Chapter 78: Chapter 36 Force from the Past (Part 1)
Concord Dawn, Mandalorian Space…994 ARR…
The broken planet of Concord Dawn was the perfect place to do flight testing and training new pilots given the debris field which was relatively stable.
So, it was here that the new starfighter would be tested.
Mandalorian and Rebel officials stood on the observation platform as the new fighter was put through its paces by Roon, one of the Mandalorian force users and Fenn Rau.
The new model was based on the T-65 X-Wing Interceptor, an improved version with many innovations that the Mandalorians and innovative rebel engineers had devised for it. Named the T-70.
It had been given improved armour which was coated with sensor resistant paint to help it avoid enemy sensors, the sublight engines had been replaced with new and more efficient versions to give it vastly improved acceleration, the torpedo launchers had been given a new faster reload system and the torpedoes themselves made smaller to increase the loadout to eight. Along with the four wing mounted laser cannons though a second launch system had been installed to potentially allow it to carry concussion missiles and for combat on the ground an underslung blaster turret could be deployed by the pilot. All of this was done without compromising on the great speed and manoeuvrability of the T-65, in fact improving on it with the improved engines and slight flaps on the wings to help turn faster in flight.
It still featured an astromech to assist the pilot and overall was a major improvement on the previous model if more expensive to build.
Garm Bel-Iblis and Anakin Skywalker marvelled at the impressive craft, in Anakin's case eager to get into the cockpit himself. It performed magnificently they both thought and would give the Alliance a real advantage over the Empire.
Close by Haron and Duke N'Val were impressed too, while not as agile as the Viper it had the armament of a light bomber and the speed of an interceptor. Such a powerful and versatile craft would be immensely useful to both sides in this war.
"Impressive work. Pass my compliments to the engineers and designers." Haron said to his aides who nodded and he turned to Anakin and smiled under his helmet. "I take it you like it?" He asked with amusement.
"Oh yes." Anakin said with a smirk before frowning as he realised something. "But with limited facilities and resources we can't put them into full production."
"We can do it limited though." Garm said as he considered their abilities at present. "At least at first, give the craft to elite units before gradually increasing it to other units."
"The T-65 is still highly useful though and I am sure many rebel factions along with Rift Alliance members will want to continue its use." Haron said and Anakin nodded.
"I agree, I personally find the fighter excellent. The new version will be spread as far as possible and simulator programs devised for it." Anakin said and they nodded in agreement.
"Hopefully this will be the first of other joint projects, we achieved an exceptional result this time." Garm said with a hopeful smile, Haron and N'Val both knew that was unlikely but you never knew what the future might hold.
- x -
Reijar, the Ordo System…Two Days Later…
The Mandalorian Council watched as the footage of the attack on the last Sung Guard facility came in, watching the facility and the surrounding area being blasted into nothing was strangely rewarding as they saw the end of that particular threat.
"Good riddance!" Duke Ge'Hark said with pleasure at the sight which was echoed by most of the council except Korkie who kept his dissatisfaction with such blatant destruction quiet.
"With the Sun Guard removed, at least they won't be an issue for us anymore." Duchess Ceta Farr said with relief but this was soon forgotten as they proceeded to continue their discussion, revolving around the continuing Kalderan raids.
- x -
Deera and Zara played with their daughters, eager to spend time with them while they could as they were both so busy and it was a struggle to manage parenting with their other numerous duties.
Mari in particular was harder to spend time with as she was now training with the Akaan, her sister was as yet only just beginning force exercises. It was somewhat unsettling to realise their little babies were growing up faster than they had believed possible but it was a fact of life all the same. So, they resolved to enjoy it for as long as they could.
- x -
Vysa was meanwhile playing with her own daughter Cera, waiting for Eliza to be done with the meeting. Her little girl was going to be a heartbreaker when she grew up Vysa thought with a smile, great blonde hair, entrancing green eyes, cute face.
