Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 12: The Education Method Of This School! Wilder Than Hogwarts!

In the castle, Voldemort saw the problem, and the anger in his heart grew higher and higher.

In his eyes, the wizard's bloodline is undoubtedly the proof of everything.

This represents the wizard's supremacy.

But this Muggle not only completely ignored the dignity of wizards, but also had no interest in magic at all.

That was a subtle magic that he had never seen before!

Able to heal the body by itself using the power of a person's soul.

Thinking of this, Voldemort felt sad and angry.

But faced with these four answers.

He typed D anyway.

This was his favorite tactic, and it had been proven on Boginbok and Slughorn, and on poor Helena.

Play hard to get.

This is the best technique for a great mage to recruit followers.


In the Gryffindor common room, the three little ones immediately started a brainstorming session.

Ronald asked first:

"Harry, how on earth did you believe that you were a wizard?"

Harry shrugged.

"It's easy, Hagrid came to Uncle Vernon's house, opened the door with an umbrella, and said to me."

"Harry, you are a wizard."

"Hagrid is such a big man, and it looked like he was not a mortal. I believed him at that time."

Ronald shook his head, this was different from Anton's situation.

asked Hermione back.

"What about you? Teacher's good student."

Hermione immediately grimaced.

Why are boys at this age always so childish.

Compared with these two living treasures, the mature and steady Anton is simply a rare species.

"Ronald, giving people nicknames is boring and boring."

"I didn't really believe it at first."

"But Headmaster Dumbledore wrote to me to help me explain to my family."

Ronald shook his head again, this is not consistent.

Anton, this was explained by others, but he didn’t believe it either.

I am born to have no connection with my demons.

If he hadn't seen Anton's strength first, Ronald wouldn't have believed it even to death.

Such a person can actually become a powerful mage.

Still the kind that doesn't require a wand.

Ronald thought for a moment.

"How about choosing C, it's the same anyway."

Hermione was shaking with rage.


"Merlin's longest boxers!"

"The teachers and Mr. Newt are watching. You actually choose C?!"

With quick eyes and quick hands, Harry tapped the button belonging to C.

Then I gave Ronald a high five.

"Heroes think alike."

Seeing his teammates acting so defiantly.

Hermione could only shake her head helplessly.

"Harry, Ronald."

"If you two sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks encounter any problems again, it's best not to call me."

"I already regret being in the same college as you."

"I have to ask Luna if there is any room at Ravenclaw."


In the college hall, deans of various colleges and even professors of various subjects gathered together.

Scratching my head at the options on the screen.

Everyone turned towards Muggle Studies Professor Caridi, hoping to get inspiration from this Muggle expert.

Caridi coughed three times and said leisurely:

"According to my many years of research on Muggles, Mr. Anton's previous life can be said to be a rational person among Muggles."

"Also called materialists, most of these people..."

Seeing that Caredi was about to throw out a paper, Dumbledore quickly interrupted.

"Professor Caredi, please just tell the conclusion. Both Voldemort and Mr. Potter made their choices."

"If we listen to you again, we'll gain nothing."

Dumbledore gave an order, and Caridi said seriously:

"Choose A. Muggles are mostly kind-hearted people who need affection."

“As long as there’s a good story, he’s willing to believe it.”

Dumbledore nodded, waved his wand, and chose option A.

Regarding this issue, there was a heated discussion in the chat group.

[Newt: I feel like if Anton's previous life came to Gryffindor, he would come to Hufflepuff. 】

[Newt: Forgive me for being stupid, I don’t know what to choose. 】

[Voldemort: Choose C, hahahaha, Harry Potter, is this the wisdom of the Savior? 】

[Voldemort: Remember, treat Muggles with both kindness and power, so that they will convince you. 】

[Grindelwald: Taunting can't change the fact that you were blown to pieces by Harry, Tom. 】

[ Voldemort: You! ! ! 】

[Grindelwald: The answer should be D, but Albus is obviously faster than me. 】

As all three people selected their answers, the screen began to spin rapidly.

In the center of the picture, the Ancient One mage faced the taunting Strange and did not speak.

Instead, he swung out a palm with his left hand and hit him in the chest.

With a wave of his palm, Strange's soul flew out of the ancient mage's hand.

The transparent Strange looked at his transparent hands and was completely shocked.

In the corner of his eye, he saw another version of himself.

The next second, the soul returned to the body again.

And as Strange's soul turned around.

His tone also became shaky.

"What's in the tea?"

Gu Yi said calmly:

"I knocked your soul out of your body."

Seeing that Strange still looked in disbelief, Gu Yi directly put his hand on his head.

