House of The Dragon: The blind warrior

Chapter 16: A Foe With A Familiare Face

I felt the salty wind brush my face as I stood at one of the many cliffs in Dragonstone.

Listening to the distant screeches Seasmoke was making, wondering why the dragon was so rowdy.

I didn't like it when Seasmoke made such sorrowful sounds.

As I listened to the screeches the dragon was making and the different sounds of nature, I couldn't help but hum a tune that has been stuck in my mind since waking up this morning. Sometimes, whether it be because of dragon dreams or of my own preference for music, I get inspired by one or more sounds, and a tune gets stuck in my mind.

As I stood there, basking at the serene environment, I heard the unpleasant sound of a bolt hitting wood that the wind carried.

I would have ignored it, had I not heard the unmistakable sound of someone making a sound of anger.

Walking towards where the sound was coming from wasn't hard, even if I preferred walking on an even surface.

When I got to where the sound was most prominent, I smelled a familiar scent of someone.


As I went to approach her, there was the ugly sound of a bolt firing and the hissing of the wind aimed at my masked face, and with the instincts I've been honing for years I easily grabbed the bolt with my gloved hand, not missing how my cousin seemed horrified by her act.

"You need to work on your aim a little, cousin," I said, as I felt her run towards me.

"I'm so sorry Vaelor, are you okay?" she all but shouted at me, but I only held the bolt towards her before saying, "No harm done."

She seemed uneasy, in more ways than one.

"I would have thought you at supper," I asked, tilting my head because that's where most would be at this time.

I did not join the family for fear of scaring the little children with my scar; that's why I ate at my own quarters, yet Baela should have been there.

At my question, her demeanor changed from worry to something akin to anger and disappointment. "I wasn't hungry," she said, walking off to where she was standing earlier, I not so far behind.

"Oh?" I asked, knowing she was in a state of only needing emotional support, which I was ready to give.

"The table grows emptier by the day, I can't be sitting there knowing everyone else is off somewhere doing whatever it is they are doing," she said, as I heard the way she fidgeted with the crossbow, while I stood closer to the edge of the cliff, once again enjoying the sounds of nature.

"You speak of your father," I said, looking back at her, while I felt the way she stopped in her track, before she nodded, and vocalized her answer, knowing I could not see her nod.

"Y-yes," she stuttered, which made me amused by the small blunder she made.

There was a small silence as Baela approached to stand next to me.

"You know, sometimes I think he hates me," she said, while I only hummed knowing how difficult father can be.

"Fathers are a tricky bunch," I said, as the air that brushed past me brought with it a smell I was familiar with.

'Ships were approaching,' I thought.

"Do..." she started, not finishing her sentence in hesitation, sensing a fear in her tone.

"He went to Harrenhal with Jacaerys," I said, having some idea why she hesitated on asking about Daemon.

'She most likely heard about the council meeting,' I thought.

"Did Jacaerys not say his goodbyes?" I asked, knowing it was not in his character to leave without saying a word to his betrothed.

Baela, who heard the question, once again shook her head, before she went to vocalize it once more, I only chuckled in response before saying, "There's no need, I know you shook your head." She seemed taken aback by my response before she nodded once again. "He didn't, though he did leave a note," she said, speaking about Jacaerys.

"Hmm," I hummed, thinking maybe Daemon had them leave abruptly so he may not have had the chance to say goodbye.

"Vaelor," Baela suddenly spoke my name, turning to her as I tilted my head inquisitively.

"What was my uncle like?" she asked, which took me by surprise.

'Father,' I thought.

As memories of his laughter, his joking nature, and the way we sung sea shanties together flooded my head.

"Father was..." I started, looking for the right words to use as I turned to look at the distant horizon, while Baela stood attentively next to me.

"He was a kind-hearted man, sometimes reckless, I would even call him a fool," I said, Baela smiling at the last comment.

"I say that because he had taken me flying on Seasmoke when my first nameday hadn't gone by, he told me, Mother and Grandfather were wroth with him," I said, as Baela and I laughed lightly.

"But he was a good father to us all, Lucerys, Jacaerys, and most of all, me," I said, an image of my father's face coming to my mind, which hasn't in many years.

Baela, who seemed to be in a much better mood, asked a question that made my pleasant mood sour considerably.

