Chapter 63: 63√SOURCE OF CONFORT
"what do you mean you can't find him?" Mr.Lee shouted to one of his guards after he inquired about Jimin, it was already evening and he wasn't back having no slightest idea on what happened. Agust'D who had just come in after running the errands he was sent too didn't either have any idea of what was happening "we have problem" Mr.Lee said "what happened?" he asked "Jimin is missing seems he didn't reach at the university so where the hell is he, is he trying to…" before Mr.Lee could add any negative thought Agust'D interrupted "Jimin isn't the kind to do that I know I think something is wrong" he pointed out "I think so" Mr.Lee agreed "am going to look for him"
Agust'D tried not to panic he knew this was odd "take some men with you" Mr.Lee suggested and sat back in his chair as the rest ran out, as he was still sighing he got that international call he always got he picked it up "Matteo my friend how are you doing?" he beamed through the phone "better than before I must say working with you was a big deal" his Italian accent replied making mr.Lee chuckle proudly "so let's talk more business"…..
"I knew this would happen once I was not around" Agust'D hit the wheel very annoyed to have missed this he believed he was careless this time and it was eating him up "please be ok" he was so worried for some reasons he knew this wasn't a good sign. As he drove through the same location further from them seemed an accident had happened in the oddly deserted area only his car and two more cars were here it was strange, as he neared the two cars which seemed to be in shreds his worry only increased seeming familiar with the two cars and another unknown "check that car" he ordered through his ear piece and drove closer to the smashed car to the tree and stepping out of his own.
He took off his hand gun taking careful steps towards the cars studying every detail "shit" he cursed having known the belonging of the car it was the same exact Jimin selected so he could take him to the university before later getting errands to tend to he felt his heart shuttering like the scrap he was looking at right now "JIMIN" he called even knowing it was useless but he tried anyway "baby where are you" he called with a broken voice "s…sir" he heard a muffled voice calling from a distance, he quickly stood guard locating the voice " behind…you" the voice called again and Agust'D turned to see the almost dying man the same man he appointed to drive Jimin at school he didn't look good at all "hey" he kneeled beside him holding his head up "what happened?" he asked worriedly "am…sorry...couldn't….protect…youn…master" he said every word with his breath seeming soon to run out of it "who took him?" he asked "the….took" before he say more he stopped breathing making the older panic he felt like a failure, Jimin was missing someone took him and he didn't have a lead yet "fuck" he cursed his luck for this shitty day "clear up everything" he order as the men did what was told of him, he called Mr.Lee to tell him what he found and as he expected he was shocked no one could have guessed what actually happened "me and the boys are gonna look for him for the whole night until we find him" Agust'D said with a determined voice "I know you will find him" his boss replied and after he hung up, he took a few men and the others remained to clear the accident, they walked into the woods with their touch lights since it was getting dark already as they loudly called out his name.
"So where are you taking me?" I asked Taemin as we skipped the rocks hand in hand, "I'll treat you a nice meal ok" he said dragging me somewhere "but what is the special occasion?" I asked and he stopped in his tracks looking back at "you're the special one silly" he flickered my forehead "ouch" I complained "aww sorry" he asked kissing the pain away "you ask a lot let's first reach only two blocks away" he smiled as I smiled back but worried at the same I just sneaked out from home I hope uncle doesn't find out, I continue smiling bitterly but I couldn't see Taemin sad if I rejected him so I tagged along until...…..
"well well look who I found" his angry voice snickered sending shivers through out my whole body 'oh no oh no' my mind went panic mode, Uncle who I was afraid to find me out at night was right in front of me with his two giant bodyguards beside him I could feel my legs wanting to give up on me as I held Taemin's hand tightly and he returned the action tighter, when I glanced up to him he was angry drilling holes into my uncle glaring at him hard because he knew about what he always did to me 'Please Taemin don't do anything stupid' I silently prayed, I didn't know this beautiful night was going to be my nightmare for the rest of my life.
