Chapter 32: 32 √THIS IS BAD
earlier that night...
Tae had immediately ran to the tent only to find it empty this made him more worried "i knew it something was not right" he became frustrated "isn't he in?" Jin asks as he approached the tent with Namjoon following behind "something is not right" he pointed out "let's look in the other tents too" Namjoon suggested but Tae suddenly stopped him "i hear something breaking" he said looking from a far distance where he imagined to be the source, for a second Namjoon was confused he didn't hear anything at all then..."let's go" Jin yet again pulled him leaving no room for questions.
'did it come from this way?' Jin mind links Tae who looks at him 'his scent is strongly this way up am sure he must be around there' he replied him without a doubt, just as they ran it was indeed true he was around the...."cliff?" Jin almost shouted "what's that sound?" Namjoon had heard the leaves rustling was there someone else other than them but they didn't pay attention to it because the broken clay on the rocks caught their attention "where is Jimin?" Agust'D came in panting hard with another guard beside him "i looked for him but..." he paused when he felt how the atmosphere had tensed up "what happened?" it was just obvious that he didn't need to didn't take him long to start shouting
he was missing, Tae had sensed his absence since they are standing on a cliff he was afraid maybe, "he didn't jump did he?" he asked with a cracked voice "why would he do that in the first place?" Namjoon asked "i know right he was just ok a while ago" Jin added "or someone could have did it..." Taehyng was already in conclusions "we wont know if we dont look" Agut'D spoke again "what do you think?" Jin asked Tae who was still looking below the cliff "if we can't find him yet we have to climb down..." he was trying to hide the fear that maybe something happened to the younger 'calm down, calm down' his wolf spoke 'control your pheromones we will find him' Jin mind linked trying to calm him down he was loosing it.
"baby where are you.."
they were so anxious and worried an hour later and that's it they were going down, with the help of the few other models who also got the information of a missing person they decided to help out. The search went on the whole night and the calling didn't stop, Tae didn't care if it was cold or not he wasn't going to rest until he finds his mochi he wasn't going to, the search wasn't going to be for nothing they had to find him or else he was going to go berserk for some reason 'we shall find him, we shall find him' he kept on chanting in his head..........
next morning.....
"i see someone!" one of the security guards who was working around the area shouted from above a tree he had climbe up on, Tae upon hearing this looked to the man's direction to see what he was looking at, Agust'D just ran to the direction the only thing that mattered was the younger they had to find him "Jimin...., Jimin..." he called slowing down a bit as the rest behind followed holding some sticks they had been using the whole night.
"JIMIN!" he screamed when he saw a body curled at the shore of the lake, running towards him he fell to the ground close with the body as his trembling hands reached out to turn him. Tae and the rest had reached near them and in anticipation they waited to see who it was they were so nervous but its now or never.......
The moment the pale skin came in view everyone gasp in shock, they had finally found him but in not a very good condition...."Jimin....." Agust'D called softly as he caressed his pale cheek tenderly, he pulled him up to his lap trying to shake him to wake " w..wake up" he knew this was pointless but he tried anyway "pass me the blanket" Tae asked one of caretakers around "place him here" he calmly said kneeling down as Agust'D carefully placed him onto his lap while Tae wrapped the blanket "what happened to you baby?" Jin knelt down to feel his skin "he's so cold.." he studied "the doctor will be here soon let's head back" Namjoon told the rest, Tae carefully carried Jimin bridal stlye as Agust'D covered him more and walked towards the grounds "" Jimin muttered as his body shook more "it's ok we got you, you will be fine" Tae mumbled back as he held him close to him.....
As the doctor was still tending to Jimin for over thirty minutes now Namjoon, Jin and Tae were waiting outside in anticipation "why is he taking long?" Tae complained walking back and forth "i know right is he really a doctor is Jimin going to be fine?" Jin was just on verge of burging in now Namjoon could only sigh "you two just calm down i know this doctor he will treat Jimin just fine be patient" he tried to comfort them "i should have remained there" Tae again complained looking at the tent "leave Agust'D and the doctor do their part you just have to be patient" Namjoon tried again which now actually worked, he looked at the other models and approached them "everyone thank you for helping us in the search thanks for your hard work rest assured he will be fine you guys can go take a rest we shall discuss other things later..." he smiled as the rest bow and walked back to their tents to rest since the whole night they were up.
At a certain corner was Rose who was looking rather not so good she looked like she didn't have a wink of sleep at all "see what you did this was not what we agreed on what happened to the drugs idea?" her friend scolded feeling so frustrated over her "this is going to get us both in trouble what if he died huh"...still no response did she become a zombie perhaps "whatever deal with your shit i was never in this" she huffed and walked away leaving Rose starring at nothing specific she was in daze........
"he hit his body hard including his head which might explain the unconsciousness he has a fever too and the cold surprised he didn't have a cold water shock and in the cold climate are you sure he wasn't with anyone?" the doctor asked feeling puzzled to his view he thinks this was odd how was the patient doing fine even after the cold hit "yes doctor he was alone" Agust'D replies "should we be worried?" Jin asked " not necessary he will wake up soon after the medicine taking effect right now he needs warmth rub his hands and feet and lower his temperature like i taught you" he looked at Agust'D who nodded......
Just like the doctor instructed, Tae was rubbing Jimin's feet, Jin and Namjoon rubbing his hands he couldn't leave his boy to attend his other business while Agust'D kept on wiping his forehead and arms he was really burning up. Tae was just quite the whole way through he is worried as fuck that he would burst out anytime soon but kept his cool for his mochi he has to warm him up by any means.....
"wake up soon baby" Agust'D mumbled feeling so helpless right now, its been an hour and Jimin hasn't woke up but his fever died down now he wasn't trembling. The three had dozed off beside him swearing not to leave his side at all not again but Agust'D couldn't take the guilt he didn't do his job he was feeling so useless for not protecting him what was he going to report to his boss.......'wait boss?' he widen his eyes in horror when he remembered that his boss was definitely going to call anytime soon and that's when reality hit him "D' " the other guard called coming inside the tent "it's boss" he looked down at the phone that was handed to him which read boss on the screen he was calling....!!