She just didn't want to think of that too much though, she was hoping she would stay a child a lot longer. She just wanted to enjoy this time with her, when everything was so simple and straightforward, making sure she had the life she deserved.
- x -
Lelia was proudly showing saber techniques to the hibir who eagerly watched her, really wanting to be as good as her someday.
Lelia's recent promotion to Akaan had given her new responsibilities, mainly helping to teach the younger generation since there was still so few of them. She had to split that duty though with running her own expanded holdings as some of the new systems in their domain had been added to her territory. She was also in the middle of the creation of a new facility to mass produce Goblin or as they now called it, Terran Steel. The substitute to beskar its value and use which was only getting more important as time went on and more armour was needed as their numbers grew.
After successful campaigns, well warriors tended to celebrate and with blood running that hot at home with their partners…well she thought with a slight blush, that led to babies.
A large baby boom tended to result especially after a huge territory expansion or large-scale victory, not to mention they had brought many people into their culture since the war had begun so their population was soaring. A spike in force sensitive births too had occurred in the last few years which would eventually lead to many more students so the needs of their order would only grow with time. Already a temple of some sort was being considered but nothing had been decided.
Regardless she began to show her students how to integrate force and magic attacks into actual combat sequences to inspire them and get them to think about what sort of style they wanted to learn themselves.
- x -
Nila meanwhile was now dressed in her own training armour, not a proper suit as she wasn't ready for that yet but it was designed to get her used to the proper armour that she would eventually wear. It had limited gadgets and more would be added as she completed each skill level so by the time, she was old enough to have a full suit of proper Mandalorian Armour, she would be fully prepared to use it. Today however was target practice.
Nila was struggling a bit to hit the training remotes, they always seemed to move just as she was about to shoot and maybe she hit the target one time in ten. Din as he looked at her, being the one responsible for her training today was almost bemused, wondering if he had been that bad at her age but she could improve if she had the right advice and kept on practicing.
"Your hand eye co-ordination is good." Din finally said, deciding he had watched her struggle for long enough. She turned to look at him, her transparent visor showing her frustration with not being able to do this. "But you must learn to anticipate the target."
"Anticipate?" Nila asked with confused anger which Din ignored as he knew her frustration too well.
"Whether droid or organic, things move. Being a good shooter means you have to be able to know just where they are going and see the tiny indications that tell you where they are going." Din told her, showing her what he meant as he drew his own blaster and took a few shots at the remote, hitting it each time regardless of how it moved much to her amazement. "See, learn to anticipate the target and you will make every shot count."
Nila nodded and raised her blaster again, taking a deep breath as the remote moved around seemingly at random but this time when she fired, she did hit the target, still not hitting every time but getting better at it. She smiled broadly at the sudden success and Din smiled too, glad to see her improve. If she was going to be one of them, a warrior of the Mandalorian people then she had much to learn he thought with a knowing look in his eye, but she would make it.
- x -
Ara meanwhile was enjoying dinner with her children, it was a quiet moment and although Haron was delayed by his meeting they understood, after all he led their people and had much to do.
"They said I can qualify for a Viper Mark 3 or a T-70 when I pass my test." Markus said with a self-important smirk, knowing he was the best pilot in his class and would surely get to fly the best ships.
"Only if you pass." Ara told him sternly and he nodded, humility coming to him as while cocky on the surface there was a much calmer mind beneath it. After all, as the future leader of House Ordo he would need to be smart and cunning but also daring and careful at the same time.
"Yes mother." Markus said, toning it down a bit but keeping his smirk.
"I had another marriage request today." Astoria admitted with a frown. She was starting to get a lot of those from different men, mostly socially ambitious people who wanted to join with the powerful and wealthy family to which she belonged.
Ara frowned as she had expected that as her children got older, Astoria was only getting more beautiful as she got older and so it was to be expected, it was the same for Markus and now the rest of her children would start to get them too. She was doing her best to make sure they did not get tangled with any of those fortune or power seekers but they were notoriously good at hiding their true intentions. Vertiserum and the force were both exceptionally useful in unmasking them but she could hardly do that with everyone her children met Ara thought with dismay.
