Chapter 37: 37√THE PARTY


To say the show was a success you could see everyone waking around with a grin feeling satisfied with whatever that happened tonight not to mention the ending part it got everyone talking about it. Namjoon couldn't stop his smile as he talked with the guests they appreciated today's work and definitely earned him more contracts Jimin his boy did it again he was proud of him 'i knew only Jimin could pull it off' he mentally nodded to himself "Hey Namjoon that was hella of a show" a man in his fifties says wrapping an arm around his shoulders "Tell me about it" Namjoon replied as they walked to a more quite area to discuss more things. . . Jimin had sat infront of the dressing mirror looking at himself....scratch that, he was starring blankly at his reflection looking at nothing specific. His hyung Agust'D had a towel in hand as he wiped his hair dry he was just done with shower after the performance. Well Jimin did stop him saying he can do it but his hyung refused saying "You must be tired after the performance let me" and Jimin was too weak to say no so he agreed just like that but what he didnt know is that his hyung was not letting anyone touch him, he was glaring at the staff under his mask and they shuddered because he had threatened them earlier ask the make up artist and she couldn't explain how the guard wouldn't blink when she worked on Jimin. "Baby!..." Jimin's thoughts were cut short when he heard Jin calling out to him "that was hoot" he back hugged him squeezing his cheeks to feel it's softness

"it was?" Jimin innocently asks as if he wasn't the man who performed awhile ago to be honest his thoughts were somewhere else. "I knew you could do it" Jin said not so suprised including Agust'D who was folding the towels. Tae came in from behind and stood infront of his mochi who automatically smiled at him, "Tae Tae" he called with a soft soft voice making the other almost cry he just missed that "come here" he couldn't help than embrace him lovingly burying his fingers in his dump hair while Jimin's little arms wrapped around his waist cause of height difference which was fucking adorable. The staff could only coo to this. Tae was a straight forward person and everyone who met him knew it instantly, if he doesn't like something he will show it and now he was feeling overwhelmed and happy he couldn't hide it, this side was rarely seen of him. . .

Namjoon had been looking for his boy and found him with the rest and he too joined "Jimin are you okay?" it was the first thing he asked when he saw him he was concerned as the younger only peeked from above Tae's arm that was engulfing him completely, he didn't let go because Tae didn't seem to have plans to letting go yet, but along with Tae and Namjoon they were curious how the younger suddenly appeared, I mean he wasn't awake when all this happened then suddenly he appeared like a fairy alot of explanations were required here. .

"oh about that....." Jin took their attention. Awhile ago as Jin was getting ready he took a peek at Jimin's room and was suprised to find the younger awake with messy hair even though he made sure to comb it every time, Jimin asked a few questions like how the hell was he on the bed what happened and when the date was, the moment Jin explained Jimin begged to help him through and attend the show how could he miss it, no he wasn't going to let his hyung down and with a little bit of threatening his replacement as Agust'D did and here they were a successful show in the end results. "Am so proud of you" Namjoon could only join the hug because Tae hadn't let go of him "But you needn't push yourself ok tell us when your not ok" Jimin looked like a cat from below Taehyung's arms when he nodded Tae wasn't really going to let go of him. "There is a party going on you guys hurry up and join I'll be waiting let me entertain the guests" Namjoon said patting Jimin's shoulder and walked away. Jin and the rest had already changed into something else for a party and Jimin was the last one because he closed the show with Agust'D helping him. . .

"CHEEERS" the crowd roared with their wine glasses clicking above them, they congratulated the models for pulling it off magnificently. "Of course am world wide handsome no one can beat that" Jin as usual couldn't stop complimenting his looks as the others chuckled in agreement he was so good at socializing. Namjoon was beside him as they spoke with the guests. Surprisingly Rose was nowhere to be seen which was suspicious wasn't she the most excited for this? Anyway on the other hand as promised Tae didn't let go of Jimin as he had him wrapped around his big coat as Jimin had rested his head on his shoulder the coat had been covering half of his face which made no one recognize him I mean he looked like a kitten under the coat. To be honest he wasn't good at socializing at this point he was the most looked for model everyone wanted to meet him and he got nervous but Tae told him he needn't need to worry he would be his wing today.

"Tae Tae I don't mind you joining them" he said with a soft voice "nah I don't need to am good here, but....if you want to join..." Jimin giggles "nah am good here too" he leaned more to his shoulder hugging his arm, he wasn't being clingy no, he just woke up and feeling tired how can he help it when his alien is pampering him like alot..... Tae had been thinking about it and thought about asking the younger "Uhmm Jimin do you remember what happened before you fell...." he carefully asked, Jimin thought of what to say he wasn't sure if he should even say it, he always believed he shouldn't share his troubles or pain with anyone close to him because he thought he doesn't deserve it at all he disappointed his uncle many times and he knew he was a failure even now he doesn't want to waste his Tae's precious time but he was damn wrong Tae had already felt the distress the other was feeling 'maybe he's scared to say it and I wouldn't understand' his hand automatically reached up to Jimin's cheek and rubbed it gently making him look up with that pout "you know you can always talk to me what are friends for" he reminded and Jimin smiled looking back down "I felt a strong push before I fell" he honestly answered making Tae tick his mental investigation points he only needed confirmation but he became concerned with what Jimin said next

"I dont know who did it and I can't prove it I know I have enemies around and am kinda used to it, forget it ok let's talk about how hot you were" the last statement had a little bit of tease this younger was changing the topic and Taehyung knew it but at the same time he didn't want to push this any further but was he going to let off the culprit? hell no! "You literally set the stage on fire you know" he teased back earning himself a blushed Jimin "it was nothing big really" again there he was looking down on himself. "You are cute you know" and thats it he was so red and Tae was satisfied he was the cause. "hey my babies" Jin called walking to the cuddled up babies "you make me want to squeeze you so tight" he flopped to their side and engulfing them "hyung are you drunk?" they couldn't tell either "no am not" he playfully hit his chest "Lets toss to this night" Namjoon came up with extra glasses as Agust'D behind them came with a wine bottle it was only them right now. Agust'D did pour everyone a drink making sure Jimin's glass only gets a little bit only he knows why ?. "A toast to the beautiful models and the best show ever" Namjoon announced as everyone raised their glasses and shouted "cheers" happily as they sipped the wine. As they happily chatted Jimin suddenly came to a realization 'we are going back home' the next day he could feel his blood drain out him and he doesn't know why, he held the wine glass and took a gulp of it, he was getting stressed for some reason.

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