Chapter 72: Treason II
[A/N: Thanks for 1M Reads. This is a bonus chapter because of that. The other story will have the updates, i am just trying to get it ahead by 20.
With Wilds coming out, I might not be able to keep up updates for this one since its on rotation that week]
(Baelon's POV)
"Baelon...." Helaena said softly, "Where are you going?"
I looked at her, "Nowhere, why?"
I was in her quarters, I had come a few hours earlier to get her to sleep. After she had fallen asleep, I had gotten out of bed and took a couple of steps when she suddenly woke up.
She sat up, her hair getting in front of her face, "Why are you not in bed?"
I shrugged, "I...." I said, "I got restless...."
She frowned, "What are you planning?"
"Nothing." I said, "Go back to sleep, I will join you shortly."
"Baelon..." She frowned
"It is alright, love." I gave her a smile
She looked down at the floor then back at me, a bit of suspicion in her eyes, "Baelon...." She said softly
I walked back to the bed and patted her cheek, leaning in to her, "Everything is alright, Helaena." I told her, "Okay?"
She looked at me, "Please tell me you will be with Rhaenyra tonight...." She said softly
"W-What?" I said with surprise, "Why would you say that?"
Her eyes darted around the room, confused.
"Baelon..." She said, "I would accept that rather than what I fear..."
"No, no, no..." I said as I leaned closer to her, "I will not be unfaithful to you. Never. Please do not think that."
She squeezed my hand tightly, "I would rather you go and do that than what I think you are going to do." She said softly, a bit of concern in her eyes, "If it would be anyone, I would not mind if it was her."
I looked at her, "Why would you say that?" I said, "Why would you think that I-"
"It is not what I think, it is what I want." she said in a hushed tone, "I don't want you to get hurt, Baelon. I.....please stay with me....."
"H-Helaena..." I said
She hugged my neck, "Don't leave me..." She said, "I am afraid...."
I instinctively wrapped my arms around her waist as she pulled me closer, "My love...."
She pulled me on top of her as she laid on the bed, "Why must you be so reckless?" She whispered, "My are mine....I do not want to lose you...."
I looked at her, "You will never lose me."
"Ever since we were children, all you were good for is worrying me...." she said, "Every time you do something rash, I would get worried....I....I have loved you for so long..."
"Helaena..." I said softly, "This is something I have to do...."
"Don't leave me." She said softly, "Stay....."
I closed my eyes as she patted my cheeks, "Oh....." I said,
"I can never say no to you."
"You are late." Daemon said as he held a torch in his hand, "What took you so long?"
I heard the sounds of waves hitting the rocks as I walked up to him, "Sorry." I said, "My Wife did not want me to leave. I had to convince her....and make sure she was spent..."
He looked at me and raised his eyebrow, "Is that so?"
I nodded as I stood next to him, feeling the heat of the lit torch, "Yes." I said, "We are fine now."
"Have you seen Rhaenyra?" He asked me
"Only when the boys had their funeral. Not since then." I told him
"Poor boys." Daemon said, "They looked more like her than they did their father. I hope Aemma is doing well, that sweet girl."
"She is a strong one." I said, "Stronger than she thinks. She will be fine."
He turned around and faced the rocky beach, "Here I thought you were late...." He grumbled, "These are even more late..."
As he said that, I saw a small boat on the waters, making its way towards us.
"Is that them?" I asked
"I hope so." He said, "I had my people abduct them in the dead of the night. So much trouble to get two bastards."
After a few more minutes, the boat finally reached us and two men on it got off and began to pull it inland as there were still two passengers on it, wearing hoods.
Daemon gave me a nod, "Let us go and see."
As we walked over, I saw that one of the men pulled one of the passengers off. I noticed that the person's hands were bound with rope.
"L-Let go of me!" a woman's voice was heard
"Calm down." the man said
"Careful." Daemon said as we reached them, "Remove her hood."
The man nodded and did so, revealing a dark-skinned woman with white hair. She had traits similar to that of a Velaryon and her face looked somewhat similar to the late Lord Corlys. The light of Uncle's torch reflected off her faint purple eyes.
