Hogwarts Mysterious Man Resurrected

Chapter 36: Teach the Gryffindor trio a lesson

When he felt the phoenix of an old fox, Lothar didn't want to run away and changed his mind.

Although he didn't know why he didn't want to come in person, this was exactly what Lothar wanted.

Now that Voldemort has become an enemy, the enemy's enemy naturally has to borrow it.

Moreover, Lothar also somewhat understood what he meant.

He wanted Harry and the three of them to suffer some losses and have a longer memory.

To avoid being impulsive in the future.

And this was also his test of Lothar.

Lothar naturally accepted the temptation.

"Is this your strength?" Lothar smiled contemptuously and said sarcastically without hesitation.

"It's really weak, no bigger than an ant."

He flicked his wand hard, and a white light formed into a whip and knocked Harry to the ground.

"Harry" Hermione and Ron screamed, running up to help him and standing in front of him with their wands.

"Ridiculous friendship, how can you weak and pitiful people have the courage to attack me."

"Who gave you the confidence to think that the secret room is safe? How dare you come here with just three people."

Lothar's malice was undisguised, and the smile on his face seemed to the three of Harry that the most evil devil in the world was mocking them.

"Shut up, Voldemort."

Harry stood up and looked at Lothar fiercely.

With the magic spell in his mouth, he pointed the wand in his hand at Lothar again without hesitation.

Lothar didn't care, but he was already on alert.

He secretly cast an iron armor spell on himself.

He would not underestimate Harry, he was an invincible little strongman.

However, he is not afraid of anyone either.

Feel the magic in his body now.

The body of a child, the magic of an adult.

What a talent.

Of course, facing the full version of Voldemort or the current Dumbledore, his current body is a bit inadequate.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he succeeds this time, he will have plenty of time to develop slowly.

What's more, that good-for-nothing Voldemort is extremely troublesome besides turning into a basilisk.

The others are just fragments of souls that can only live in the Horcruxes he made.

Unfortunately, Lothar happened to know the location of these Horcruxes.

When the time comes, just find them one by one and destroy them.

Lothar here was preoccupied with two things, and Harry over there had already rushed forward angrily.

"It's all petrified."

"To pieces."

"Except your weapons."

There were three spells in a row. For Lothar, who was protected by the Iron Armor Curse, he easily blocked the first two spells. Finally, he blocked the last one with a flick of the wand in his hand.

But what surprised Lothar was that Harry's fighting talent was very high.

From the weak chicken in the beginning, he gradually became stronger. Of course, he is still a weak chicken now.

It's just that the magic spells he shot before were not as sharp as they are now.

This also shows that Harry's talent lies in spells and defense against the dark arts.

As long as you give him enough time, I believe he can become a duel master on his own.

It's a pity, for Lothar now.

They were still too weak compared to the pressure Voldemort put on him.

Harry's strength is simply not worth mentioning.

But Harry is not alone either.

"Thunderbolt explosion."

Hermione over there saw that the situation was not good and took decisive action to support Harry.

Ron was the only one standing there, looking confused.

He didn't know what he could do, and his spell skills were no match for those of Harry and Hermione.

Not to mention, his wand had been broken by the Whomping Willow before.

However, Ron is still very courageous.

He took out his terrible wand, gritted his teeth, and cast the spell with all his strength.

There was a flash of white light. Not only was the spell not released successfully, it also bounced away.

Lothar turned sideways and avoided Hermione's attack.

"Ron, are you okay?" Hermione exclaimed, and even Harry couldn't help but look back at Ron frequently.

"I'm fine." Ron rubbed his painful arm, feeling the condition of his body, which was not very good.

Seeing this scene, Lothar laughed happily.

He won't laugh unless he can't help it.

"Look, look, what are you doing?"

"Trash, trash, worse than trash."

"At least you two are considered rubbish, but look at Weasley, your own spell can still hurt yourself."

"This is trash that is worse than any trash."

By the end of the sentence, the smile on Lothar's face had disappeared without a trace.

His eyes became sharp, and this time he would not hold back.

It's not fatal, after all, there's an old fox hiding there who doesn't know what he's thinking.

Lothar couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't take action.

But Lothar was still willing to give Harry a small lesson and let him remember what happened this time.

Harry now has too many shortcomings. Although he has some advantages, he is still too immature.

Compared with Harry's advantages, his shortcomings are much more obvious.

Arrogant and impulsive, he never thinks about the consequences of what he does.

Just like this time, if Voldemort is resurrected, there will also be a basilisk.

With the magic power Harry now possesses and the spells he has learned.

Not even worthy to carry Voldemort's shoes.

When the time comes, it will be because of his mysterious confidence and his impulsive personality.

The three of them are afraid that they will die here.

It doesn't matter if Dumbledore is here.

This is a real world and anything can happen.

If something unexpected happens then, even if Harry doesn't die, what about Ron and Hermione?

In Lothar's view, Harry relied on his incredible self-confidence to stop Voldemort.

Ron and Hermione believed in Harry unconditionally and thought he had some secret weapon to defeat him.

But the fact is that they think too much.

If it weren't for Dumbledore's protection, Harry wouldn't be able to defeat the newly resurrected Voldemort.

Of course, Voldemort doesn't dare touch Harry now.

The last gift Lily Potter left to Harry, the ancient spell, turned the love from a mother into power.

That kind of power has prevented Voldemort from harming Harry until now.

But, Lothar has no such restrictions.

Although fused with a part of Voldemort's soul, he will be affected to a certain extent when facing Harry.

But this is not very serious, compared to Voldemort who didn't even dare to touch it.

Lothar could still overcome this level of influence and teach Harry a lesson.

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