How could O who installed A find A again?

Chapter 5

Langdon closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said, "On."

The communication screen lit up in the next moment. The bridge of the 927 transport ship has not changed, but the person standing there has changed. That figure is not only the Federation, but no one in the entire star field will mistake it.

"Ren Chu!"

Tval has stepped aside, and there is a white-haired man standing in front of him. He is half leaning on the podium, his body is soaked in blood, but his posture is loose. He looks at the video with a smile that is not a smile. Bright blood.

Military doctor Luna tore off his uniform with an angry face, and tried to pull his arm to get an injection, but the man didn't care, as if this half of his scarred body was not his.

On his neckline are golden stars and swords, shining in the starry sky.

"Langdon." There was a fake smile without warmth on his lips, and his voice was cold and chilling, and he said, "Bring back my captain, and I will save your life."

The scattered white hair was soaked in red, like a blood-stained blade, and the awe-inspiring aura was enough to conceal his overly delicate eyebrows and eyes. The cold blue eyes made Langdon's whole body tense up more than the charging main cannon, and his back felt chilly.

In the distant planetary ring, a ball of bright blue light suddenly exploded from the floating Marshal's flagship. The momentum was huge, like the splendid finale of a grand ball. scattered.

Lin Jing also laughed lowly: "It seems that you are not the only one who can play self-explosion."

Langdon's expression was completely distorted—it was not a small spaceship, it was the flagship of the Federation Marshal, and it was the flagship that Wren had been serving since forming his army!Moreover, although the flagship was traumatized before, it is conservatively estimated that more than 70% of it is still intact. This person actually gave up without blinking an eye!

A behemoth like the marshal's flagship naturally cannot be ignored wherever it goes, so they paid too much attention to the flagship, which gave Ren an opportunity to take advantage of it—under the cover of the flagship, their small escape pod was too inconspicuous. He never guessed that the flagship of Sky Sword was already empty.

"I'll only give you 5 minutes." Ren looked at him, as if the thing that exploded had nothing to do with him, "Give me back the person, or I'll blow you up to pieces."

There were not even a hundred people around Ryan, because he was on vacation, and Cyraea has always been the star field of the Federation. Langdon ventured deep here to set up an ambush, just taking advantage of Ryan's unarmed and unprepared.But he didn't expect to kill a strange transport ship halfway, and Renn was really willing to blow up his own flagship.

The scattered resistance warships tried their best to stabilize their formation and regrouped around Langdon, but a third of them were still too close and were unavoidable by the explosion wave, and had already crashed.

On Ren's side, although everyone was injured, none of them were reduced.

"You still only have one broken transport ship, and you plan to fight me to the death for a civilian job in the second-line army?" Langdon said gloomyly, and all the rebels raised their guns at Lin Jing.

Lin Jing also stood safely in the middle of the muzzle of the gun, awe-inspiring like a silver gun.

Renn's expression on the other end of the video also remained the same: "You let him back, and I will let you go back. He boarded the ship safely, and you can enter the warp speed to leave this star field. Otherwise, if you move, I will order shelling. At that time, he died heroically for his country, and you were wiped out on the spot."

Fuck, the two men's threatening sentence patterns are pretty damn tacit.

Langdon laughed angrily: "Why should I trust you?"

Ren's tone was so ordinary that people didn't know whether he was arrogant for a while. He said:

"Because I am the sword of the sky."

After he finished speaking, he immediately cut off the communication.

There was a dead silence in the cabin, as if there was no boundary with the boundless universe outside the window.

"Is this also in your plan?" Langdon looked at the screen that went out, suddenly smiled, and turned to Lin Jingye, "When you arranged the deployment, you already included Renn's boarding on your starship Now, your cannon is not just for acting, but for him to prepare in advance. Are you so confident that he won't just run away and ignore you?"

He stared at the young man in front of him, as if he wanted to swallow him alive.

Lin Jing also replied: "Abandon your comrades? You are describing your rebel army, Your Excellency."