I raised an eyebrow, "Hm..." I said as I walked up to the woman, "Is this her?"
"Yes, My Prince." the Man said
I looked at the other passenger, "And that one?"
The other man pulled the hood off him and revealed a young man with dark-skin and black hair, slouched over and asleep. His hands were also bound by rope.
"Hey!" the man exclaimed and slapped him awake, "Wake up!"
"A-Ah!" the young man exclaimed, "W-What?!"
"Leave him alone!" the woman said as she tried to walk over but the man next to her held her in place, "You bastard!"
"Tch, you are one to talk." the man said, "And mind your tongue when in the presence of two Princes!"
Uncle smirked, "Well well well..." He said, "I will be two are Corlys's bastards, eh?"
The young man frowned, "P-Prince....Prince Daemon...." He said as he got off the boat slowly, "P-Prince Baelon....."
I looked at him up and down, seeing that he was quite tall and slender. He seemed to be healthy as well, able-bodied. I then looked at the woman, seeing that she was quite shorter than him yet slender as well. Looking at her reminded me of looking at the Lady Laena but this one had more traits resembling another woman who I would assume was her mother.
"Corlys Velaryon...the former Lord of Driftmark....the famous Sea Snake...." I said as I walked around the woman, "Husband of the Princess Rhaenys...Father of Laena and Laenor...fathered three bastards.....and I am looking at two of them..."
"Hm...." Daemon said
I circled the woman, standing in front of her and giving her a serious look, " does it make you feel? That your cousin's husband was unfaithful to her...." I said, "Corlys never deserved a Targaryen Princess with dragon's blood.....and yet....he had her....but I guess it was not enough....he went and sought out a Targaryen bastard, hm? That piece of shit."
The woman scowled, "Y-You dare insult my father?" She said, "He is dead, there is no po-"
"He tried to have me killed." I cut her off, "I warned him what the consequences of his heedless ambition would be....and you know what he attempted? He tried to poison me in my own wedding, but I am sure you know all about that. Right?"
"Ada, what is he talking about?" The young man said, "Why would you know about that? Our Father tried to poison the crown prince? The Heir? But he died instead!"
"Adam, shut up." She said
"Corlys, the fool.....even if he had agreed to have me poisoned, he was still so greedy that he took my goblet..." I said, "A nice black one adorned with red stones. It was one of many, I did not really care. Little did he know that the father of this little Waters here.....had slipped the poison into that cup..."
I moved her cloak aside to reveal a small bump on her stomach, clearly visible through her dress.
She scowled, "Do not touch me." She said with anger in her voice
I leaned in closer to her, "Trevor Celtigar...." I said, "You will help me take him down, do you understand?"
"Or what?" She asked
"Uncle." I said
I heard Daemon drawing Dark Sister and a second after, I heard the yelp coming from Adam's mouth.
"M-M-My Prince, mercy...." He said
"N-No, leave him be!" She said
"Stay still." The man held her still
"I won't hurt a woman that is with child. Even if you were not, I find it uncomfortable to kill a woman. I said as I stepped back and saw that Daemon had his blade at Adam's throat, "But a man? I won't hesitate. I know of your other brother, who is employed by Ser Laenor's ship. This one was in Claw Isle with you, looking out for you, eh? He helped with the Celtigar's ship while you were getting fucked hard by Trevor, right?"
She looked at me, "W-What do you want?"
"I want Trevor Celtigar....alone...." I said seriously, "That traitor needs to tell my face....that he tried to kill me. Do that and I will spare your brothers. Not only that, but I will personally make sure that you and your child are safe. I will not harm you but I cannot guarantee the same for anyone else."
"Fine..." She said softly
"Hm." I heard Daemon say
"It is good to know that despite sharing beds with a Lord does not make you forget of the one thing that matters.....blood." I said with a slight smile, "Bastards or not, you are still family. I respect that. But double-cross me and I will not stab valyrian steel through your brother's chests.....oh no...."
"They will burn in the Black Dread's Flames."