Haron coming in to join their family did lighten the mood as he placed a kiss on her lips and acknowledged Markus, Astoria, Corridan, Li'anne, Siri and Tyus individually before joining them to eat.
As they ate though, Ara had an idea based on what her son Corridan had told her of their recent mission to Trak'el Sigma…and the opportunity it may have created she thought with a calculating look in her eyes.
Cloud City, Bespin…
The beautiful looking floating cities of Bespin were famous in some areas of the galaxy, and more so as Tibanna gas mines. The vital gas which had an immense number of uses and the trade of it was lucrative if you sold your commodity well.
Lando Calrissian was someone who knew how to charm and make a deal as profitable as possible, for him at least. He was also an expert gambler.
While he had recently lost his prized ship, the Millenium Falcon to that swindler Solo, he had struck it real lucky and conned his way into ownership of the mining and processing operation here. He was already dressing to fit the part of the administrator and enjoying the perks that came with being 'reputable'.
Although…not too reputable he thought with a smirk as he found himself a very important customer, well a person that represented many potential customers who were prepared to pay very well for Tibanna.
"So Lando, do we have a deal?" Talon Karrde said as he sat across from him, one of the leaders of the Underworld Alliance. Talon like most of the organisation he had set up couldn't buy their supplies legally or even in mass quantities as it would draw the wrong sort of attention so they were always looking for suppliers that they could buy under the table.
"Indeed, we do my friend. It will be a pleasure to supply your people with our fine product." Lando said with his big flashy smile which only made Talon chuckle, he knew guys like Lando and how to deal with them but having him in the alliance would be very good for them.
"Then we should celebrate, here." Talon said offering up a bottle he had acquired on his last raid as a trophy.
"Merenzane Gold." Lando said sounding impressed and then read the label which produced another hmm as he considered it was quite an expensive one too. "One hundred years old…nice." Lando said as it cost quite a lot to get hold of version that old as it improved with age. He got a pair of glasses and Talon poured them both one each, toasting silently before they drank it to their new partnership.
Tanalorr, Koboh Abyss...
The Jedi Temple which had been built by the Jedi during their initial colonisation of the planet had been a damaged ruin when they had first found it, mostly intact but with some definite repairs needed which had begun the moment they had been able to settle here, using the temple as a base.
The Hidden Path had been able to move many of the surviving Jedi and force sensitives their network took care of here, they were safe and secure which was helpful to the Path as well since they didn't need to worry about hiding people elsewhere in the long term anymore. A small thriving community was being set up here and more importantly, a community that was safe.
Obi-Wan Kenobi was more grateful for that than anything as he dealt with a responsibility that he had never imagined might be his…being a father.
He and Tala both had faced quite a period of adjustment when they had arrived on Tanalorr, their daughter Vala who was a very calm baby, she still had all the feelings, the ups and downs that came with being a young child but she was so pleasant that she hardly caused them any trouble.
She loved them both and they loved her just as much, neither would allow her to come to any harm, watching over her like hawks.
Looking out from the balcony of the Jedi Temple at the natural beauty of the planet beyond he could only smile, it was a true paradise here Obi-Wan thought to himself with a smile, peaceful.
Feeling a tug on his robe he kept smiling and looked down to see Vala with arms outstretched begging to be picked up. He gladly did so and let her look out at the planet which made her smile too and gaze out with wonder.
Tala came up to them too, smiling now herself at the lovely moment and came over to stand with them. Glad they could raise their daughter in peace.
Saloch 2, Mid Rim…
A colony of the strong and beastly looking Tunroth a strange situation had developed, for once the Imperial presence there was seen as liberators.