"What about Ser Harwin Strong?" as she spoke the words, realizing she misspoke, I turned my head towards her as fast as a whip.

"Ser Harwin Strong was only a loyal knight serving House Targaryen and nothing more, cousin, you will do well to remember that," I said pointedly, making sure she didn't speak such words out in public where prying ears could overhear.

Baela, who was a little embarrassed by the question, said, "I'm sorry, I was only..." not having the words to finish as she looked down at the cliff.

Sighing, I put my hand on her shoulder before saying, "It's fine Baela, no harm done." She looked up at my masked face as I continued, "But I need you not to say things like that, ever, no, better yet, cast it from thought," I said, making her nod slowly.

"Jacaerys is the heir to the Driftwood Throne where you will be his lady wife, counseling him and aiding him in whatever he needs, while Lucerys will wed Rhaena and be a lord of his own keep where he will serve the realm with honor and might," I said, with finality, Baela standing there listening to what my thoughts on the subject were.

A silence descending on us as I let go of Baela, who was calming down, before I thought of asking a question pertaining to her mother, but I was taken from thought as I heard distinctive drums, slowly but steadily approaching from the distance.

I felt Baela next to me move her hand, pointing at the distance as she said, "What is that?" While I listened to the familiar drumming pattern that was music to my ears.

Ships were aproaching, rows apone rows.

"That, my dear cousin, is the Sons of Dragons," I said, Baela's eyes being caught by the lone red dragon on a black field.



She was sifting through documents and different missives from lords from all across the realm who were either pledging their loyalty, disgracing her, or asking for something in return for their loyalty.

All of these were only thanks to Vealor; she would have never felt this secure had she not had such a competent son.

Oh, he was a headache, there is no denying that, but competent nonetheless.

She was surprised when she had walked in on him and Helaena who were in such an intimate position yesterday, and she was also a little ashamed of how emotional she got in front of her son, but the gravity of the information she received would hopefully make him understand why she was in such a state.

Rhaenyra was gotten out of her thoughts as the doors to the library chambers were opened, and in walked two men of the sons of the dragons wearing their unique armour, a lady walking in between them who Rhaenyra could swear looked familiar.

"Lady Mysaria, your grace, as you requested," said one of the men under her son's command, the Queensguard Ser Steffen giving them a pointed look from where he stood.

"Thank you, you may go," Rhaenyra dismissed them as they both saluted at the same time by putting their fists on their hearts, before turning and leaving in sync.

Rhaenyra, who saw the discipline of the men, was truly baffled; they moved with such purpose that she was starting to feel impressed. She rarely saw them get out of character, and the times she did, they were either eating or they were commanded to take a break.

Getting out of her thoughts, Rhaenyra stood up before walking around the desk and locking her gaze on the woman, who seemed to be unusually clean for a prisoner.

"You are aware of the events that took place in King's Landing," Rhaenyra stated, knowing full well the woman standing in front of her had something to do with Daemon's attempts.

"I am," she said shortly. How could she not? She almost died because of it.

Rhaenyra, who kept on observing the woman, started pacing back and forth, taking slow and measured steps.

"What part did you play in its unfolding?" she asked, turning to look at the woman, her gaze lingering on her neck for just a moment before going back to pacing.

"I had nothing to do with it," Mysaria said, telling half the truth, flinching and grabbing her shoulder from the pain that still pulsed on her shoulder, Rhaenyra not missing this movement.

"I know you are linked with the usurpers, and that with your aid they took the throne for themselves," Rhaenyra said a little heated, Mysaria looking down in shame, considering that is the reason she was in this mess in the first place.

"I saw profit there and I took it," she started slowly, before continuing, "Though, I regret it now," an image of her burned establishment flashing in her eyes.

"I'm sure you do," Rhaenyra said, finally stopping her pacing, as she approached the woman.

"Who are you?" she asked, locking eyes with her, her mind nudging and prying, trying to find where she had seen the woman.

Mysaria, who heard the question, was going to say "Prisoner." Yet that didn't describe her position now. "A servant," she finally said.

Rhaenyra, who heard the answer, stood there watching her, still keeping their gaze locked, before Mysaria understood the underlying question.

