How could O who installed A find A again?

Chapter 9

——He wants to blow up his relay station!

When Tval realized it, Lin Jingye's index finger had already pressed the confirmation button for firing the main gun.

"Captain?" Tvar whispered.

Dazzling glares shot out from all directions, and the coordinates assigned by Rennes to each battleship were connected together to form a huge sphere.In the front view, the relay station floating in the deep space was bombarded by the main artillery. In less than a second, the shield was exhausted. After a full salvo, the defenseless relay station exploded.

"The mecha group is ready to land!" Ren suddenly got up, turned and went out, and when he came to the door, he suddenly turned around, "Lin Jingye."


Ren looked at him with meaningful eyes, and he said, "The flagship is on standby."

Lin Jingye: "Yes."

The warships opened their ejection ports, and the mecha legion came out in a file, and quickly rushed towards the burning relay station.The life support device was shattered in the bombing just now, but the relay station is much larger than the starship, and the inner space also has oxygen storage, so the flames are sprayed dazzlingly to the space in all directions.

A black mecha took the lead, and the blue engine light left a colorful and mottled flight path in the deep space. When she approached the relay station, she did not slow down at all, but accelerated to sprint. At the same time, the left arm cannon was raised, and the black hand cannon flew fast The continuous shooting made the golden emblem sprayed on it shine brightly.

It's the sword and the stars.

Several shots landed on the same point, with astonishing accuracy, because the mech didn't walk in a straight line during the flight, but needed to dodge back and forth from the shattered space station fragments, but he still hit the same point with incomparable accuracy. a point.

"Marshal Rennes?" Tvar gasped, "Is he healed?"

Lin Jing also raised his forehead: "Tell the medical room to prepare."

"He's going to hit!" Tvar exclaimed, standing up.

The black mecha was approaching the relay station, but the shell of the relay station was not that fragile. Naturally, the power of the mecha hand cannon was not comparable to that of the main gun of the starship. The high temperature and high temperature could make the shell of the relay station scarlet, but it did not fall apart as imagined.

Just a second before the impact, the light energy sword on the right arm of the mecha pointed straight ahead. The fragile structure of the relay station was finally vulnerable, and the mecha instantly disappeared from the field of vision, while the mecha group behind him took advantage of the trend to catch up. The first to rush in, the rest are widening the gap.

"Ready to receive the captives." Ren's voice came from the channel.

The small transport plane slowly moved forward on the path cleared by the mecha regiment. After the first transport plane stopped at the designated location, the relay station, which was already dilapidated, exploded like a domino being pushed down. Then , the ellipsoidal gadgets were thrown out by the mechs.

Ren's mecha grabbed a bunch and threw them one by one, and the transport plane opened the hatch and picked them up one by one.

Yom, who didn't know when he came over, was dumbfounded: " he playing football?"

The relay station has escape pods, and those ellipsoidal things are, but they have no chance of being launched into space, and they are taken away by Ren’s mecha regiment like a fish. One by one, the transport planes grab the escape pods with grappling hooks. Only Ray En played football over there, having a great time and being surprisingly accurate.

Tval hesitated for a long time, then suddenly covered his eyes and said: "Captain, I suddenly remembered that on New Year's Eve last year, you pretended that the engine failed and shut down, and tricked the Star Bandits into boarding the ship. That's how you kicked the Star Bandits off. .”

And before they were kicked, they were stripped naked. I didn't know that they thought they were ransacked by robbers.

Yom was even more dazed: "Captain Lin kicked Xingkou?"

Lin Jing also said, "Pay attention to the address."

Tvar: "Lin... Adjutant Lin. Cough, this is the relay station of our Federation. Why did the marshal come up and fight without asking?"

If someone else were to do this, Tval might have to suspect that he was a traitor, but this is Ren Chu, who once recovered three large star regions for the Federation, rebuilt the Star Ring Great Wall, and let the Federation's main People who restore peace and tranquility in the star field.

The possibility of the Queen's rebellion is higher than that of him.