The colony along with a dozen other worlds had been seized by the xenophobic Lortans, a human group that enslaved and occupied worlds that were alien owned. To his credit Captain Lun Tessra and his right-hand man Lieutenant Soontir Fel had decided to interfere in the racism that was oppressing the sector, so led the Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser Abroagator with its Tie fighter wing had joined in the fight of the local species the Tunroth in the fight against them. It was going well but the Imperial special projects group arrived and deployed a group of Stormtroopers against the enemy unlike anything either the other Imperials, the Tunroth or the Lortans had seen before.
They ran a speed and with a single punch could kill a man, their chests glowing a fierce orange as they did so while others were outfitted with extensive cybernetics that made them seem indestructible as they moved across the battle field.
The Lortans were already struggling against the Tunroth even if they had been killing many of them but these new soldiers, some of whom exploded as they wrestled their way across the battlefield torn the enemy apart in a frantic rage.
But unknown to the rest of the Imperials, a single ensign on the ship who was unnoticed by everyone made a copy of the footage and sent it to their handler in the Rebellion, eager to let them know about this new danger.
- x -
Rebel Safe House, Secret Location…Two Days Later…
Cassian Andor sat in the room with Vel Sartha and the rest of the team watched the footage themselves with wide eyes as they saw just what the Imperials had achieved.
"These are not force users." Luthen Rael said as he gave them their briefing. "It seems to be a mix of nanotechnology and cybernetics; the results are fatal but the soldiers are almost unstoppable in a fight."
"Have we learned where the technology is being developed?" Vel asked, worried about what this would mean for the rebellion if this became widespread and while completely loyal to the cause, she was somewhat…unsettled by the thought of having to face them herself.
"The project was originally created on Coruscant but it was moved to a research facility in the Expansionist Region. Our intelligence network has managed to discover a location. You will be joining the assault team." Luthen told them and they all felt a little fearful but nodded and Cassian asked the question that was on his mind.
"Who is leading the team?" Cassian asked and Luthen smirked as the leader made himself known from the corner.
"That would be me boy." A gruff voice said, they all turned and saw a battle-scarred human male with white hair in his fifties approach with dented and worn armour.
"Allow me to introduce one of the Rebellion's top commanders and the commander of this mission, General Rahm Kota." Luthen introduced who grinned at them which honestly seemed to make him more intimidating.
"I want you on my ship by 0700. If not, you'll be left behind." General Kota told them and they frowned as they realised that he was as much a hard ass inside as he was outside, they just hoped that this mission didn't take very long.
Ryloth, the Outer Rim…
The Imperial Hover Train carrying the garrison pay roll along with crucial weapons was speeding across the rocky and dusty surface, the soldiers guarding it alert for any sign of trouble which was growing increasingly common of late.
Then as they were passing through a rocky ravine, a burst of ionic energy hit the train, causing all the equipment to cut out and the engines powering it forward to shut down. The troopers and officer in charge could only hold on as momentum carried the caused the train to bury itself in the sand, and gradually came to a stop.
But this gave no relief to the Imperials as seemingly from nowhere Twi'lek rebels appeared all around them, shooting at the stormtroopers who did their best to take cover within the ruined train while their lieutenant tried his best to get their communicators working so they could call for reinforcements.
But things went from bad to worse for the Imperials as it wasn't just the normal rebels today, green and blue blades emerged from the crowd as Twi'leks leapt high over head and began to cut down the Imperials out in the open or reflect their blaster bolts right back at them.
The Lieutenant took out his pistol to join the fight but found himself with a lightsaber through the chest as the rebels swarmed the train, two Twi'lek Jedi one a middle-aged purple skinned female and the other a young green skinned male used the force to pull open the vault on the train and reveal the large credit stash and crates of blasters inside. They and the rebels smirked at the successful operation.
Cham and Master Aayla were going to love this they thought to themselves.
Gazian, the Mid Rim…Separatist Alliance Space…
Gazian had a strong presence in the force and was covered by what many called a living ocean, it fell within the territory of the Separatist Alliance and it was here that the new training facility had been constructed on one of the few landmasses to train the new force users of the alliance.
