Chapter 46: 46 #UNEXPLAINABLE


I kept on sipping my juice which Tae had given me earlier shifting in my sit, everyone was talking between each other reminiscing childhood memories and laughing about funny memories it was really a normal party but not a crazy party which I liked of course. Hobi was near the small bar across sipping his nerves away I could tell and I stealing glances from Jungkook who was talking to the others. He really was young nothing like an old man or anything which even made me more curious, wait why am I curious we only met two times now and he keeps me getting these funny thoughts which wouldn't go away.

Just as I did earlier I looked up to him being met his lips first and scanning up to him I was met with his orbs which were already starring right back at me, I felt the heat creep onto my cheeks unknowingly 'why does my face feel hot' I gulped at the feeling everytime I looked at this man I always feel the same, I didn't realize we starred into each other for so long and I decided not to embarrass myself even more this had to stop. I quickly looked down to my juice at the sofa I was siting at looking into the glass 'wake up Jimin' I mentally scolded this was so unexplained that I was confused to put the whole feeling into one sentence 'what is this feeling?' I never felt like this before my heart beating faster than usual, my face feeling hot suddenly and unable to look him in the eye because they are such a trap......….'I will ask Hobi about it maybe' I node to myself



'how is my taste?' my wolf ask proudly as we starred at the petite figure who looked just like a glass doll, what was he made of again his skin is bright and smooth like porcelain, pink tinted cheeks crescent eyes every time he smiles and pink plump lips that looked so kissable right now "are sure he's a boy?" I questioned again looking at him sternly studying him 'pretty boy' I hear my wolf grin "for once I truly agree with you, he looks just like a glass doll that am going to enjoy to break him" I smirk "and it's going to be easier than I thought" I chuckled after realizing how flushed he was awhile ago, my wolf went speechless and I only shrugged it off walking to the doll."hi" I greeted taking a sit near him, I could him looking at me with his little eyes 'cute' "h..hi" he shyly said making me surprised at the action, knowing his uncle was such a ruthless bastard he should be like him but right now...…"well Tae told me so much about you, tell, how did you two meet" I ask going interview mode I don't trust anyone near my friends and he was a family to one of our enemies we can't….i mean I can't just trust him mostly to Tae i don't want him getting hurt after all he's been through "well we met at the agency...….." he started as the air was filled with sweet nothing but sweet scent of straw berry 'fuck I like his scent' my wolf stated but I decided to ignore him probably not wanting to prove him right, yes his scent was one of the kind that it made me want to fuc....ahem…..**




"Hobi stop your already drunk" Jin tried to stop the boy who was drowning his sorrow into the toxic drink, he was nervous but now he was conflicted confused and unable to understand "Jin hyung does Tae hate me that much" Hobi asked with droopy eyes already drunk "or…I did …something wrong?" he slurred making Jin sigh knowing too well what he meant "Hobi maybe give him time" he tried to reason "I don't like the look in his eyes whenever he sees me it's like I might have done something, but what is it?" he questions looking for answers "do you like him that much?" Jin decided to ask and Hobi didn't hesitate to say it "I do like him really a lot he's so perfect to be real i…like him a lot" it fell silent and Jin half smiled "wow that's a really serious confession" he chuckled nervously part of him feeling guilty for the boy because Tae wasn't someone who would open up to love or shit this was going to get so complicated he was sure "well how about….." he was cut short when someone called him to the kitchen "Jin help me with the chicken" the voice called "I will be back" he got up heading to the kitchen leaving Hobi drowing himself to the alcohol "I need to pee" he lazily got up and headed to the bathroom which he didn't know where it was located, as he stumble through his way into the long corridors he finally found the door he was looking for "there you are" he cheekily smiled stumbling in only to bump into a broad hard chest "huh" he looked up to be met with the same grey cold eyes sending shivers to his spine "God your so perfect" he clutched onto his shirt for dear life as if this person will slip away, Tae who was being held fell speechless at the contact no one ever got so close to him like this that his body stiffened as the pear scent filled his nostrils feeling the force of attraction pulling him in which he didn't resist at all, it happened so fast finding himself pinning the older to the wall as he buried his nose to the crook of his neck his teeth wanting to be left freely to sink into that porcelain neck and be devoured. Hobi who was still drunk saw the hesitation and decided to take matters into his hand by connecting to the soft pair of lips.

They didn't move, nor did Tae burge a little they stayed still as their lips fit like a missing puzzle the two widening their eyes in surprise, Hobi was finally coming to his senses the alcohol leaving his brain automatically, as he looked in those beautiful pair of eyes he could see the anger that dwelled in them and before he knew he it he was pushed harshly away and Tae looking at him with disgusted eyes and walked away leaving the poor boy so hurt. Hobi got up and decided to call it a day walking out of the mansion. Jimin who was sat comfortably saw Hobi hurrying to go out "Hobi" he called but never was spared a glance which made him worried and followed behind him not realizing Jungkook who followed behind him too.

"Agust'D can you please drop him home" Jimin said with pleading eyes realizing Hobi was drunk and wouldn't talk to him "what about you?" Agust'D asked behind his mask not agreeing to leave him behind "I'll be fine" he said not convincing him at all "I'll take him home" a hoarse voice said as Jimin looked to see Jungkook towering over him 'so big' he thought as a blush was noticeable to his face "reach safe" finally his 'bodyguard' agreed so easily. "ok let's go" Jungkook signaled him to the black Mercedes proudly parking, as a gentle man he opened the door for him and Jimin shyly entered the mecercedes and waited for Jungkook to come in.

Just as expected the ride was silent filled with a comfortable silence which the two just realized, Jimin's thoughts wondered to this Greek God man picturing his perfect body…ahem perfect face not unable to forget it while Jungkook was going to get something done something like knowing where the Lee mansion is as directed by Jimin he had other plans. And when he finally reached the big building he smirked 'so you've been hiding here' he noted as he parked somewhere Jimin told him let's say a secret way "why here" he asked and Jimin tensed "my uncle…um….he is really strict but am so…sorry" Jimin said feeling guilty as he got out of the car with Jungkook on the other side "it's ok" Jungkook simply shrugged taking a mental note on that "so….um Goodnight" he said looking down to his feet "hope to meet again" Jungkook smiled as Jimin slowly walked away "I hope so" he said disappearing into the big mahogany doors leaving Jungkook smirking.

"Thanks baby doll" he said his perfect eyesight looking at the lighted up window hearing sounds come through it, he perked his ears to focus on the sound which worked thanking his hearing capability "Tomorrow night we are snuggling in the powder" he heard it loud and clear, that same annoying voice "this night is the best" he grinned to the piece of information "we shall meet soon" he got into his black Mercedes heading back home for a new plan thanking Luna for the night.

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