"I only gave Daemon two names, on the price of my freedom," she informed Rhaenyra before a regretful look came upon her as she massaged her shoulder once more. "Yet my freedom wasn't his to give," she added, Rhaenyra being intrigued by what she meant by it as she slowly circled around the woman, looking at her face, the scar on her neck, the hair, and slowly she was starting to remember who she was.

"Who holds the key to your freedom then?" she asked, standing behind her, looking absently at her hair.

"I am bound by your son, Vealor," she said, which made Rhaenyra's eyes widen. "He has taken it upon himself to make sure I atone for the sins of aiding the greens to take the throne from you," she said, Rhaenyra once again being surprised by how fast her son worked.

"I have sworn to him that I will aid him and subsequently you, with all my power," Mysaria informed the queen who seemed to still be trying to figure out who she was.

Rhaenyra walked around the woman to look her in the eyes once again, recognition coming to her face as an image of her with Daemon played in her mind.

"You finally recognize me," Mysaria said, Rhaenyra standing there with a passive look before saying, "He said he was going to marry you," talking about Daemon.

"Daemon says many things, but I'm sure as you've seen with him, he can't do half of the things," Mysaria said, which made Rhaenyra a little angry before getting back to the topic at hand.

"You said you serve my son now, how can I trust you in his vicinity? He is my heir." But for some reason, instead of going into defence or explanation, Mysaria only smiled, though to Rhaenyra the smile looked like a helpless one.

"The only place you can trust me in would be by your son's vicinity," she said, before continuing, "Because if I overstepped or plotted against you, he would not hesitate to kill me where I stood." As she said those words, Rhaenyra was reminded of how her son acted in yesterday's council meeting; it was like he was a completely different person.

Rhaenyra, who thought of this, only stared at Mysaria in the eyes, while Mysaria was doing the same. But before any of them could do anything, they heard drumming sounds that sounded like they were getting louder and louder by the second.

Rhaenyra, who was confused, went to investigate by approaching the openings on the wall, while Mysaria also walked behind her, and there they saw a great scene.

Ships upon ships closing in on Dragonstone.

"By the gods," Mysaria said, which surprised Rhaenyra who didn't know she had approached.

"Who are they?" she asked, Rhaenyra looking back at the ships and her eyes seeing the countless ships that were flying banners that had the same red dragon on a black field as the ones her son's army had.

"The sons of dragons," she whispered in awe, but Mysaria, who stood next to her, heard as clear as day.


I was walking through the stone halls of Dragonstone, making my way to the entrance of the castle where my third general was sure to come through.

As I was turning a corner, a surprising sight greeted me. I felt the approaching presence of Helaena.

"Vealor?" she said, seeing me as I approached her, grabbing her hand gently, wondering what she was doing walking around the castle when she needed rest. "Why aren't you resting? You had a tough journey," I said, asking exactly what I was thinking.

She caressed my hands while shaking her head. "I can't stay idle. I tried to rest, but sleep would not come, and I did not wish to embroider, so I thought a walk would do me well." I could only shake my head at her restlessness, but I guess this worked just fine.

"Well then, would you accompany me?" I asked, as she made an inquisitive look… most likely.

"Yes, I would love to," she said, linking her arm with mine, as we both made our way to the main entrance of the castle.

"Where are we going?" Helaena asked after a moment of walking in silence. Turning my masked head to her, I said, "There's someone important we're going to greet," as we approached the opened doors, where I could see a handful of my men, plus Ignis and Yue.

"""My lord,""" the men all said at the same time, as Yue and Ignis turned around, the former looking pale while the latter looked excited.

"Yue, Ignis, I realize you haven't met my betrothed," I said as I approached them with Helaena holding my hand.

"Princess," Ignis said, inclining his head, while Yue, who was clearly nervous, also greeted her with much less enthusiasm, which wasn't like him at all.

"Hello," Helaena said, confusion in her voice.

"These are my first hand and second hand," I explained, as she turned to me and nodded.

"Ahh, so they are your friends," she said innocently, to which everyone around froze, but I only chuckled because Ignis and Yue were my friends, even though they saw me as their leader and lord.

"That's right, and the person we are waiting for right now is also my friend, so I hope you get along with them," I told her, though Ignis and Yue knew I was talking to them about Helaena as well.

To which they both nodded.