"I didn't lose to the federal marshal, but I didn't beat you." Langdon said, but there was no despair in his eyes, and there was even a trace of bloody excitement in his eyes, like a crazy beast motivated by pain, "You What is it called?"

Lin Jing also raised his eyes: "You still have 3 minutes."

The blood-thirsty rebel army has never been a rationalist. Their army and combat positions are all passionate Alphas. When these guys are desperate, they are like a pack of wild wolves. They once gnawed the border of the Federation. , until the Federation came out with a Wren.

Ren can be crazier than them no matter the cost.

"Yeah, I'd rather give up the expensive flagship than keep a lot of people under my command." Langdon's expression was cloudy, and Lin Jing could guess that his thoughts were struggling between dying and leaving. hovering.If you fight to the death, you may be able to die with the Sword of the Vault of Heaven. Now evacuate, pay one-third of the combatants, and only get a flagship from Rennes.

The flagship was blown up by others.

Langdon couldn't swallow the breath.

But he wasn't really reckless, he was able to be single-handedly subdued by Lin Jingye only because the Hydera organization had a traditional atmosphere of belittling Omega, and Lin Jingye caught his psychological weakness, but now he faced this opponent squarely, but saw Lin Jingye Keiya still had that calm face.

The beauty stands with her head held high, her shoulders and back are straight and elegant, her expression is still calm and calm, good-looking is good-looking, but it is not suitable for the occasion of life and death.

"What, you still have a backup?" Langdon asked sharply.

This man is dangerous.How much did he calculate?

A trace of alertness floated in Langdon's heart, and his eyes slowly fell to his fair neck, facing the light, even the pale blue blood under the skin could be seen faintly.

——If this person cannot instigate rebellion, he must not leave it to Ren.

Lin Jing also nodded and smiled at him, as if he was unaware of Langdon's intentions.

"Your Excellency, there are a lot of signals in the nebula!"

Langdon turned his head suddenly, and his entire flagship sounded a red alarm, which was an automatic alarm when the ship navigation AI detected a large number of hostile units.

Accompanied by a shrill hum, rows of silver-gray warships walked out of the nebula, and lined up neatly behind the transport ship.

There were too many changes in just a short moment, and the soldiers were almost numb: "Your Excellency, it is the fleet group... Rennes' fleet, that is the sword of the sky!"

"Where did it come from, where did this come from!" Wallis roared hysterically, "How could the large fleet pass through that nebula so quickly? Did the Federation's starship technology cheat!"

Sword of the Vault of Heaven, Rennes shared this title with his legion, and the badge of stars and swords shines brightly on the silver ship's side.Now all the large battleships of the Federation came, and it was impossible to pass through the nebula, but Langdon quickly discovered the method they used.

"Using a mecha regiment to manually clear a path? Mechas rely on the operator to fight visually. How can they not be trapped in the nebula without navigation... Yes, they don't have navigation, but they can track your starship when it is sailing. The traces of energy left behind. You brought them in." Langdon smiled suddenly, "I lost, I admit it."

All the starships in the Sky Sword had their main guns turned on. Under such circumstances, Langdon missed the last chance. Even if he wanted to fight to the death, it was impossible for him to take Renn with him.

He could only bet that Ren kept his word.

Lin Jing also turned around lightly, with an elegant but overly formulaic gesture, and he said politely: "Then I won't stay here and continue to disturb Your Excellency."


The small spaceship left the flagship of the rebel army, and flew towards the 927 transport ship at a slow and constant speed.Behind him, the guns of the rebel army were all pointing at him, and in front of him, the Celestial Sword was directly approaching Langdon's flagship.

After he left, the rebel team also began to retreat tentatively. Ren was crazy, but he was indeed a man of his word. He said that Lin Jing was also safe, and Langdon could leave.

Someone on the channel said: "Marshal, this opportunity must not be missed!"

Tvar stood by the bridge, with indifferent eyes, and poked the person in front of him like a knife. Against this malicious gaze, Marshal Ren leaned lazily towards the podium, touching left and right, I didn't know where to take out a piece of chocolate and started to gnaw on it.