"so this is your shitty uncle" Taemin scoffed as the bodyguard wanted to pin him down but Jimin's uncle stopped them "feisty aren't we" his uncle sneered "you bastard I know whatever you did to little Jimin you deserve to rot in jail" Taemin was pulling the strings "Taemin please don't" Jimin mumbled scared he knew this wasn't going to end well "uncle am sorry he's just my friend" he defended "his friend who is looking forward to put you behind bars" Taemin was fueling the fire "please Taemin stop it lets end this right now" Jimin cried he didn't want to see his friend in any kind of pain pretty knowing how much of a pysco his uncle was "Jimin is right how about we end this right now" he suddenly took out his gun pointing it directly to Taemin who Jimin widen his eyes in horror "NO" he shouted standing infront of him "uncle please….he didn't mean it forgive me" Jimin tried again "no Jimin this bastard doesn't deserve any kind of forgiveness" Taemin spat, Jimin's uncle signaled his guards to separate the two "no…please" Jimin cried holding Taemin's hand tightly "Jimin" Taemin called as the guards harshly pulled him away and throwing him down as Mr.lee pointed the gun right on his forehead "so you're the one who's been making Jimin sneak out and disobey me huh, I would have let you go but you dare disrespect me and, know too much" Jimin's cries at the background was ignored as his uncle proceeded to pull the trigger, Taemin looked at Jimin smiling bitterly and looked back at his so called uncle "fuck you" he spat as the bullet blew his brains "NOOOOOO!" Jimin screamed his lungs out witnessing his best friend die in front of him......….
'where am i?' I fell at the deepest of the dark with no sign of a life I couldn't even see myself 'where am i?' I asked again feeling scared I have been here before a countless times and I don't like it why did this nightmare always on a loop mode, I found myself surround by blood a few dead bodies and one of the them Taemin before he disappeared again 'not again' I could feel myself pant "Jimin…" but suddenly I heard a soft but strong voice calling me "baby…." I heard it again and for the first time I felt safe just by the sound of it, amidst the dark I could make out the blue hue from across and a shadow but before I could make out who it was I was woken up with a touch on my cheek it was warm didn't want it to stop and there I heard the voice again "Jimin baby…" he called again but this time I wasn't in the dark I didn't feel scared it was like a safe heaven no doubt and I like it I just hoped it wasn't a dream.
I was curious to whom that voice belonged to I wanted to know who had managed to make me feel safe and I was also afraid I would loose sight of him so I slowly opened my eyes fighting the light and blur in them and the first thing I noticed was a bare chest under my fingers and a generous heat travelling through my whole body it felt so nice to be true, so I looked further up meeting with the same blue hue eyes I saw in my dream actually at the camp too I couldn't forget those eyes but...."j .. Jungkook" I wanted to make sure I wasn't seeing things, he chuckled as his chest vibrated sending a weired feeling In me "baby your up" his voice sounded calm to my ears it felt like a beautiful melody I didn't utter a word afraid of everything changing in a blink so I let everything flow on its own.
"you must be hungry" no I just want to stare at you all day.
he let me off his chest and stood up offering me his hand which I only stared at "I guess I'll have to carry you" I felt my body easily pulled up to his arms protectively as I wrapped my arms around his neck taking in his sweet scent of cologne I would smell it all day without getting tired.
He made his way towards the nice aroma that abused my nostrils and felt him sit me onto his thigh while I continued to stare at him in a daze how comes this man was this gorgeous and so sweet to me.
"baby stop starring and eat" gosh the way he calls me baby flatters my heart "here" I felt something sweet in my mouth but I swear he was looking more sweet to my eyes than the food "there good boy eat more" he ushers more food in my mouth as I munched on it not blinking away from him I don't want to loose sight of him no never, I dint even realize when I leaned my head on his broad shoulder and wrapping my arms around his waist just feeling contented with his company he was something that I wanted in life my safe heavens.