How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 325: Changed Life (1)

Chapter 325: Changed Life (1)

Like leaving a fish in the care of a cat. It means entrusting something important to someone unreliable. That’s my current situation.

The bigger problem is that the fish isn’t something else, it’s me. Moreover, I can’t get rid of the cat. I must keep it by my side.

At least I have a loyal dog protecting me, diligently guarding me without leaving my side.

The cat won’t always try to steal the fish, except under certain circumstances. Now that I know I’m like human catnip, I’ll have to avoid physical contact as much as possible.

By now, it’s clear: Kate is the cat, I’m the fish, and Adelia is the dog.

Until each country sorts out the guard issues, temporary knights are protecting me. Though temporary, there’s no one as reliable and suitable as Kate.

Even though she holds the position of Grand Inquisitor, since I’m the one being guarded, it’s not excessive. She’s also the biggest threat to devil worshippers.

Moreover, the Luminous Church, which maintains a globally neutral stance, ensures there are no political entanglements.

Xavier? They are very busy after the Cardinal Bark incident, having declared a holy war. They are still fervently purging devil worshippers.

Anyway, there’s no one more suitable as a guard knight than Kate. When I informed my other acquaintances, they were surprised but understanding.

So, the next step is to depart for the academy. I had informed the academy in advance, so they should be somewhat prepared.

“Greetings, everyone. I am Gartz Balak, and I will be assisting Sir Isaac.”

Before that, I didn’t forget to introduce the loyal AS… no, the guard knight dispatched from Helium, Gartz.

Originally, he was Cecily’s guard knight, but after the typewriter gift, he was assigned to me.

Strictly speaking, he is the leader of the guard team dispatched from Helium. I will receive updates regarding Helium through him.

I greeted Gartz lightly and introduced him to the group.

“Gartz will teleport us to the academy. I could ask Cecily, but we have our pride, right?”

Adelia, being pre-informed, was unfazed, but Kate was not.

She looked at Gartz intently and then, with her characteristic gentle smile, bowed her head.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Kate Louise Angelica. I am a faithful servant of Lord Luminous. It is an honor to meet a child of Lady Mora.”

Most demons worship Mora, and Gartz is no exception.

There are many sensitivities around religion, but if Kate greeted him like this, there should be no problems.

Moreover, Kate didn’t mention her ranks, such as Cardinal or Grand Inquisitor. It was an unspoken indication to treat her comfortably.

“So you are the famous Cardinal Kate. I have heard much about your reputation.”

“You flatter me. Compared to Sir Isaac, I am still far from being worthy.”

“It’s hard to disagree. Still, it is reassuring to know that our benefactor has a reliable shield.”

Gartz said this and began preparing for teleportation. While it might be quick for one person, transporting multiple people takes some time.

Cecily, on the other hand, doesn’t need this, she can easily move a large group with a simple spell.

It’s not that Gartz lacks skill. Cecily is just extraordinarily powerful. Besides, Gartz excels more in martial arts than in magic.

As I quietly watched Gartz prepare, I glanced to the side. Kate was waiting with her usual serene expression.


“Yes, please speak.”

“What did you think of demons before Xenon’s Biography was published?”

I asked out of curiosity. Xavier had a history of massacring demons in the past.

Since then, they have been extremely wary of fanaticism, but they still regarded demons as devils.

Although this view has softened considerably now, I wondered if Kate held a similar perspective.

Hearing my question, Kate blinked her blue eyes and then responded with a gentle smile.

“I didn’t care.”

“You didn’t care?”

“Yes. I only follow the revelations of Lord Luminous. If anyone posed a threat to Him, I would strike them down, no matter who they were.”

I’m not sure whether to say she’s closed-minded or open-minded in a different way.

Still, it was a very Kate-like answer. I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“All preparations are complete.”

We were ready to head to the academy. As soon as I heard Gartz’s words, I turned my attention back.

I won’t say that I hope nothing happens. Saying such a thing now would mean I have no sense of reality.

Instead, I hope that at least the things I worry about don’t happen. While I can handle annoying incidents, I don’t want anyone around me to get hurt.


Even if not happiness, I hope at least peace continues.


Correction: I’ll add “not overwhelming” to the list.

I couldn’t help but gape at the sight before me.

The place Gartz’s teleport had transported us to was the main gate of the academy. Standing there, I looked toward the entrance.

“…What a grand reception.”

Like Adelia’s incredulous reaction, the scene beyond the gate was astonishing.

Both sides of the path were swarming with people, with knights forming a human barrier instead of using ropes.

The only relief was that there wasn’t a red carpet. However, the fact remained that I had to pass through there.

‘Even Leort and Rina didn’t get this kind of treatment.’

Recalling the entrance ceremony, even though people had gathered for Rina and Leort, it wasn’t to this extent.