He raised his eyes to look at Tvar, his blue eyes were full of smiles, and he waved his hand: "Look, I just got such a little privilege, I won't give it to you, drink yours if you're hungry Nutrient solution to go."

Tvar's gaze fell on the communicator that was still advising the marshal to fire.

Ren followed his gaze, and his voice was still so casual, but it made Tvar cold for no reason. He said, "The Sword of the Vault of Heaven is not pure enough."

He didn't finish the sentence with just this sentence, but the adjutant's hostility eased a little.

The Sword of the Vault of Heaven, this is the elite fleet of the Federation. It is an expeditionary force to the Outlands. It was formed by Rennes and has a great military reputation. But it is precisely because of this that all forces are unwilling to let Rennes 100% control this sword.Now this fleet implements a rotation system, and regularly draws the so-called elite among the several major planetary legions, and now it is not known who it was drawn.

The subordinates quickly reported that the rebel fleet had left the attackable area, Captain Lin had landed safely, and the spaceship had been placed in an explosion-proof device to isolate it in case there was still a risk of explosion.

Tval suddenly asked: "Are you really not shaken at all?"

Ryan had finished eating his chocolate, and was trying to put back his half-torn uniform, but the bandage on his shoulder hadn't been finished yet, and with this movement, another blood stain slowly slid down the smooth muscle lines of his arm.

The furious Luna was so angry that he covered his face with hemostatic spray again, and with an expression of "our Omega's menstrual period is coming soon is so irrational", she pulled his arm and poked Renn several times, fast and hard , It's hard not to feel that this is venting anger.

The marshal himself didn't mind at all, he simply threw away his clothes, and asked the adjutant suspiciously, "Why am I shaking?"

"927 is just an ordinary transport ship, and Captain Lin is just a civilian Beta." The ordinary adjutant of the transport ship said blankly, "Your subordinate is right, wouldn't it be great if Commander Langdon's life could be changed?" earn."

Renn smiled. The marshal wearing starlight and blood didn't answer his question. He clapped his hands and said, "Who said 927 is ordinary? Now this starship is my flagship."

Tvar: "Huh?"

The military doctor who was sprayed with blood finally roared: "If you mess around again, my mother will twist your arm and let you bleed!"


As soon as Lin Jing got off the spaceship, he received a private message from Telva.

His adjutant's tone was a little strange, and he asked: "Captain, how can you be sure that Marshal Rennes would rather let the leader of the rebel army who is very likely to become the new commander-in-chief leave safely in exchange for you?"

Lin Jing analyzed without emotion: "You also said that it is very possible, but he is not yet the commander-in-chief. The so-called new generation of elite commanders in the rebel army currently have three people who are competitive. Langdon The voice is the highest, so the other two actually teamed up to barely compete with him. If Marshal Rennes kills him here, it will be cheaper for the rebels, allowing them to quickly integrate their combat power and re-form a unified voice. Therefore I am very relieved that no matter what angle you look at, it is impossible for Marshal Rennes to open fire."

"I understand, this is to keep them fighting internally, and Langdon has suffered a setback this time, so it is estimated that his competitors can continue to compete with him." Tval hummed, and then his tone became even weirder, "However, Captain, Marshal Wren...seems to be staying with us and is not going to leave."

Lin Jing also paused in place, raising his eyebrows.

"His fleet is here, and he doesn't choose a new flagship?"

Tval's tone had changed completely. He said, "Well...Ren seems, maybe, to have taken a fancy to our ship."

This... This scene is really not in his plan.

Lin Jing also thought to himself, I risked my life to save you for a small purpose, but I'm not going to pay for my starship either.

Is it a loss?

The author has something to say: Marshal asked, who moved his captain yesterday, yourself, be careful!He remembers you! ! !



Langdon: Ahhh, you crazy man, why did you blow up your own flagship!

Marshal: Our Omega menstrual period is so unreasonable, quoted from Ms. Luna, a military doctor on the 927th transport ship.


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