But our little conversation was interrupted as a retinue approached, of men in the traditional Sons of the Dragon outfit and one very tall redheaded lady who was a beauty in her own right.

"By the gods, she's tall," I heard Helaena say, as she squeezed my hand, while I smiled under my mask, Ignis doing the same.

As they finally stopped a little ways in front of us, instead of coming straight towards me, Meredyth approached Yue, who also took a couple of steps forward before they both hugged each other without saying a word.

"Oh, how sweet," Helaena said, but from the way Ignis was holding in his laughter, and what I knew to come, those words would change soon. And like clockwork, as they let each other go, Meredyth delivered a bone-crushing punch to Yue's face, which made him fall down.

""Oof,"" many exclaimed, while Ignis, who was holding in his laughter till now, burst open.

Helaena, who was fawning over them, shrieked in surprise by the show of brutality, while I only shook my head in amusement.

"How could you!" Meredyth screamed as Yue tried gathering his bearings. "Honey, listen to me, I can explain," he said, while she went to unsheathe the sword strapped to her waist.

"A letter. You left your wife a letter," she said, pointing her sword at Yue, who was slowly backing away as he sat on the ground.

"It was an urgent task, love. I didn't want to worry you, and the lord had already taken his dragon to flight. I could not spare time," he said, before Meredyth swung her sword, which made it miss Yue by inches.

"You had time to write the letter, did you not? You could have used that time to wake me and explain what was going on, instead of disappearing on me!" she shouted, before adding, "And did it not occur to you that my worry would be far greater than it would have been if you had told me, huh!"

She shouted as Yue slowly stood up, hands raised as all of us watched the spectacle, some in horror while Ignis and I watched in amusement, already used to this dynamic.

"Love," Yue said tenderly as Meredyth slowly let her sword down, letting him approach and grab her by the shoulders. "I'm sorry," he said before there was a silence, and then another blow was delivered to Yue's face with the sword pommel.

"Tell that to the gods," she said finally as another round of oofs reverberated through the courtyard. Meredyth finally approached me and stopped in front of me to look at Helaena and me, before she dropped to her knees, and all of the men with her did the same.

"My lord, I've heeded your call, I am here to serve," she said after her colourful entrance that I'm sure made an impression on the gate guards.

"Rise, Second general," I said, as Meredyth stood up, taller than Helaena and more robust, yet the beauty she held was not lost to anyone.

"It's good to see you in good spirits," I said to her, tilting my head at Yue, who was bleeding from his nose.

Meredyth scoffed before she said, "Of course, that bastard deserves it," she said, Helaena flinching at the foul language.

"Well, let's put that aside and let me introduce you two," I said, Meredyth finally looking at Helaena up and down before a grin formed on her face, which revealed her sharp canines. "When you told me about your betrothed, my lord, I did not think her to be such a looker," she said, indirectly mocking me, to which Ignis's cough alerted her to her blunder.

"Anyway, this is Princess Helaena Targaryen," I said to Meredyth, before turning to Helaena and saying, "Helaena, this is Meredyth the Red, my second general. She commands most of the ships in the Sons of the Dragons," I said, introducing both, to which Helaena went to curtsy, but Meredyth went in for a hug.

"Come on, bring it in, my lady," she said, surprising Helaena as she was whisked from my arms. I shook my head at Meredyth's antics.

She wasn't one for court intrigue and etiquette, considering she used to be a pirate, but she showed her usefulness with her mind and leadership. That's why she holds such a position in my army.

My thoughts were interrupted as I felt Ser Steffon approach me from behind.

"My prince," he said, getting mine and everyone else's attention. As I turned to him, I asked, "What is it, Ser Steffon?" having some form of idea what this was about.

"A council meeting has been called for. Your presence is required," he said, inclining his head, while I nodded at him, before turning, "Yue, Ignis, and Meredyth with me. The rest of you, make camp with your brothers near the shore," I said, getting "Aye's" from all around.

Turning to Helaena, who was free from Meredyth's grasp, I extended my hand, which she took without a word.

"Well then, lead the way, Ser Steffon," I commanded the knight as he nodded and turned around.


As the council room slowly filled up, many of the lords made sure to stare at the two new additions to the council.

