House of The Dragon-The Beauty, The Bold, And The Black Dread

Chapter 75: Helaena's Doubts

[A/N: Bonus chapter because there won't be another update until Sunday afternoon or Monday. Got work and when I am free, i would be grinding Wilds.

Enjoy and be ready for this next arc. Its a bit long since I just finished it on Patreon. ]

(Baelon's POV)

"W-What?" Helaena said as she sat there, "T-Trevor wanted to kill you?" 

I nodded, "Yes." I said, "We have him imprisoned and will bring him before Father for a trial. The only thing is that we need to root out his allies. I know there are more...." 

We were in my quarters, Aemond and Mother had joined us the following morrow. 

"We know Harwin Strong is back in Westeros. My only guess is that he lies somewhere in the city." Aemond said, "That just leaves the other perpetrators. There is no doubt in my mind that there are more...." 

"I cannot believe it...." Mother said as she sat next to Heleana, "To think this was true....after all..." 

"Rhaenyra and Aemma are secured in her chambers. It had to be done." Aemond said

"Aemma is your betrothed, Aemond..." Mother started, "Do not-" 

"No harm will be brought to them." Aemond said, "It is best if we keep guards on them at all times, keep them in the same way to keep them safe and to keep them from being influenced by Trevor and his allies. Brother, what is our next move?" 

I sighed, "We wait for the Trial." I said, "I have promised our Father that I would let him pass the judgment. He is the King. Otto witnessed his confession, there is no reason why anyone would not believe the Hand of the King. He is going to be brought before the Court and will answer for his crimes. He tried to kill me on my wedding day, that is not something I will forgive." 

"What about Rhaenyra?" Helaena asked, "What is going to happen to her? Y-You're not going to..?" 

"That is up to Father. I am not the King." I said, "I don't think he will punish her. Trevor confessed that he had manipulated her." 

"What was the point? What did he try to gain? Was killing you the first step in his grand plan?" Mother asked, "I do not understand."

"I don't know." I said, "My guess is that he would have tried to plant Aegon into the throne....or Aemond, I am not sure. Who knows what his plan was stupid...and half-assed. He failed." 

"No no no..." Helaena said as she curled herself, "No, I cannot have this, Baelon....I-I cannot...!" 

"Sweetling, what is the matter?" Mother reached for her shoulder

"I cannot have this!" She cried, "N-Not my Baelon!" 

"Sister, are you okay?" Aemond asked her

I frowned, "Helaena..." I walked up to her and knelt down in front of her, "What is it?" 

She looked at me, "B-Baelon...." She said softly, "W-Why....why is this happening? I do not want to lose you..... "

"What? I am right here..." I said, "It is okay.....don't fret, I am fine..." 

"Y-You do not understand...." She said as tears ran down her face, " not want this...." 

I gave her a smile, "It's alright, my love." I said with a soft tone, "Nothing will happen....." 

"I cannot have a child like this, Baelon...." She said

"Helaena...." Mother started

"What?" I said with a frown, "W-What do you mean?" 

She closed her eyes, "M-Mother....." 

"We need to leave them alone, Aemond." I heard Mother say

I felt as she stood up and heard their footsteps head towards the door. I was still kneeling down in front of Helaena as she opened her eyes, tears running down her face. 

"I am so so sorry...." She said softly

I patted her cheek, "What are you saying? Why would you be sorry?" 

"I love you so much, Baelon...." She said, "I know you wanted a child...I know how badly you want a son.....yet, I refused to give you one...." 

"Hey, don't say that." I said, "It is true, I want a child....but I love you so much....regardless if I get one or not...." 

"I want to give you one...." She said, her voice trembling, "I want it so badly, Baelon....there is nothing that I want more....I want us to be a raise so many children....." 

"Oh...." I said, "H-Helaena, if you had doubts....we could talk about it...." 

"I don't want my child to be the target of someone's scheme, Baelon!" She said suddenly, "I-I don't want to lose that child to enemies that want you hurt.....I...cannot have that, I am so sorry...." 

I frowned, "My love..." I said, "I...." 

"I love you so much, Baelon..." She said, "I have so many doubts...I....I cannot keep them contained....." 

I grabbed her hand and kissed it, "I understand..." 

"I am afraid...." She sobbed, "I....I do not want you to lose our child...I do not want to break your heart if our child does not make it....or even worse.....I do not want you to experience what Father did....with your Mother..." 

I looked at her, "I..." I started

She looked at me, her eyes full of tears, "I don't want that, Baelon..." She said, "I saw it...the possible future....I am unsure if it is true....but I saw it.....I am afraid, Baelon....I am so afraid...." 

"Hey...." I patted her cheek, "There is no reason to be afraid...." 

"If I lose the child, you will be sad....If you lose me during the will be broken...." She said as she tried to stop crying, " not know what to do....Baelon....I do not want that..." 

I pulled her into a hug, "Oh, Helaena...." I said softly, "Is that what bothered you...? My sweet, sweet, Helaena.....You are too good for this world....." 

"Please, Baelon...." She said, "I cannot have this....I don't want to lose you...I don't want to see you sad....I....please..." 

"Shh..." I stroked her hair, "It is okay...I do not want our child to be in danger, right? Trevor Celtigar is the danger at the moment.....he will no longer be a problem, Helaena...." 

"P-Please ensure that he doesn't harm us...." She said as she hugged me, "Please.....I....I am so afraid....." 

"Nobody is going to touch you." I said seriously, "I would burn Houses to the ground for you. I do not care. My beautiful wife.....I do this for you....I do not intend to die.....because you will be sad if I do...." 

She looked at me, "You...." 

I kissed her forehead, "Everything will be alright..." I said softly, "After Father punishes that scum....we will discuss our future, okay? We'll speak more if you want to have a child or not? I will be honest, Heleana....I am afraid as well...." 

"Y-You are?" She asked

I wiped some tears away from her cheek, "Yes..." I said, "I, obviously, did not know my own Mother.....but I heard of what is a terrifying thing....I know Father does not wish that upon any of us.....there were nights after our wedding when I woke up in a cold sweat, dreaming of that happening to you...." 

"I...." she said

I leaned closer to her face and kissed her on the nose softly, "I am afraid that you will lose our child as well and that it will put you in a pit of despair, similar to our sister." I told her, "It is terrifying, the thought of losing a child.....I understand you completely. But should we make the decision of becoming parents, Helaena, we will be together...supporting each other...." 

"Baelon..." She sniffed, "Do you not hate me for this?" 

"What?" I said with a smile, "Why would I hate you? I love you so dearly, Helaena....and the fact that you're being honest with makes me appreciate you more.....Nothing in this world will stop me from loving you...." 


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