Baylan was feeling rather nostalgic as it honestly reminded him of the days at the Jedi Temple, training his twenty students in the usage of the force, he had even managed to discover a cave of kyber crystals under the living sea where there was air and would be the perfect place to hold trials.
His students would be more than Jedi he thought to himself as he guided them through basic lightsaber exercises using the training swords that had been prepared, they all copied him with varying degrees of competency but his star student was also his very first.
Shin Hati showed a natural talent that was inspiring, she learnt very quickly and had a drive to succeed that reminded him of himself at that age. She had even managed to recover a crystal for her own lightsaber and it was the same shade of orange-red as his.
He saw much of himself in her and he was proud for her to be his apprentice, he did not treat her any different to the other students but in his mind at least Shin was his favourite and he would make her more than any Jedi.
Finishing the exercises, he told them with a nod of satisfaction at their progress.
"Excellent, you are all showing progress in your training. Now go and get some lunch…I am sure you could all do with a meal before we continue." He told them and the crowd of mostly aliens with some humans mixed in all smiled and went to get some food while Shin hesitated a moment to give him a smile which he returned before nodding for her to go.
He smiled, the pair of them were close as any master and apprentice could hope to be and she was eager for his approval which he had assured her time and time again that she didn't need but still she strove to achieve it. When he finally left to find what it was that was calling to him, he was honestly thinking of taking her with him if she continued to progress at the rate she was.
Thinking about that which was calling to him, Baylan stopped to look out across the living sea for a moment and pondered. The force nexus here had been of great help to him in his meditations to find the source, and seeing pathways too it. Paths that might lead either out of the galaxy itself or perhaps deep into Wild Space.
Either way the journey was going to be difficult and he was definitely going to need more planning before deciding just which path to follow. He then felt his own stomach growl and smiled to himself that it was time to eat himself, he could think more on his own future path once he had eaten and went to join his students for lunch, not letting the lines that the Jedi traditionally had to keep themselves apart from his students, he was their mentor but that didn't mean he had to be cold and aloof.
Liber8 Base, Secret Location…
A ceremony was taking place today, one that Anakin had been proud to do before but this was only his second time doing it and more crucially, both times it had been for his own apprentices.
"By will of the force, for your dedication to your training and a testament to the skill you have achieved…I, Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master now confer on you, Kahr'hark Tix the rank of Jedi Knight. May you serve the force in your new role, stand and be recognised." Anakin as he carefully moved his lightsaber around Kahr's broad shoulders.
Kahr proudly rose to his full height and looked around as the audience of Liber8 personnel applauded in honour of his big moment. Padme, Luke, Leia, Mace and Allara were among them, smiling broadly for his success. Even Kagame was politely joining in as he personally had issues with the Jedi Order as a whole but would not deny Kahr his moment.
For him it was proof that he was strong enough to stand on his own and pursue his own path which was good as he had much to do to help the people of the galaxy as a healer and a fighter. He knew many needed someone to heal them as much as they needed someone to protect them.
For Anakin though it was a moment to feel proud as a teacher, he had taught Kahr as he had Ahsoka and Allara and now it was time for him to go out and make his own mark on the galaxy. It was almost like being a parent and seeing your child leave home to go out and try to make it on their own, he reasoned to himself and knew the day would come as much as he hated it when Luke and Leia and Mace would do the same.
That sobered him somewhat but as he looked into the force, he saw the same vision he had the day he had met Kahr during the Corellian Uprising.
He was stood surrounded by nine other figures. Anakin looked around and saw Ahsoka, Allara and Kahr first among them but then he saw an older looking Luke, Leia and Mace were with them but then three other figures were still shrouded in shadow.
What did that mean he thought to himself privately? Were they future students of his? He ponded as he went to bed that night with his wife. Who would they be and how would he come to know them?
Imperial Research Station, Classified Location…
Rahm Kota's flagship was a prize he had taken on one of his campaigns, a Nebulon-B Frigate that he had renamed Salvation. He had a number of other ships with it including Corellian Corvettes and a few transports that had been modified to act as small fighter carriers or to deploy landing ships.
