Chapter 65: 65√BLUE HUE EYES
The room seemed oddly silent and filled with anxiousness. Agust'D and the rest of the group had come back looking like a wreck they were but something was more wrecking they had only bad news but Agust'D wasnt going to stop "if it's bad news dont say it" Mr Lee quickly informed Agust'D who was about to say something, he kept on walking back n forth out of ideas "how did you loose track of a simple boy he must have not gone far but guess what maybe you are incompetent" he burst as the rest only looked down in defeat, but before anything one guard came running into the mansion seeming like he ran a marathon "what is it?" Mr.Lee asked irritated he doesn't want to deal with shit right now "it's young master" he finally said it didnt take a second for Agust'D on the move he ran out as quick as possible.
Jungkook parked 5steps away from the mansion when Jimin told him so he didnt know why but guess he had his reasons 'uncle will misunderstand' he thought now his anxiety rising for some reason he knows his uncle will misunderstand and he doesn't want Jungkook getting caught in all that after all what he did for him "thank you" he says almost in a whisper but Jungkook heard him Jimin turned his heels and limped his way to the entrance of the mansion while Jungkook drove away or maybe not.....
"what are we seriously doing here?" Jungkook grumbled his wolf getting on his nerves again 'you thought I would just shut off like that ha! not when i know Jimin is with you' "his uncle could be the worse" Jungkook reasoned 'meaning?' "that's another story for another day" he just wanted to sleep was that too much to ask "so what are we doing behind a tree like car thieves?" Jungkook was trying to calm himself from bursting right now 'making sure my baby reached safe' his wolf reasoned and Jungkook didnt want to argue more his eyes fixed on the blonde who was being welcomed by a bunch of guards but one caught Jungkook off guard "Minnie" he was too loud too, the guard tucked Jimin in a long long hug thats what atleast Jungkook saw suddenly he felt....felt not so right about the close approximity they had, Jungkook held the wheel tightly his knuckles turning white damn he was boiling and he didn't know why 'lets go' his wolf suggested and by the dust of wind the car was no where seen.
"are you ok?" "where did you get hurt?" Agust'D questions checking on the blonde thoroughly "it's okay" Jimin said but Agust'D knew nothing was fine "come" he held his tiny hand and the both made it in missing the happy and relieved faces behind them now they were going to sleep with no worry.
Mr Lee looked back at him and noticed the limping boy oh how much he was relieved he was still alive or else what would happen to his deal. "uncle...." Jimin softly calls "take a sit" that caught him off guard 'what was I expecting' Jimin sighed irritatedly as Agust'D helped him sit atleast he was there for him "did you get to see who did it am going to make sure they pay" that Jimin perfectly knew it would happen "they were shooting at us I couldn't get a glimpse" he said "Jimin what happened later we looked for you?" Agust'D asked "some villagers around picked me up and helped me treat my wounds untill I could walk again" Jimin explained skipping alot of details no he didn't mean to lie but he didn't want Jungkook pass through shit like his friend Taemin it would break him.
"i will make sure they pay go take a rest Agust'D make sure Jimin is getting all the proper treatment call the doctor to have him examine all over" he ordered 'just that?' Jimin thought but brushed it off wanting some time alone he needed to get his thoughts together.
Agust'D helped Jimin to his room and the moment he close the door he engulfed the younger in his hold and Jimin hugging back tighter "I am sorry I didn't protect you" Agust'D's guilty was eating him up "it couldn't be avoided am happy to see you again" he kissed his forehead receiving a giggle he had missed "lay here" he did as told. Later the doctor arrived and checked on the already sleeping boy suprised that he was very fine "seems the person who treated him first knew how to do it right" the doctor smiled at Agust'D who looked kinda confused "he's is fine Keep on treating his wound so it wouldn't get infected" he prescribed "I will doctor" and like that he left.
"hey.... Wolfie come here" the chubby puppy was being stubborn and ran off making the little boy behind whine "hey come back" he chased over the blue eyed puppy who happily jumped through the trees, he was short a bit big than the boy but he didn't want to know about it, it was his after "come here" he finally got hold of him "you know I love you right?" he asked petting it's head and the puppy he thought it was licked his chubby cheeks in response of yes "I hope I never get separated from you I dont know why they hate you but I will always love you" he hugged him close to him afraid someone doing anything to his puppy but little did he know that was the last time he ever going to see him.
Jimin jolted out of his sleep with a sweaty forehead hair sticking all over his face "why did I dream of Wolfie again" he mumbled it was a dream after all it was years ago but how he dreamt about it again
"you ok?" he felt a hand on his forehead and looked beside him to see Agust'D who looked worried "just a dream" he mumbled "don't worry it's pretty late go back to sleep" Agust'D suggested petting him down to sleep "there be a good boy ok" Agust'D cooed making Jimin slightly blush "d..don't call me that" he pout oh how much he just wants to squeeze his cheeks on how adorable he does it "ok baby boy I will stop" "heyy" he whine more "there...there sleep now" he covered him up "hyung ...." Jimin who was now looking like a burrito called and his hyung hummed in response "sleep beside me" he gave him his puppy eyes clinging onto his arm "anything for you" Agust'D didn't know why but whatever he was doing right now felt so right to him. He sank into the covers and was startled when the younger hid in the crook of his neck snuggling into him which made him smile, for the first time Agust'D took off his mask and held onto his petite body protectively 'ill never let you out of my sight' he promised as he felt into a deep slumber along with the sleeping pill Jimin.
In the morning as usual Jimin wakes up to an empty bed not like he didn't know the elder won't be there but for some reasons he really wants to feel what it is like to wake up beside someone and that someone who cherishes you and loves you.....with a sigh he gets up to freshen up he plans to head over to the studio to let Namjoon and the rest he was alright 'they must be worried' he thought.
"am going in" Jimin chirps as Agust'D beside him nods looking around at some men he put to work around jeez he was overly protective right now. Jimin still had a bandage over his forehead slightly limping but doing better he was in a big hoodie and sweatpants not wanting to over work on his look. Before he wanted to head over to Namjoon's he decided to surprise Tae he was sure he was the one who missed him most.
Sneaking in his office quietly he found his alien had leaned on the couch had his eyes closed probably thinking or sleeping he didn't know either. Being playful he is, he crawled to his lap and sat placing his chubby hands onto his eyes "who_" Tae suddenly became alert the fact that he was lost in thoughts and didn't hear anything was a shock to him Hobi was really messing with his mind.
"Huh..." he was confused for a second but the moment he picked the scent and heard those giggles he tried so hard no to burst out "guess who?" the voice chirped and he almost wanted to cry " it can only be my baby mochi" Tae said wrapping his arms around that yet petite body holding him so close afraid he will slip "fuck I missed you" he almost cried burring his nose in the crook of his neck that scent he missed it, "Tae tae I missed you I thought I would never see you again" Jimin's broken voice made him look up to him " no ...don't cry your too precious to cry" he wiped away his tears and pecking his cheeks "I missed you" the only thing he kept on saying "am happy to see you again and want to meet the others too" Jimin smiled "ofcourse let's go now" Tae almost picked him from their sitting position only to be stopped by the embarrassed mochi "don't you dare" he warned receiving a chuckle"fine mochi" and they skipped out of the office heading to Namjoon's
"hyun_" Jimin's voice died down the moment he and Taehyung decided to burge in instead of knocking which they were soon to remember it always after this "jeeez_" Tae could only grumble to the unholy sight.