Chapter 39: 39 √INVITATION


5:00am, a Monday!

Body under construction mind on a mission to Jungkook everyday is a good day to go beast mode, those biceps that were assaulting to the eyes were on a fully display as he was in no shirt morning while he lifted those weights, sweat trickled across his chest to his 8 packed abs as his dampened ravens scattered around his face sticking all over him, pretty hot sight right?.... He placed down the weights and went for the down push ups as sweat trickled down the floor, he then jogged around the gym and lifted more weights getting himself the hard work he wanted he was literally a gym rat this was his daily routine even before getting himself sweat from the hard work, he is the masculine type ya'all.

The mansion gym was packed with a lot of gym equipments that him and his men use he doesn't work with anyone without a good work out no one can miss this daily routine. An hour of exercise was enough to get him started with the day, his wolf howl in satisfaction feeling well stretched out muscles that made his body jump in excitement, grabbing a towel he headed out with a bottle of water in hand and got in his personal office. Just as he expected a call earlier he received it "yes" he answered wanting the other to be straight forward with his call "we got him sir, it seems Mr.Lee just came back from a foreign country and now we can track him down" he explained as Jungkook served himself a smirk he finally going to make a move on him "send me all his details about his family work dont miss out anything" he order before hanging up his mood became even better 'son of a bitch' he cursed under his breath and headed to freshen up.... .


Black suit on, well polished shinning shoes, a tie that was tied so professional onto the neck hair pushed back with gel adding on an expensive perfume and finally an expensive watch to make the look complete as besides the man lay a silver suitcase he was finally done dressing up for work. Mr.Lee grinned at himself on the mirror fixing his hair abit "handsome huh" he complimented himself feeling satisfied with how he looked, grabbing his rings and placing them on he grabbed his phone and headed out to be met with a maid out the door "bring me that suitcase to the car" he ordered heading out and the maid bow and quickly did what was told of her. Down stairs he took his coffee that had been prepared seconds ago and headed out being greeted with his guards who opened the door car for him, at that moment his suitcase was already beside him as his phone rang showing his assistant's number "yes....." he answered as the car drove out of the big mansion,

to Mr.Lee he believes success doesn't come to you, you have to work for it and right now duty calls as it being a Monday, it was a resume time to compete yet again or else you can't make it to the top, the Lee Park company had to be on the top first best big companies and nothing was going to stop it was it?...'Jeon Enterprise,am gonna fuck you up' that same sentence he uses to remind himself.


Sleeping peacefully on his bed,Jimin was cradling a pillow to his chest. The sun was beaming through his blinds making him stir, usually waking wasn't a simple task for him as not being that early morning person. He groaned when the first sunlight hit his face. "urrgh is it morning already?" he asked to one specific as he looked around for his phone with a hand to check the time, the moment he did he smiled at himself "i have an hour to prepare" as if that was really something to be happy about, don't blame him waking with only 20minutes to prepare wasn't something he looked forward to him being early today was an improvement. Just as he was used to his daily routines.

Twenty minutes of freshening up and dressed in black jeans and white shirt underneath a gucci jacket his Tae Tae bought him the other day he was done and grabbed his bag along with his phone and ran downstairs, to him 'a beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset'.... His breakfast was already waiting for him and he was already salivating for those butter pancakes "smells nice" he appreciated, without delay he was served accordingly with an orange juice beside him he ate to his fullest and sighed in satisfaction "noona did you pack it?" he asked one of the maids who smiled at him while holding a container "just the way you like it" she gave him the purple container which supposed to be his lunch because he couldn't really go back to that cafeteria again, well better than starving this was a good idea though

"Jimin you only have 15minutes" his hyung Agust'D reminded and Jimin quickly bow to them "thanks for the breakfast" he ran out of the room with his hyung who opened the car door for him. Driving out Jimin decided to request "Euphoria please..." his hyung hit the play button and Jimin began to sing along with the song he loved this master piece like alot. . Everything happens for a reason, theses three men are bound to meet either way, they all have different lives as you've seen but not every person you meet is not the way they say they are everyone has their own dirty little secrets within them what do you think they do have, their meeting will change a lot of things and their way life but think about it what will happen will it be good? nuh maybe bad? uh well we never know the future it's always full of surprises just as it will be here their lives are gonna spicy up very soon. .

"A renowned business man of Jeon Enterprises is finally going to make a face reveal after 15years of rising up, the famous company's CEO is believed to never have revealed himself but kept the company going despite not revealing himself this has got alot of business men curious on who this 'big shot' is,well today you get to fill up and satisfy your curiousity" Mr.Lee kept on listening to the news on the tv which got him hooked up "well guess what today everyone will get to meet the renowned business man known as 'Jeon Jungkook' " the news supplied and Mr.Lee got to grin for the nth time this morning "could this day get any better" he seemed pleased by the news and a knock interrupted him "Come in Dae" he said knowing pretty well it was his personal assistant he was expecting him actually "You have a letter" he bowed and handed the yellow envelope, he took it studying how it was screaming riches which made him smirk.

Inside was a medium golden card with black letters scribbled on reading 'invitation to a banquet' "this is interesting" he chuckled "You are invited to the banquet by Jeon enterprises as a VIP guest...." he read out loud and stopped not minding the other written words he already read what he wanted which got his blood boiling with excitement "am excited to meet whoever Jeon Jungkook you are" he said in a mocking tone "Dae tonight your coming with me" he announced as the older bow saying a thank you in return and headed out after being dismissed. Mr.Lee took out his phone dialing a number "Later this evening go to building XX and pick up my order, give one box to my boy and also get yourself a suit because i will need you there at the party be ready by 7pm" he ordered Agust'D who was on the other side who replied with a yes and he hang up as he made necessary plans "this is going to get exciting".....he chirped going back to his laptop work. . .

Evening came in a blink as if day time was never there, luckily enough Jimin had a good day with his friend Hobi who couldn't stop whining on how he missed the younger and Jimin had to buy him some good food so he would stop whining the day was pretty nice, he skipped his way to his room to freshen up. A few minutes he had a knock on his door while he was whipping his hair dry "oh hyung" he smiled seeing the familiar figure "be ready by 7" he said handing the confused Jimin a black box "ok..?" what was the occasion again, someone's b-day' he didn't know either....Agust'D left and he headed back to his bed to check the box which was reeking richness, opening it his eyes widden with unknown emotion in them........was it that bad!! . .

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