The small Imperial guard ships were soon engaging the Rebel starships while the transports launched their small craft. While fighters engaged enemy ships and protected the landing ships; Cassian, Vel and Cinta were rocked in their dropship by enemy fire all around them. The constant noise was nerve-racking but Cassian took deep calming breaths while Vel and Cinta grasped each other's hands for comfort as the dropship next to them exploded and rocked them with the blast.
They reached the surface faster than they had expected and the hatch opened, letting the Rebel soldiers out onto the landing platform. Cassian, Vel and Cinta all picked up their weapons and joined the charge, shooting their blasters at the Stormtroopers, seeing soldiers on both sides get hit and die or be wounded right before their eyes.
But then their eyes widened in worry as they saw those 'enhanced' troopers who were little more than beasts emerge, they charged onto the landing pad with no thought of self-preservation and pushed aside even their own people. The rebels turned their blasters on them immediately but the soldiers shrugged off most blaster hits and it seemed to take three or four of them working together through combined fire to bring one day. Cassian, Vel and Cinta all fired on the same 'Enhanced' as he came charging at them, their rifles glowing red hot with the amount of repeat firing they were doing but they all thanked the force when he went down just before reaching them.
Some of their follow rebels though were not so lucky, being strangled or just smashed to pieces by the Enhanced as they reached and just as they thought that was bad enough, the cybernetic soldiers now emerged too.
Blasters seemed to do extremely little against them while they were able to cut down rebels without missing a single shot. All three realising that they were badly outclassed here and Cinta readied her grenades, preparing to take out as many of these things with her as she could. Vel didn't notice as she was still shooting at Enhanced while Cassian was trying to find a vulnerable spot on the cyborgs.
Then another dropship approached from overhead, the rebels didn't think any reinforcements would be able to help at this point but were shown how badly wrong they were.
As the dropship came close to the group it unleashed a barrage of rockets that scattered the cyborg troopers while a single figure leapt from the dropship at a height would surely have injured a normal human but instead, he landed with grace and then there was a distinctive snap hiss as a emerald green blade appeared in his hand.
Their general was a Jedi.
Maybe someone should have told them that before they went in, Cassian thought although it was in a distracted way as the general was like a force of nature on the battlefield.
His green lightsaber cut through the Enhanced troops with ease before he turned his attention to the cyborgs as the surviving ones rallied and started shooting at him. Rahm though raised his free hand a let out a blast of pure white lightning at the enemy, making them shake and then collapse like puppets with their strings cut.
The rebels looked on in amazement at the sight and then managed to shake themselves back to the moment and joined him in the fighting, forcing their way into the facility with the general leading the way.
The storage bays were the Enhanced and the Cyborgs were held in preparations for transport were disabled to prevent anymore of the dangerous soldiers from getting out while explosive charges were dropped all over the bay and the rest of the base as they pressed on the command centre, the stormtroopers threw thermal detonators at them in the hopes of killing Rahm and them too but the Jedi General simply used the force to send them right back at the troopers who threw them, turning their own weapons against them. The explosions either killed or scattered them and made it far easier for the rebels to get into the command centre. Rahm moved swiftly to end the few remaining troopers in the room while the other rebels took the Imperial scientists and officers Rahm had spared prisoner in hopes of gaining information later.
Regretfully they would get nothing from the computers they all saw the Imperials had purged them prior to capture so hopefully they would get any information they might need out of their new prisoners who would be swiftly moved to the Salvation for transport to a rebel base for interrogation.
Cassian looked over the corridors which were piled high with bodies, rebel and Imperial alike and felt a chill at the high cost of his operation but at least could draw so hope that they would never see those horrible experiments again.
Imperial Palace, Coruscant…A Few Days Later…
Palpatine sat on his throne and just shook his head at the failure of the enhancement projects, while they had been interesting projects, he was beginning to think they were far too unstable for use at this moment, they still had the science so he decided to have more research done on this before they considered putting it to use again.
