an eye. You can find these puppies in any Goch Emporium branch in the underworld! And for the grand opening, all potions are 20% off for the day! Don't fear my average Devil consumer! Even the average Devil can afford a little pick-me-up potion for your daily bruises and cuts for affordable prices!" Another two popups appeared on the screen accompanied by whipcracks reading "20% off!" and "Affordable prices!"

After that John Potion squinted, clearly reading something from offscreen.

"And next is... ah! One of my personal favourites! The Mana potion! Tired of running out of your precious mana while practising weaving fireballs and thunders? Blocked from casting your favourite spell because you have low mana? Want to keep casting instead of sitting like a... uh... sitting duck? Well, look no further-"


It's perfect, if I saw this on TV I would definitely think it was a scam or a sham. One of the most important businesses in the underworld containing potions that would change history forever and I made the advertisements for it were ShamWow and 80s infomercials.

Speaking for real, advertisements didn't matter, everyone and their mother would know about the Goch Emporium in days, it was that important that the entire civilization would have their eyes on it, more than hundreds of millions of devils would know it just by word of mouth.

The ad existed because it was fun, I personally found it hilarious. And no one could contest my decision nor would I suffer from a bad ad because I had an absolute monopoly over the potions business and couldn't exactly have any competitors. Besides, the underworld could use a little whimsy.

"Lord Takumi, could I ask why you chose such an... intriguing(read: stupid) choice of advertisement? It does not seem like the type of things something of your... status would use." Well, she didn't know me much then.

Rayne was behind me the TV having drawn her attention while she was preparing to leave the house to go to the Emporium since she would be the one managing it, it was manned by Homunculi who had a higher degree of sentience than the usual servile kind I made.

"Well, I thought it would be fun, besides, people love John Potion(for some reason)" Seriously, for some reason people loved the ad, I didn't exactly know why, maybe because it was more personal and grounded compared to Devil royalty stuff they were used to? Regardless, they loved John Potion and his twin brother John Clothing.

Yes, John Potion was a homunculus, and John Clothing was literally him putting on a slightly different floral shirt to promote my clothing brand but the people on the Devil Net collectively decided that they were in fact, different people even though it was John poorly acting it was his twin brother. Anyone trying to correct them was shamed by the mass.

"I... see?" Rayne, in fact, did not see my point. Anyway, I wanted to do something with her before she left for the emporium, which I have always dreamed of doing ever since I had gained a crippling hentai addiction to cope with my severely abusive mother in my previous life.

I went up to Rayne and pulled her into a kiss before grabbing a handful of her ass. I went up to her ear and whispered in her ear.

"Before you go we have some time for a quick one, right? I want you to feel me inside you while you work." Hearing my words Rayne nervously gulped but I could see how her legs clenched at my words, she was into this and I knew it.

"F-fine, but please do not take too long." Oh hearing her say that while sounding like that did some things to me.


~Ravel Phenex~

Ravel hummed to herself as she gave herself a once-over while looking at her reflection in the mirror. All things considered, the mansion was rather comfortable and her large personal room had multiple rooms inside for her to customize which she appreciated.

She decided to dress in her best dress today to impress her new King. She knew she would have to serve him like her m-mother last night and she wanted to make a good impression. She rather fancied Takumi, because frankly it was harder to find a suitor better than him and she actually liked him as a person(and from stalking him on the Devil Net through Rias).

That's why she wanted to surprise him with her attire and dress her best for her new job of being his personal secretary. She nodded to herself with a blush on her cheeks, he would definitely drop his jaw at the sight of her.

Confident, she left her room and skipped downstairs to greet her new king when-

Plap! Plap! Moan!