Why are they going to such lengths to welcome me instead of their own royalty? Although my prestige isn’t limited to the Minerva Empire, it’s still understandable.

Is it too much? What if someone, like a devil worshiper, managed to sneak in and harm me? freeweɓnø

Thinking this way, I could see their reasoning, but it was still overwhelming. And I had to walk through there.


“I’m sorry, but as you know, magic use is strictly prohibited inside the academy, except in certain areas.”

When I quietly called Gartz, he brought bad news. Now that I think about it, I recall there being such a regulation.

This meant I had no choice but to walk down that path. I had given the academy advance notice to avoid startling them, but this was the result.

‘Next time, I’ll just come secretly.’

Even if my red hair makes me noticeable, there’s no need for such a grand “reception.”

I should ask later if it’s possible to teleport directly to the dormitory.

After Gartz left, only Adelia and Kate remained by my side. We had to pass through that crowd together.

I sighed deeply as I looked at the crowd gathered on both sides of the path created by the knights.

“…I feel nauseous.”

“And yet, you made your identity public?”

“That’s different from this.”

There’s a saying, “If you can’t avoid it, enjoy it.” If I can’t pass through there, I won’t be able to reach the dormitory.

So, I decided to take a deep breath and get it over with. I took a deep breath again to calm my pounding heart.

“Hoo… Kate.”


“Do you feel overwhelmed or anything like that?”

“Not at all.”

“··· ···”

I wanted to peek into Kate’s mind at least once. Surely, her mind is filled with nothing but thoughts of Luminous.

I laughed helplessly, then looked at the academy’s main gate and started walking slowly.

As I said before, just once. If I get through this once, there will be no more problems.

“Is that really him?”

“Yes, with red hair and golden eyes. It’s definitely Xenon.”

“It really is.”

“Is he a prophet or someone from the future? He said he wasn’t.”

“Who would believe that? If there were books predicting the future, would you dismiss them all as coincidences? The rumors must be true that the gods have placed some restrictions on him. Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense.”

I once thought like that too. As I walked along the path the academy had kindly made for me, I overheard various comments.

Just listening to them made me blush with embarrassment, making it hard to hold my head up.

How did celebrities in my previous life handle this kind of pressure while walking the red carpet? I can understand why panic disorders occur.

“He’s handsome and has a great physique. I can’t believe he’s Xenon… I wish he would hold me just once.”

“Stop it. His fiancée is Lady Marie. Do you think he would pay any attention to you?” ƒгeewebnovё

“I heard he’s also close to Princess Cecily and Princess Rina? Many people have seen them together.”

“Maybe he’s more into women than we thought?”

Even if I didn’t want to, the stories about me kept reaching my ears. It wouldn’t take much for my everyday life at the academy to become the subject of rumors.

The problem is that, while Rina isn’t my lover, Cecily undeniably is. It hasn’t been officially announced yet, but annoying issues will arise soon.

Moreover, with Arwen planning to confess, I can foresee how people will evaluate me.

As someone mentioned, I might be seen as a womanizer who is unexpectedly fond of women. The future looks very clear.

“The brown-haired woman next to him. Is she the one…?”

“The illegitimate child of the Ters royal family?”

“Isn’t she the reason Princess Hiriya got slapped?”

“Shh! Keep it down. What if you get on her bad side?”

It seems the rumors about Adelia have also spread widely. This reaction was expected the moment I slapped Hiriya.

I glanced sideways to see Adelia walking silently with a calm expression. Her disciplined stride was very impressive, befitting a knight.

However, she seemed slightly tense, focusing on guarding me rather than reacting to the surroundings.

“And that person is…”

“Is that Cardinal Kate? Judging by her appearance, it certainly looks like her…”

“Is she also acting as his guard?”

“I think I’ve heard that Cardinal Kate is the most suitable.”

Lastly, there was the reaction to Kate. Since the news of Kate becoming my guard hadn’t spread yet, people were busy speculating.

As I listened to the murmurs around me, I kept my eyes straight ahead. But one question arose.

‘Where does this path lead?’

My original plan was simple: meet with the academy principal before being assigned a new dormitory.

I planned to discuss my future schedule at the academy through a conversation with him. But I wasn’t sure where this path would lead.

Halo Academy is quite large, thanks to the Empire’s lavish spending. There’s even a bustling shopping district within the academy and plenty of facilities.

The only consolation is that the dormitories and lecture halls are close. However, the department buildings are quite far from the dormitories.

The administrative building where the principal stays is ridiculously far from the main gate. I worry that this path might lead there.

“Xenon! Xenon!”

“Hey! Catch that guy!”


As I was walking aimlessly, a commotion pierced my ears.

At the same time, Adelia reached out her arm to protect me.