Heleana, because she was Heleana Targaryen, the sister to the pretender sitting on the throne, and Meredyth, because she was a tall and robust woman with long fiery red hair, which made her stand out.

I was seated in my usual seat, close to where my mother's seat was, now with a walking stick in hand, flanked by all three of my generals, though one looked worse for wear. Heleana had taken the seat of my grandmother, who was off at High Tide with my grandfather.

The council room door finally opened as my mother entered with the Queensguard, notably without any of the guards I had assigned to her—something I would certainly ask about later.

My mother, who approached her seat, stopped in her tracks as she saw Meredyth standing behind me. She looked at me, not saying anything, before she took her seat.

"Let us start the meeting, then. Is there any news from King's Landing?" she said, as I signaled for Yue to step forward.

"Your Grace, many things have happened in King's Landing since the assassination attempt on the children," Yue said, many of the lords getting distracted by his bruised face, while I felt Heleana flinch beside me.

I slowly reached my hand under the table to comfort her, and as she found it and held it, I felt her heartbeat calm before Yue continued his explanation.

"But the most prominent news is that Otto Hightower has been removed from his position as Hand." Gasps rang through the room, and my mother half-stood from where she was sitting.

"Explain, Yue. What do you mean?" she said. Yue looked at me, and I nodded, signaling him to elaborate.

"Aegon the Pretender, in his anger, hanged all the ratcatchers who worked at the Red Keep, enraging the smallfolk. Otto Hightower counseled caution and patience in the matter, but words were exchanged, and Aegon declared Criston Cole the new Hand of the King. Why he chose Cole, however, is lost on us," Yue finished, recounting the tale provided by the spies stationed at the Red Keep. Yet something about this information gnawed at me.

Why Criston Cole, of all people? Why would Aegon choose someone so unqualified to be his Hand?

"This is a good thing, Your Grace. Cole isn't nearly as formidable as Otto Hightower. The boy plays himself in this matter," Lord Celtigar said, sparking a back-and-forth between my mother and the lords. Meanwhile, I continued to ponder the reasons behind Cole's appointment.

Criston Cole must have done something, I thought, until I felt a tap on my shoulder. Meredyth's hand rested there lightly.

"My lord," she said, pulling me out of my thoughts. I expanded my senses, realizing everyone was looking at me.

"I apologize. I was lost in thought," I said, before my mother spoke.

"It is fine. Now I see the rest of your army has graced our shores, something good for once," my mother said, glancing between Meredyth and I.

"Yes, meet General Meredyth, my second-in-command. She came with the rest of the company," I introduced her. Meredyth inclined her head to my mother, and only to her.

My mother nodded at the information before asking, "So does that mean they are ready to be deployed?"

"In a moment's notice, Your Grace," I replied. She nodded again, turning to the rest of the council before Ser Alfred Broom asking a question that drew everyone's attention, including mine.

"What of the Princess Heleana, Your Grace? What are we to do with her?" he asked, his unpleasant eyes lingering on her.

Before my mother could answer, I spoke up. "Nothing. She is my betrothed, and she will remain so until we marry," I clarified for more than one lord, feeling Heleana squeeze my hand tightly in gratitude.

"With all due respect, my prince, she is the sister of Aegon. She would make a good leverage —"

Before he could finish the sentence, I slammed my stick on the ground hard, silencing the room. Lord Celtigar stopped mid-sentence, clearly intimidated, and Heleana's grip on my hand grew tighter.

The silence lingered until my mother finally addressed Heleana for the first time since the meeting began.

"Heleana, you understand that your presence puts us in a difficult position," She said.

As I opened my mouth to object, she raised her hand, silencing me. Begrudgingly, I listened, fidgeting in my seat while squeezing Heleana's hand for comfort.

"Yes, I understand," Heleana said shortly, her voice calm but firm.

"Then rid us of that difficulty and wed Vealor," My mother said.

A pin-drop silence following her words. A large grin spread across my face, hidden beneath my mask.

I had trully underestimated my mother's cunning.

"But Your Grace—" Ser Alfred protested again, but my mother raised her hand, silencing, turning her attention back to Heleana.

Heleana, silent, turned her head to look at me.

Meeting her gaze, I held it as she stared at me for a long while before finally saying, "I will gladly do so."

The happiness that radiated from the three generals behind me—and from my mother—was almost palpable.

