Chapter 48: 48√GIVEN A TASK
"jk....jk..JK!!!WHO THE MOTHER FUCKER IS THIS BASTARD!" Mr.Lee's angry growls resonated around the yacht a loud banger music in the background in another room "Tell Me..." he shouted at the driver who was made to kneel down forcefully "am sorry he told me to tell you...that...." he shivered under the angry venomous eyes praying to get outta there as soon as possible "who is he....?" he dangerously asked calm the driver's heart dropping to the pit of his stomach, he knows he might not make it but he has to try..."he....w..wore a mask..." he said gazing down knowing pretty well that's not what his boss wants to hear "you let him take the....truck your services end here" the driver widen his eyes in horror knowing pretty well what it meant "I ...boss...I can help....track...the man" BANG! a red liquid sprout dirtening the boards of the yacht a hole between the man's eyes as his limp body fell "clean this up" he ordered taking a sit grabbing the wine bottle gulping the whole content in one go he was so angry so much that he was fuming with smoke. And as ordered the body was thrown in the sea wrapped up with heavy metal as it sank down "boss what now?" one of his men dared to ask "let's get back home the meeting is over" he said angrily "we shall deal with this JK gang later" he scoffed "get me those hard drinks" he ordered leaning on the chair his mood was really ruined.
Jimin was done refreshing himself and decided to grab dinner, he headed downstairs wearing shorts and a baggy shirt revealing his white milk neck. He was in a bubbly mood or let's say day dreaming about his crush if you could put it that way.
He sat down on one of the chairs placing his hands under his chin smiling like a fool his mind running back to the deadly drop gorgeous man he admitted he couldn't stop thinking about him "this is unhealthy" he reminded himself pulling a straight face looking around "Jimin the usual?" a familiar voice asked and his smile widen "you bet" he simply said with so much energy almost falling off the chair. "sure thing and be careful of the chairs" his ahjumaa shouted from where she was in the kitchen Jimin blushing in embarrassment knowing it's true how many chairs did he fell off this week, 2,3,4, it's uncountable.
To say Jimin looked like a squirrel it seemed to run in the genes as he continued to stuff more food in his already stuffed up cheeks making Agust'D who not came a while ago fall into laughter "Oh my God Jimin you look like a squirrel" he continued to laugh until tears were at the corners of his eyes "yay!!am not a squirrel" Jimin said sassily rolling his eyes with an attitude making Agust'D widen his eyes jaw dropped like how tf did this kid swap personalities "how did I do?" Jimin asked excitedly wanting to get a review of how he acted earlier "that..was...." before Agust'D could finish his sentence the door suddenly bursted open startling the two with Jimin finally kissing the floor with his butt, Agust'D quickly pulled him up and their eyes darting towards the door with was followed by alcohol staining the fresh air.
"mmhm....ahh" two bodies colliding into each eating their faces off crawled into the mansion unable to keep their hands off each other "uh uh...yh.." the boy in strong arms which supposed to be Mr.Lee moaned into him "we are here...." he managed to say breaking the kiss Mr.Lee looking wasted from the number of bottles he had earlier "oh there is my boy" he stumbled to him his balance not wanting to Keep up with him.
On the other side Agust'D didn't help his boss to walk rather he stood in front of Jimin protectively while the younger held the hem of his shirt trembling looking into his uncle's red eyes probably annoyed by something and he hates this of situation he's always helpless.
"MOVE!" he growled at Agust'D pushing him with a force revealing Jimin who looked down fiddling with his fingers nervously pretty aware that whatever he would say it wouldn't be good.
"my boy Jimin today I want you to do me something" he said coming dangerously close to his neck whispering to his ears his alcoholic breathe making the younger look in disgust but not showing it. "I...I'll do anything" he says looking at Agust'D who gave him helpless eyes no one except Agust'D knows whatever that happens with him and his uncle."Agust'D go to this place do me some work" he ordered sending Agust'D the location, he bowed and walked out taking one of the cars leaving the two discuss 'bussiness'
The moment Jimin replied the older chuckled using his pointer finger to lift up the younger's chin his breathe fanning over his plump lips, the boy who earlier was with Mr.Lee was growing impatient "daddy am horny" he whine shamelessly as Mr Lee glanced at him "baby boy give me a minute wait for me in my room ok?" he more like ordered and the said male stomped to upstairs not forgetting to send a glare at Jimin "pleaseee hurry" he whine again disappearing to the room.
"bring me that file" he ordered one of his men who came in running with a file in hand the older not tearing his eyes off the blonde. "here" he took it and handed it to Jimin who looked so confused what was this again, some deals to be made illegally he should have known. straightening his bent back he asked "what is it?" he asked scanning the few words which was probably a hotel room number on the first page and he knew he shouldn't read any further.
"use your charms tonight like you always so baby make them kneel before you" whatever this man was saying you couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or he actually meant it, Jimin shivered this was confirmed not good at all.
"uncle but...." Jimin tried to deny he doesn't want to do this he hates it, those lust filled eyes that always undressed him each and every time making him uncomfortable he doesn't like it at all "dare to deny me?" Mr.Lee shot him a glare clutching his chin in not so gentle way making Jimin cry in pain "I...I will do it" he didn't argue more making the older chuckle "good boy" he chuckled "this round I will offer you double impress him" he sternly said Jimin understanding what he meant by double, if by that it will benefit his family he's willing to do anything "time to go don't make him wait longer" he smiled and pat his shoulder walking away to his room "babyyyy" he called opening the door to his room "miss me" he shut the door along with the sound disappearing.
"uh ahh ahhh" her loud moans echoed through the hotel sure enough that the others in the next room could make out we were having sex, her moans were not really that pleasing to the ears the way she was too loud almost busting my ear drums but at least I get a good fuck.
"fuck...." I groan feeling her tight around me knowing she was near her max me too next to mine after an hour of pounding into her this was my first 'how disappointing' my wolf scoffs as I agreed with him today was a fail too.
After pulling out of her before she could even come from the sensitivity I threw her clothes to her face "get out of here before I tell your boss to fire you" I say lightning up the small stick in my fingers letting out a puff which filled the room. The room service quickly wore back her clothes and ran out of the room.
Well today Mr.Lee wanted me to meet someone so we come to a certain deal, as much as I hate having private meetings and cheap talks I'll give him a one time chance to determine if it's good enough. I came earlier and since I was bored room service just took it away.
Clearing the toxic air I quickly went into the bathroom and took a quick shower but the moment I got out only draped in a towel I couldn't help than sigh hearing the door bell guess I'll have to take it like this.
Carelessly opening the door I looked around the hall ways only to be surprised no one was around, who the fuck is trying to play pranks right now does he want a death wish, having enough of the drama I decided to go back in only to feel a small voice "uhmmm.....over here" the voice said "d..down" he said again and I looked below only to be surprised myself muttering the familiar name