"This is the starmaker relay station in the eighth sector, the Federation's large supply space station." Lin Jing also glanced at Tvar, "Didn't you notice the energy reserves of the warships on both sides when the rebels attacked Rennes? "

Tval was slightly taken aback. Ren's flagship was in a state of normal energy consumption during a long-distance flight, and the engine was not fully charged, so the self-destruct did not directly blow up the entire team of the rebel army.

Lin Jing also said: "Langdon's fleet is in a very sufficient energy state, and it has obviously been replenished, and this is a star field within the Federation, not an alien field where various forces are mixed, and there are even alien friends. They want to For supplies, you can only use the relay station of the Federation."

Tval frowned: "But, this is not the closest to the Lydia constellation."

Lin Jing also replied: "This is the largest. Although Langdon's fleet is not all heavy-duty like the Federation's starships, there are quite a few of them, and small or civilian relay stations can't meet the total energy supply needs. Then calculate Looking at their flight distance and remaining energy, it is obvious that it is the energy supplemented by the Star Maker relay station."

Obviously, Tval shrugged: "You are the same as when I was studying advanced mathematics. Writing 'easy to get' in the example will directly omit the derivation process, but for students, it is a century omitted."

Yom was dazed from the sidelines throughout the whole process, perfectly playing the role of a poor student.

In just a few minutes, the Sword of the Vault of Heaven swept away all peace like a flood, and the burning relay station was torn apart in the encirclement. When the flames ran out of oxygen, there would only be a piece of residue left here.

It was so fast that it didn't seem like a battle had happened.

The mecha regiments quickly returned to their respective motherships. Before the engineering department could pry open the escape pods, the new route and coordinates had been issued.

Yom, a diligent underachiever, scratched his head and was trying to keep up with his thoughts: "Captain, what if the relay station is hijacked?"

"Name." Lin Jing also reminded again, and said: "If you are kidnapped, why didn't anyone report or remind after the rebels left, and there was no distress signal, but it was still operating normally? Unless the person above People are dead, and they are completely occupied by the rebels. Otherwise, they are rebellious, no matter which possibility is possible, it is always right to blow up first."

While speaking, the bridge hatch opened, and a strong surge of blood flowed in.

Lin Jing also sighed, got up and went to pick him up.

Driving a mecha has extremely harsh requirements on mental strength and physical strength. Although technically, anyone can drive this big guy, but the excessive mental burden and physical pressure caused a large number of ordinary testers in the early experiments. died.With the current mech technology, only the mental strength and physical fitness of A-level and above can withstand the load in the cockpit, so 90% of the members of the elite mecha regiment are Alphas, and there are very few Betas who train hard. So far, no Omega can satisfy them. Requirements for physical fitness level A.

The Federation's research on how to lower the entry threshold for mecha pilots has been going on for more than half a century, but the results are still mediocre.

Therefore, it is not unexpected that the marshal who went out with injuries came back covered in blood.

"Marshal, be careful!" The soldiers quickly helped him to the captain's seat, and he was kicked away by the impatient marshal immediately.

"Get out of the way, I'm about to give birth, what are you doing all over my face, can't you change it to a better one?"

A group of soldiers who hadn't had time to take off their exoskeleton helmets scattered suddenly, revealing the "good-looking" Lin Jingye on the outside.

Ren leaned on the seat, smiling all over his face: "Oh, Yuanyangyan, help me take off my clothes!"

He is not wearing a uniform, but a black combat uniform. The outer spine used to link the waist to the exoskeleton has not been removed. fingertips fell.

The old wound was originally on his right shoulder, but just now this person used the light energy sword in his right hand to slash the outer wall of the relay station. The blood collapse was due to his amazing physical strength and excellent emergency handling ability.

Lin Jing also pursed his lips, took the scissors from the soldiers, and went to cut off Ren's clothes.

Looking at his displeased expression, the injured seemed to be in a particularly bright mood.

"Captain, military doctor Li Ranran is reporting." A soft female voice suddenly came from the door.