"And you, Vealor?" my mother asked. I kept my gaze on Heleana, whose smile was now blooming.

"A happy occasion like this would do us good," I agreed, Heleana's smile widening, and Meredyth, with her usual lack of filter, burst into laughter, patting me on the shoulder.

"Good. Then it is settled. Let this be the end of this meeting," my mother declared. The lords, clearly displeased, began leaving one by one, while I continued observing Heleana, who was still looking at me.

"Why don't you go to your quarters, Heleana? I'll join you soon," I told her. She nodded, leaning in to kiss the side of my mask before leaving with the guards I had signaled to follow her.

"A happy occasion," Ignis said with a smile as I stood and began walking around the painted table, observing every nook and cranny.

"Yes, my lord. You'll be a great husband—not like my useless one," Meredyth said, throwing Yue a pointed look as he sighed and aproached to stand next to me.

I stared at the map. The Reach was without a leader, but I had a feeling the Hightowers had more lords supporting them than the Tyrells, who were despised by all.

The question was: how to suppress them if they rose up?

"My lord," Yue said, stepping closer.

I trusted Yue with my thoughts more than the others because he understood me in ways Ignis and Meredyth did not. That's why I kept him so close.

"Yue, has our friend sent any news from Dorne?" I asked, pointing to the map.

"Not yet, my lord. Last I heard, he's still preparing the table," Yue said cryptically, rubbing his face. I hummed in response.

"Keep me updated. I'm planning to send most of the army to the Crownlands and some to the Riverlands, which leaves the Reach unguarded," I explained. Meredyth and Ignis finally turned to listen.

"Then what do you suggest we do with it—the Reach, I mean?" Ignis asked.

"I don't know. Yet," I said, removing my mask and setting it on the table before rubbing my scarred eyes.

The room fell quiet before Yue placed a hand on my shoulder.

"My lord, trust that our friend will come through. In the meantime, you can celebrate your wedding. You've been looking forward to it for a long time," Yue said.

I turned to look at him, feeling the comfort he was trying to offer.

"Sigh… well then, a thought for another time," I said, placing my mask back on. "Meredyth, I have a task for you. Follow me," I said, signaling the others.

"Yue, correspond with our spies. I want a full report on what's happening in the Red Keep by the end of the week. Ignis, ready the men—they'll have to sail soon. War is on the horizon," I commanded. Both saluted, saying, "My lord."

"Let's go, Meredyth," I said, leaving the room with her right on my heel.


A While Later

I was sitting at one of the many desks in the library of Dragonstone, Helaena perched on the table while reading a passage from a tome about dragon seeds.

"They are mostly children born of lords who have taken the right of the first night, though not all are born from that old tradition," Helaena said. Her voice was calm yet filled with curiosity as I listened, my attention solely on her, making no unnecessary movements, fully engrossed in the melody of her words.

"Are you even listening, Vaelor?" Helaena asked, turning her gaze to my maskless face. I nodded silently, offering her a small, reassuring smile.

"Well, it's hard to know when you don't share your thoughts," she said, closing the tome with a pout, her tone tinged with mock frustration.

"What input could I possibly give when your voice is all I yearn for?" I replied, reaching for her hand and brushing it lightly.

Helaena scoffed, withdrawing her hand. "Come now, Vaelor. You promised to entertain my arguments and give me thoughts of your own." She sounded exasperated, though the faint blush on her cheeks betrayed her.

"I apologize, my Sōvēs Zōbrie," I said softly, taking her hand again and pressing a kiss to it. "Now, why don't we continue? You were telling me about that horrid tradition our ancestors once enjoyed."

For a moment, Helaena was speechless, her lips parting as though to say something before she abruptly stood and pulled her hand back.

"I…" she hesitated, then continued, "No, I don't feel like it anymore. It's already getting late—I should rest."

It didn't take long for me to understand what was happening. The air around her shifted as a familaire scent hung, and as a knowing smile crept onto my face, I chose not to comment.

"Well then, if my lady commands," I said, standing and reaching for my mask on the table. She extended her hand, and I took it as we began walking through the dimly lit corridors back to her chambers.

Helaena stole quick glances at me as we walked, clearly unaware that I noticed. She remained silent the entire way.