"T-Takumi-san!?" "M-MOM!?!?"

~~~~~~r18...? It's not a hentai scene but it's still explicit if you wanna skip it~~~~

She had walked into Takumi bending her mom over the couch and taking her wildly while her mother moaned and gripped the couch for support. The two didn't even seem to spot her as she went slack-jawed and watched for a solid minute without her brain working as Takumi slammed his large cock that made her mind go blank into her mother one last time and emptied his balls into her before pulling out and letting a small waterfall of cum dribble out of her mother's still gaping pussy then casually flipping her mothers skirt back down before her mother lost strength in her legs and falling to her knees while trembling.

"Aah, that felt nice... oh?"

As he noticed Ravel's existence there Takumi turned to her while she froze up like a deer in headlights, a nuclear blush lit up Ravel's face as her eyes just refused to leave Takumi still half-hard member still leaking a bit of cum.

Thousands of thoughts ran through her mind like a stampede such as 'is he going to take me right now?' 'Is he going to do that to me?' 'I am not ready for this but i-if he really wants it I can't refuse r-right?' before getting interrupted by Takumi taking pulling up his pants after cleaning himself with a spell.

"Ah, good morning Ravel-chan, don't mind your mother, she was just having some trouble standing I was just helping her up. Anyway did you need something?"

Ravel just blankly stared at Takumi's face while her mind was still frozen.


"Nothing? All right, suit yourself, if you need something just ask the maids, I am going to work on some seals. See you girls." With that Takumi left, not before giving her mother's butt a short smack while she tried to tune out her mother's moans.

Ravel stared blankly at the ceiling while placing a hand over her chest and racing heart to try to calm herself down.

'He... really didn't do anything? Nothing?' Ravel pouted a little without realizing before realizing her mother was still in the room and quickly rushing out out of embarrassment.

As any good of a time to distract herself with work as any.


~Takumi Katsuragi~

Hmm, maybe I should upgrade my sensory capabilities. I don't think Rayne appreciated getting caught with me inside her by her daughter with how quickly she left the house. Shouldn't be too hard for me, I just have to either dedicate a piece of my partitioned mind to scanning everything in my general area in a subconscious way or-

Ooh, now I have an idea.

If I have a game-like system, why not a minimap?

Well, I have free time now, everyone I know is either at school or in the Emporium dealing with that. Normally I would also be in the emporium but I don't want to deal with those nobles who would be waiting for me, that was Ravel's job, well it was her job for later, currently she is probably reading all of the letters the nobles have sent me in the office, I hope she is having fun with that because inspiration struck me.

I teleported back to Kuoh and entered my enchanting lab and, with a single command from me, the Homunculi started wheeling in my supplies for what I wanted to make. But the volume of materials wasn't proportional to the item I wanted to make. That was just accounting for potential failure.

I was going to make a ring. A very expensive ring though since it was going to contain some extremely intricate and detailed transmutation and magic matrixes. And the material needed to be pretty damn strong to handle so many different magic flows.

So I decided to use some Blue Diamond and some Sky Steel that I bought from Ajuka. I spent the next hour or two meticulously inscribing the enchantments and patterns on it with such focus and concentration to the point that I did not even blink before I had the finished product in my hands.

A pale blue ring with a dark blue diamond on top costing just about 7 million doubloons in materials. It had a unique kind of mana signature that even people who weren't me could probably feel.


[Transmutation (Adept) Lv. 6] has levelled up!

[Transmutation (Adept) Lv. 6] => [Transmutation (Adept) Lv. 7]

[Ring of Minimapping]

Rank: Middle(High)

A pale blue intricate ring, hand-made by the Red Dragon Emperor of Domination. It is capable of letting its wearer view the world around them as if it were a living intricate map.


[Wind Reading]: Passively reads the surroundings using the atmosphere and adds data to the minimap

[Mana Reading]: Passively reads ambient mana and surrounding mana signatures like a sonar and projects readings to the minimap

[Seismic Reading]: Passively reads seismic activities and vibration to map out surrounding terrain and projects reading to the minimap

[Thermal Reading]: Passively reads heat signatures in the area and projects data to the minimap

[Mental Map]: Gathers all data and connects to the user's mind, allowing them to mentally overserve the data as an adjustable minimap.


I slipped the ring on my finger and immediately felt the change as it linked with my mind and I saw the Miminap in my corner that automatically adjusted to my mind. I copied that trick from Iter Melius.

There were several green dots in my vicinity representing the Homunculi and the maids. Green stood for mana signatures I recognized and didn't consider threats aka. friendlies.

There were hundreds of grey dots in the full range of my ring which was 10 kilometres. Gray stood for living being with no abnormalities aka. background characters. The average people living their day-to-day lives were these dots.

Since I was in Kuoh there weren't many but Yellow dots stood for unknown abnormals, aka. any supernatural I don't know by name or never met or don't trust. So, Important Strangers.

And red obviously stood for people I considered enemies with lethal intentions. The closer to red they were showed how big of an enemy they were to me.

Overall, the minimap was very convenient, I could switch between any of the multiple sights as I wanted and could increase the level of detail from a simplified game minimap to a more than satellite-accurate top-down view. For now, I minimized the minimap window in the corner of my vision and looked at the time.

It should be about now right? Azazel did message me about Benemune coming to me around this time. After all, getting her breast milk was critically important for my plans and for Azazel's race it was important for them for me to have a good impression of them.

I went to the living room and mentally pinged the homunculi and maids to not disturb us while having the Monitor not try to send Benemune to the shadow zone for trying to breach my barriers even if it would be useless.

And on time a pale yellow intricate magic circle lit up my living room before someone stepped out of it.

It was a tall lady with breasts even larger than Akeno's that had to be the largest pair of breasts I had ever seen. She had both a strict and warm air around her like a teacher or a mother. She had vibrant violet-coloured hair and almost glowing orange eyes hidden behind a classy pair of glasses. In her hands was a briefcase but my eyes did not even wander to it, instead of being glued firmly on the largest pair of breasts I had ever seen maybe even the size of my head.

Seeing me Benemune lightly giggled to herself and I felt like I should thank the logic of the DxD world once more for having the physics it did with the way her breasts bounced.

"Good evening, Sekiryuutei, I am Benemune, the Chief Secretary of the Grigori. I heard you wanted to meet me?" She said in a light and slightly teasing tone.

Kakyoin wish me luck.

A/N: John Potion is the best advertisement a man can have. The Goch Emporium is open and so are the wallets of the Devil race. The opening of the Emporium may be one of the most significant moments in Devil's history but for Takumi, it was quite literally Tuesday. The Emporium is sure to cause a stir in the underworld that his now poor Secretary and Business manager now have to deal with while Takumi does his Alchemy in (relative)peace like the world had intended. On a different note, what do you think about John Potion and his ad?

Getting caught off guard is now a thing of the past with the absurd Minimap Artifact Takumi made, that thing is on the level of a medium-level sacred gear due to how busted it is, you would have to have a paranoiac level of stealth to go unnoticed by it. What do you guys think about his new Minimap?

Also, Benemune is finally here, and I gotta say I made plans for her before seeing her art but now that I saw her art I knew she had to appear. Fallen Angel Milf...? Well, an older woman is fine too I suppose.

As always, if you liked the chapter then please comment. Comments help motivate me to write so they are always appreciated.


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