HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Which kid doesn’t want to be a student a

The early morning bell rang seven times, and as the sun shone through the window into the house, the eleven-year-old Jon, who was nestled in the quilt, opened his eyes helplessly and got up from the warm bed.

If he gets up again, his mother’s voice will probably spread all over the street again.

“How about long-body children who don’t have enough sleep? Especially at breakfast on weekends.” Jon muttered as he brushed his teeth: “Parents never consider the mood of children, this rule is universal in the world. ”

11-year-old Jon Smith was born in Greenwich, southeast of London. This small town famous for the meridian has now become a tourist attraction due to the relocation of the observatory.

The Smith family has lived here for generations. If there is anything different from other homes, it is indeed a little different.

This is also an event that caused a huge impact on Jon himself.

His mother by blood, and now the mistress of the Smith family, Lin Smith, is a witch.

Jon also completely concluded based on some of his mother’s remarks that he really came to the magical world written by J?K? Rowling.

Jon Smith, whose Chinese name is Jon, is a rebirth.

As a socialist successor who has grown up in the 21st century, he has been studying hard under the strict spurs of his parents since childhood. Although his talent is not too high, his hard work will be rewarded. A month before his death, he had just Received a postgraduate admission letter from a university.

This made his parents quite happy, they completely let go of the control on him, and even he and his friends were not prevented from traveling to the UK.

Then he had an accident and died in a car accident in a foreign country.

In his previous life, Jon was never a safe and well-behaved child-even though it was in the eyes of teachers and parents-but he was keen to browse articles about mysterious things and various legends while he was studying. Others paid attention to celebrities. For Lace News, he focuses on “academic achievements” such as deciphering, magic, grotesque stories, and the shift of famous scientists to study philosophy.

The “Harry Potter” series, as the most successful book in the wizarding world, will naturally not be missed by him.

But, this should definitely not be a reason for him to cross into the magical world!

Of course, the overall situation is set, complaining will never solve the problem, at least when he goes abroad, he also bought an insurance that the beneficiary is his parents-there is a younger brother in the family, and his parents don’t need to worry about his old age.

So after experiencing several repeated worldview reconstructions during his infancy, Jon completely accepted this fact.

He was reborn as a witch’s child, and is about to become a little wizard.

“Jon, what are you doing?! Come down!”

Mom’s shout came from his ear, and Jon rinsed his mouth quickly, put on his shirt and went downstairs.

Mr. Love Smith is eating breakfast at the table on the first floor while reading the newspaper. Although his wife is a witch, he is a real ordinary person.

As a professor of sociology at the University of Greenwich, Mr. Smith, who already has status and money, has shown considerable interest in the fact that his wife is a witch, and even wanted to enter the wizarding world to find out, but it is a pity that Smith The lady has been preventing this from happening.

“Dad, hasn’t my letter arrived yet?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, dear, I think if there is a letter from you, your mother will notify you as soon as possible, isn’t it?”

Mr. Smith blinked at Jon, obviously to remind Jon not to forget his father’s little “wish”.

Jon was silent, pretending not to see, turning his head to look at the kitchen, Mrs. Smith was walking out of it with a plate of French fries, she looked like an ordinary housewife, not like a witch at all.

This is of course the appearance. As her son, Jon knows very well that this housewife is actually a staff member of the “Mystery Department” of the British Ministry of Magic.

This department is extremely mysterious and does not have any sense of existence. Even Jon, who has read the original several times and basically remembers the plot, has no other impression of this department except for the one in the prophecy hall.

But since Jon was born, this job has become dispensable-at least Jon has never seen his mother go to work.

Well, she is just a housewife.

Jon murmured silently in his heart, and stuffed a piece of French fries into his mouth. Although his mother’s craftsmanship has been eaten for several years, the French fries are still delicious.

A family gathered around the dining table for breakfast, the scene was warm and harmonious.

Of course, there was also an owl “Carly” with pale green feathers who ate with them. It was Mrs. Smith’s pet.

“It stands to reason that the school will send the admission letter by tonight, but don’t worry if you don’t send it. It may be that your age is not enough. Of course, this is rare.”

Seeing her son’s nervousness, Mrs. Smith comforted. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Jon nodded indifferently, and suppressed the tension in his heart. Half of the tension was because he was finally entering Hogwarts, who had thought about it countless times before, and the other half was worried that he was not enough this year to enroll and would have to wait until the next year—although theoretically Is old enough, but everything is afraid of accidents-he really doesn’t want to have any entanglement with the Harry Potter trio.

At least until he has the power to protect himself, the less contact the better.

Fortunately, his worries did not come true. Halfway through his breakfast, an owl flew in from the window, threw the pale yellow envelope on the table, and landed next to Carly the Owl.

The two owls touched each other’s beaks, and then shared breakfast in Carly’s lunch box.

Mrs. Smith went to add bird food to the lunch box, and Jon picked up the letter with his father.

Like the description in the book in memory, the envelope is made of heavy parchment paper, and the address is written in emerald green ink without a stamp.

Jon turned the envelope over and saw a wax seal, a shield coat of arms, and a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake surrounded by the capital “H” letter.

Greenwich-56 Kettering Avenue-having breakfast-received by Mr. Jon Smith

“Oh! This word is really well written.”

Mr. Smith appeared to be more excited than Jon, as if he was about to go to the magic school: “Let’s open it quickly and take a look. What is written in it?”

Of course, Jon, who has completely calmed down at the moment, knew what was written in it. He probably read that passage more than a dozen times. After all, he was a kid who loved “Harry Potter”.

Which kid doesn’t want to be a student at Hogwarts?

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