When we finally arrived at her chambers, I spotted Meredyth already standing guard outside the door, her demeanor far lighter than it had been earlier. There was a curious scent about her—faintly reminiscent of Yue.

'it seems they've reconsiled'I thought, approaching her.

"My lord, princess," Meredyth said with a slight bow.

Helaena glanced between us, her brows furrowing. "Why are you here, Meredyth?"

Meredyth straightened and threw a fleeting look in my direction. "The lord requested that I accompany you as a guard. He thought it better for a woman to perform the task."

Helaena turned to me with a questioning gaze. I nodded in confirmation. "She can go places no male guard could," I explained.

Understanding dawned on Helaena's face as she nodded.

"Well then, I'll leave you to it. I will see you on the morrow," I said.

Helaena hesitated for a moment before reaching up and pressing a light kiss to the side of my masked face. "Goodnight, Vaelor," she said softly, turning and entering her chambers with Meredyth following close behind.

Meredyth paused at the door, throwing me a mischievous wink.

"Best behave," I said lightly, earning a laugh from her as she closed the door behind her.

I stood there for a moment longer before turning to head back to my chambers, where I knew Yue would be waiting. Passing several Targaryen household guards, I acknowledged their respectful nods before ascending the stairs.

As I turned a corner, I collided with someone unexpectedly.

"Ah, my apologies," the man said hurriedly, his voice familiar as he continued down the hall in haste.

Was that… Ser Erryk? I thought, pausing momentarily.

An unfamiliar scent lingered in the air, before a voice rung in my ears:

"A foe with a familiar face."

Before I could fully process the words, a scream echoed from where my mother's chamber was located. Without hesitation, I sprinted toward the source.

When I arrived, Elinda came rushing out, her face pale with terror.

"My prince, help! The queen—" she gasped.

I grabbed her shoulders to steady her. "Go and get help. I'll handle this," I instructed firmly before pushing past her into the room.

Inside, I was met with the sight of a man—who I had thought to be Ser Erryk—standing with his sword drawn. Before he could react to my entrance, I tackled him to the ground, both of us tumbling as the clash of metal rang out.

"Vaelor!" my mother cried out, her voice a mixture of fear and relief.

I quickly regained my footing, standing between the man and my mother. The intruder rose as well, sword still in hand, glaring at me with cold determination.

"I don't know what you thought to accomplish here, but you won't leave in one piece," I said, my voice steady as I retrieved a hidden blade from my wrist.

The man didn't respond, instead lunging with a vicious swing. I sidestepped, sliding beneath his strike and slicing his leg as I passed.

"Ugh!" he grunted, stumbling slightly before recovering and aiming a wild swing at my neck.

With a swift backflip, I dodged the strike and created some distance between us.

"Vaelor!" my mother called out again, her voice trembling.

"Stay calm, Mother. I have this under control," I reassured her, crouching slightly as I prepared for his next move.

"Did you not think this through, Ser Arryk?" I taunted him.

Hearing his name only seemed to enrage him further. With a snarl, he charged again, but his movements had grown sluggish. This time, I blocked his swing, twisted his arm, and slashed his ribs in one fluid motion before driving my elbow into his midsection, sending him sprawling to the ground.

"You disgrace your vows," I said coldly as I approached him.

"Shut up! You know nothing!" he spat, struggling to stand.

At that moment, the doors burst open, and Yue entered, followed closely by Ser Erryk Cargyll.

"Brother!" Ser Erryk shouted, straining against Yue's hold as he tried to intervene.

"Help the crown prince!" my mother ordered, but I raised a hand to signal them to stay back. My attention remained fixed on the wounded man before me.

"That's where you're wrong, Ser Arryk," I said, my voice low and menacing. "I know everything."

The man's eyes widened in realization of who he was fighing just as I surged forward, locking my legs around his neck and flipping him to the ground, disarming him in the process.

Seeing the man now incapacitated, both Yue and Ser Erryk approached, both grabbing the man who was half unconscious, while I approached my mother who was shivering on the ground.

"Mother," I said, taking a knee and hugging her.

"It's fine, you're safe now," I said, feeling her grab me like I was her lifeline, while I turned around to watch the room slowly filling up with guards and my men.


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As always, enjoy, and I'll catch you guys in the next chapter!

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