"Open your eyes."

The next second, Strange's thoughts suddenly flew out.

It broke through the Kama Taj, shot straight into the sky, and flew straight into space.

In the endless vacuum, he saw a butterfly.

His fingers touched the butterfly lightly, and the next second, his body split again.

Come to the world of completely symmetrical scenes.

Another second passed, and his body kept flying out.

Flying into the quantum world where huge colorful spores grow, everything here is extremely tiny.

In the next second, his clothes turned into countless hands, entwining around his body.

Gu Yi's words came out slowly.

"This world is one of the infinite universes, and outside us, there are countless universes."

As soon as Gu Yi finished speaking, the world in front of Strange changed again.

He saw a huge, colorful face.

Then, his mind finally returned to the temple.

Strange's eyes were dazed, and he no longer had the determination and arrogance he had just now.

His tone was full of shock.

Facing the ancient road in front of him:

"Teach me."

【Chat group】

[Grindelwald: Infinite Dimensions! Infinite universes! And this Eastern magician only uses one palm! It can knock people out of the dimension! 】

[Grindelwald: This amount of information is simply too great for me to digest. 】

[Snape: The knowledge reserve of the Eastern Magic School is much greater than ours. These two magics have not been recorded in any books. 】

[Newt: After seeing this, I already want to find a portkey and go directly to Karma Taj, but unfortunately I still can’t let go of this screen. 】

[Dumbledore: What powerful magic! What a profound wisdom. It seems that I have to advance my schedule and communicate more with Eastern magic schools. 】

[Congratulations to Harry Potter for answering correctly and successfully drawing the random reward]

[Congratulations to Harry Potter for receiving Nimbus Two Thousand]


Gryffindor common room.

With a sound of landing, a wrapped broomstick fell from the sky, with a thoughtfully prepared bow on it.

Harry grabbed the broom in confusion.

"Two Thousand Nimbus, what is this?"

Hearing Harry's question, Ronald suppressed the desire to complain and explained to Harry:

"You? Are you still a wizard after all! Harry!"

"Two thousand Nimbus is the latest and fastest broomstick, the designated broom for Quidditch!"

"It's every wizard's dream!"

Seeing that Ronald's eyes were shining, Harry handed the broom to Ronald.

"Here you go, Ronald."

"We couldn't have answered this question without your wisdom."

Ronald hugged the broom in his arms and almost shed tears from his eyes.

"Harry! You are the real savior!"

"True friend!"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Hermione almost rolled her eyes to the sky.

"You two are just blind cats meeting dead mice! You're just lucky."

"Who would have known that a real slap would knock out the soul."

Ronald grabbed the broom and said proudly:

"Hermione, you are jealous, jealous of our friendship."

"No, I should call you Christine."

Hermione turned directly to look at the screen.

Completely ignore this pair of brothers.


In the castle, Voldemort was so angry that he almost had a myocardial infarction.

What an outrageous answer!

Who would have known that it was just a slap that knocked people's minds out of the galaxy.

Fortunately, the random reward is just a trivial flying broomstick.

If it's an elder wand, or Kama Taj's magic book.

That would be the end of it.

No, he must seize the opportunity and cannot answer any questions wrong again.

Thinking of this, Voldemort looked at the screen again.

On the screen, Master Ancient One simply said two words in response to Strange's initiative to enroll in school.


The next second, Strange was blasted out of Kama Taj by the Ancient One Mage.

The entire live broadcast room was stunned by this sudden change.

[ McGonagall: Merlin, please! What kind of outrageous teaching method is this? Sending good students in and then kicking them out? 】

[Grindelwald: Even in Durmstrang, we just sent these students to solitary confinement. 】

[Grindelwald: But I guess this woman has her own reasons. 】

[Grindelwald: Or is it for a greater good? 】

[Albus: Shut up, Gellert, don't stop me from paying attention to my student's past life. 】

[Luna: I hope that mage can change his mind. How pitiful Anton is. 】

The camera turned and returned to Gu Yi's secret room.

The mage Mordo who had led Strange through the door walked in from the outside.

"Master Ancient One, Strange has been waiting outside the door for four hours."

Gu Yi said calmly:

"Let him wait."

"I will not accept such a disciple."

Modu was shocked and said:

"But, Master, his magical talent is the highest I have ever seen."

"No one can beat him, not even Casillas."

See Mordo mention Casillas.

Ancient way:

"This is exactly what I am worried about. Our temple does not need a second Casillas."

Seeing this scene, several people in the live broadcast room suddenly became confused.

Why does this story become more familiar the more I read it?

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