Lin Jing also frowned: "Pay attention to the address, come in."

Another military doctor from the original 927 transport ship entered the door. There were no medical workers among the soldiers brought by Renn, and he did not order the medical officers from other warships to come, so the original medical officers on the ship could still only handle it.

Although Li Ranran's surname is Li, she is a typical small Omega with a gentle smile, never showing a serious expression.She was wearing a white uniform, followed by a mechanical assistant who helped her carry the equipment. When she approached her, she smelled of milky sweetness. O crashed.

Omega's soothing pheromones can relieve the fatigue of soldiers in high-intensity combat after the war, and even Beta can feel it a little bit, so various military medical colleges have made great efforts to promote it, trying to cultivate more high-level mental power control Omega medic.

"Let me take a look, marshal, don't move." Li Ranran carefully inspected Ren's wound with gloves on, and then said, "This piece of muscle is broken, but fortunately, the bones and nerves are fine, so I have to give you a call." A bioneedle that promotes healing, stimulates regeneration, and has medical nanorobots inside that will repair your damage."

As he spoke, he took out a syringe, pressed it against Ren's side neck, and said, "I'm about to start, it may feel a little tingling, you relax, you must pay attention to rest today, and pay attention to supplementing nutrition!"

Omega's voice was sweet and soft, and his hands were very gentle, completing the injection smoothly and quickly.


Ren was very kind to such a normal military doctor who didn't have a dark face and didn't poke him with a needle to vent his anger, and nodded politely: "Thank you."

So Li Ranran took the box and left. A moment later, Lin Jingye received a message from the military doctor in his private message.

"Captain, does Ren feel pain from nerve necrosis?"

Lin Jing also looked at Ren. He leaned on the backrest, leisurely took out chocolates, and then looked at the battle reports of various warships, and answered questions from other troops one by one.

"What's wrong?" Lin Jing also turned back to read the newsletter, and then asked.

Li Ranran responded quickly: "Oh my god, the needle I gave him just now is the one we specially made for Tvar!"

"...The kind that will make people roll in pain?" Lin Jing also looked up at Ren, and Ren noticed his gaze, and raised his hand to throw a piece of chocolate.

"Yeah!" Li Ranran was still mad, "Tval couldn't suppress his temper in the susceptible period before, and he was stupid when he was provoked by the star bandits. He chased after him, and he had to rescue him personally, Captain. His body was covered in ashes. Come back yo, didn’t I specially make this kind of pain-enhancing repair robot just to teach him a lesson.”

Yes, since then, Li Ranran has become the second ruthless character on No. 927 who must not be messed with besides the captain.

Lin Jing also sighed: "Marshal is not Tvar, so don't mess around."

With a harmless face, he can do whatever he wants, the black doctor with the darkest heart in the whole battleship is Li Ranran.

"Who made him look like a wolf and doubted you." Li Ranran snorted, "Sister Luna told me before she went on vacation, if she can't kill her, she will kill her!"

Lin Jingye: "... Pay attention to your sense of proportion."

He turned his head, Ren is not afraid of pain?

The white hair that he had carefully tied up in the morning was a little messy, the long strand was stained with blood, and the one that was scattered around the cheek was stuck to the fine beads of sweat on the white forehead, making it messy, but it did not harm him. handsome.

Lin Jing also sighed, feeling that he sighed very frequently today.

I don't know who was the one who said in the morning that his arm hurts and he couldn't wash his hair.

He took out a small syringe from his pocket, walked up to Ren, approached him and whispered, "Marshal, let me give you a nutritional injection."

Ren's blue eyes looked back at him, and then looked down at the small needle in his hand.

That's actually a painkiller.

Ren licked the corner of his lips, slowly stretched out his arm, and smiled: "Hey, then you can poke it lightly, I'm afraid of pain!"

The author has something to say: Marshal: Our Omega has a temper tantrum during menstruation, and we must fight by ourselves.

Captain: The fight is over, let's get the injection now.

Marshal: It hurts! QQ

Captain: Yes.

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