I turned my gaze to the source of the disturbance and saw a somewhat surprising scene.

A strange man was being restrained by knights, struggling on the ground.

Given the large crowd, it’s no surprise that there would be gaps. This man probably broke through one of those gaps but was quickly subdued.

“I just want to talk to you once!”

“Take him away quickly!”

“I’ve been reading Xenon’s Biography since it was first published! So just once…!!”

I don’t know how he managed to break through, but even as he was being dragged away by the knights, the man pleaded with me.

Looking closely, I noticed he was holding a book tightly, which I easily deduced to be Xenon’s Biography.

I silently watched him being dragged away and then quietly asked Kate.

“Kate, can you instinctively tell who is a devil worshiper?”

“Of course. Devil worshippers possess an indescribable filth. Unless they are exceptions like Cardinal Bark, I can sense their vile nature.”

“And what about that man?”

“I don’t feel anything from him.”

In that case, it’s fine. I called out to the knights dragging the man away.

“Excuse me.”


“Can you bring that man here for a moment?”

The knights looked puzzled at my request. When I nodded to indicate it was okay, they seemed to hesitate.

If they didn’t take him away and something happened, they would be responsible, yet they couldn’t simply ignore my words.

However, I had two reliable guards. Especially with Kate personally testifying that he wasn’t a devil worshiper.

And I’m not a fool. I planned to keep a reasonable distance just in case.

“It’s okay, bring him here. I’ll keep my distance.”


Eventually, the knights brought the man in front of me. I hadn’t noticed while he was being dragged away, but up close, he looked surprisingly normal.

He seemed to be in his early to mid-twenties, with skin that was nicely tanned, suggesting he spent a lot of time under the sun.

Lastly, there was the book he was holding tightly. Before the man could speak, I pointed to the book and said,

“Is that book Xenon’s Biography by any chance?”

“Pardon? Yes?”

The man widened his eyes in surprise. It seemed that meeting me in person made him nervous.

“I asked if that book is Xenon’s Biography.”

“Yes, yes! It is!”

“Was it necessary to rush towards me like that? You could have put your life in danger.”

It’s no exaggeration to say that his life was indeed at risk. He could have been branded a threat and disappeared without a trace.

However, the man, undeterred by such concerns, exclaimed with sparkling eyes.

He stuttered slightly, probably due to nervousness, but it wasn’t too bothersome.

“Of course! Xenon’s Biography is worth that risk!”

“Is that all?”

“Yes!! It’s thanks to this book that I learned to read and even got to experience the wider world!”

“Are you perhaps an adventurer?”

“Yes, I am!”

So, he’s an adventurer. Now that I look closely, I can see small scars on his face.

It seemed that the number of people taking up adventurer-related jobs had increased because of Xenon’s Biography, and this man was one of them.

“Xenon’s Biography and reality must be completely different…”

“It doesn’t matter if they’re different! It’s the driving force of my life!”

As I confirmed these reactions one by one, I realized that this person was a true fan.

I shook my head at his recklessness, then smiled gently and spoke.

“But it was dangerous, wasn’t it? Don’t do this again. Understand?”

“I will remember!”

“And give me the book.”

“Yes! I will… uh?”

The man, who had been cheerful and energetic, now looked puzzled when I asked for the book. Seeing his face, I repeated myself.

“Give me the book. Didn’t you bring it for me to sign?”

“Oh… that’s not it.”

“Then why?”

“I brought it to show you how much I love Xenon’s Biography. I’ve memorized all of Volume 1.”

He scratched his head and smiled like a boy. He was more extraordinary than I had initially thought.

Regardless, he was still my fan, so I extended my hand. Perhaps understanding my intention, he hesitated before handing over the book.

The book was in terrible condition from being read so many times. It was worn out, and there were finger marks in various places.

I flipped to the first page of the book and pulled out the magical pen my father had given me from my pocket.

Scribble ScribbleScribble

I then elegantly moved my hand to sign the book and handed it back to the man. He took the book with a bewildered expression.

“Please continue to read it a lot. Thank you.”

After a simple greeting, I moved on. I heard the man’s voice shouting in gratitude behind me, but I ignored it.

“You say you don’t like attention.”

Adelia, who had watched the whole process, remarked bluntly. I shrugged and joked.

“I like getting attention from fans. They’re the ones who read my book.”

“Good excuse.”

“Would you like an autograph too?”

“No thanks. I already have something better.”

We continued walking forward while making small talk.

I later found out that the man who got my autograph was quite a famous adventurer. There was a reason he had broken through the knights.

“Spreading light again today, I see. Wonderful.”

“Kate, if you want an autograph, just let me know. I’ll give it to you anytime.”

“The seed, you mean?”

“··· ···”

“Just kidding.”

It didn’t sound like a joke.

Translators note:

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