He himself was far more interested in some of the reports that came from his cloning operations on Wayland. The scientists there had reported some unusual anomalies in their experiments that might potentially be of use in repairing his decaying body or at least severely slowing its decline. They were hesitant to say much but the results were quite positive so far.
He had also discovered another source of force knowledge to add to his growing abilities, he thought with a sneer. With some effort his Inquisitors and Vader had acquired two quite interesting subjects for him to…study with he thought with dark amusement at how harshly he had gained their obedience.
Two Dathomiri women, Nightsisters he thought with a sneer given his distain of them but they were well versed in their people's 'magic' and he would benefit greatly from that knowledge.
Jeserra and Silri, both of the tribe that had been wiped out by General Grievous during the Clone Wars knelt in submission at his feet. Eager to do anything that would spare them any more of the treatment that they had received at his hand before now.
Although in Silri a simmering anger was hiding just beneath the surface and she vowed silently to herself that she would find a way to destroy this arrogant and disgusting creature whose face was so twisted and warped it looked like something from your worst nightmare. She had heard tale of something that might help her gain her revenge but it would take time for her to be in a position to acquire it so she would need to create the appearance of serving him for now.
While Palpatine began to learn how to summon their green and disturbing magic he put the task of destroying his enemies in the hands of one of the more…intelligent servants he had.
- x -
Meeting Room, Imperial Palace…
Gar Saxon was understandably nervous as he was sitting in the centre of Imperial power and hoped that his new benefactor had a plan that involved him surviving. He didn't even care about his own people, 'The Rogues' but his own survival mattered to him.
"I take it you are wondering why I have brought you here." His benefactor said as soon as he arrived, Gar was nervous and nodded quickly.
"I am…sir." Gar said with deference as this man had his own survival in the palm of his hand.
"You need not worry; in fact, I have a role for you that will guarantee your highly successful future." The benefactor said with a cool and calm voice that was chilling. The sound of his future being 'highly successful' immediately caught Gar's interest and he looked on with an eager expression.
"What…role did you have in mind?" Gar asked with an almost hungry intensity which made the benefactor chuckle before he answered.
"How would you like to be the leader of Mandalore? One that would co-operate with the Empire?" The benefactor asked and added the last part as a reminder that he would only remain that as long as he served the Empire.
Gar was surprised at the declaration and actually laughed at the ridiculous idea.
"I am no match for Haron Ordo. I have seen him tear apart everyone that has gone against him." Gar said dismissively but then the benefactor put an object on the table that made such a think look far more possible.
It was a helmet, Mandalorian style and made of beskar but what really caught his attention was the mask that had been attached to the front.
"It is not real mythosaur bone, it was impossible to acquire a sample but it is similar enough to the naked eye. You have a mask; he has a mask…you will appeal to those that can be convince to doubt him. The ones who are against him and begin to gather them. Either he is unseated or a civil war begins for which you will obviously have Imperial support. Then you will be Mandalore. Are you convinced?" The benefactor asked with a cruel smirk.
Gar was looking hungrily at the mask as it was his ticket to power and riches and eagerly took it and put it on. The benefactor took that as his agreement and told him with a smirk.
"Good choice…Mandalore."
Reijar, the Ordo System…Two Weeks Later…
Ara was enjoying her own achievements as she secured a new world for her son to rule.
"Princess Nyssa will wed my son Corridan when they come of age and they will both rule over Trak'el Sigma." Ara said to the newly reestablished royal council who were the people that currently ruled the planet till the princess came of age. Some of them she noticed with amusement did not like that as they wanted the princess for themselves or their sons but the princess herself and Corridan had already established a bond and would be quite well suited to each other.
Ara ensured the agreement was made before clicking off and smirking in satisfaction and went back to her work before a report passed her desk that made her freeze and reread it in the vain hope that she had misinterpreted it the first time but it was just as she feared.
Her face twisted with worry as the implications went around her mind and she called an emergency meeting of the House Leaders and the Mandalorian Council.
- x -
One Hour Later…
The room was filled with everyone talking as they discussed or rather argued about the situation.
Haron was strangely quiet as he considered the issue they were facing. Gar Saxon had come forward and claimed to have the 'real' Mask of the Mandalore and declared himself the true Mandalore and leader of the Mandalorian people.
Gar was a sellout and a coward to boot, Haron considered and while the mask he had looked authentic he knew it was a fraud. The mask he himself possessed had been ruthlessly tested to see if it was the real one before he had even admitted to the other house leaders that he had it. So, Gar's clearly was a fake and given the man's history it was clear he was doing so as the Empire's little bitch! He thought with scorn for his cowardice and pathetic lust for the tiny scraps of power they would give him. He had no shame…just a common sell out.
He knew the House Leaders knew it was fake as did the council and had they had shown proof his mask was the real one but some idiots or enemies of his were supporting Gar's claim. No doubt this was what the Empire wanted Haron realised with disgust, to cause a civil war that would weaken his people so they could be more easily conquered.
Haron however was not going to let that happen, killing Gar would be easy but then he realised these supporters of his could become a problem by either spying for their enemies or just trying this plot or a similar one again.
So why didn't he use it? Haron thought with a cold ruthlessness that he had developed over the course of two wars. He banged his fist against the armrest of his chair hard enough to bring the room to silence and then spoke about what he intended to do. There were a few surprised or even fearful looks for those in the room but also proud ones from Ara who would never have thought her husband would have had it in him to make such a plot.
It was perfect and unwittingly; the Empire had given them exactly what they needed to secure their own borders.
Liber8 Base, Classified Location…
Anakin was leading his children through their saber techniques and glad to see they were picking up the basics of Shii-Cho quickly and would soon begin to look at the more complicated forms to find their specialisation.
However just as he was correcting Mace's foot placement, he saw that an unexpected visitor had arrived.
"Bao-Dur. What a pleasant surprise, are Masters Holt and Paratus with you?" Anakin asked with some interest as the Iridonian usually travelled with the two other Jedi but seemed to be here alone this time.
"Master Skywalker, I need you help." Bao-Dur said in his usual calm voice.
Anakin nodded and told the children who were now walking with interest.
"Go see your mother, its almost time for lunch." He ordered them gently and they did as they were told, even Leia although she did look at them with curiosity over her shoulder and almost walked into a wall before being pulled away by Luke at the last moment. Anakin smiled a little as thankfully the experience with Manaan had calmed Leia down and she was now becoming much more restrained in her impulses.
But he turned back to Bao-Dur who looked at him imploringly.
"Master…recently I have been having dreams. Visions really of a facility on a planet and with it a growing sense of worry. I managed with difficulty to find out where the planet and the facility on it are but I can't go alone and it looks to be heavily guarded facility. Can you provide me with some support?" Bao-Dur asked.
Anakin was a bit surprised as it wasn't really his way to take a mission like this, the 'Knights Errant' such as they were travelled to worlds that needed help and gave them whatever assistance was possible, they had been busy on Sera for the past year working on helping the population there. This wasn't their style at all and he was confused as to why.
"Is there a reason you want to go to this planet?" Anakin asked carefully, not sure of why he was so interested. Bao-Dur frowned as he wasn't sure just how to explain this compulsion but he just knew in his gut that he had to go there.
"I have only had two visions from the force in my lifetime Master Skywalker." Bao-Dur said. "One led me to the trap that brought me to this time and now there is this. While I doubt it is another trap, there is something worth discovering here."
Anakin nodded, sensing himself now that this facility was important and if the Empire was so desperate to keep it hidden, then there was something worth discovering there.
"I will assemble a strike force; we are going to…where is it exactly?" Anakin asked and Bao-Dur told him with a relieved smile.
"Wayland sir."