HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 335: Chapter 181 The Malfoy Family (Part 2)

What's interesting is that I can now easily see the anchor-remembering thread of the two oldest curses. The curse of the one child the Malfoys captured when one of the men tricked a Finca, a true bog witch. I won't go into the details, but I saw the gist of it: the deceived woman twisted a blond scum's taunting phrase against his own, generously sharing her power by placing a curse on the family.

In principle, it could have been lifted long ago in such a period of time if the Malfoys had performed penance and thanksgiving rituals, all local holidays, and not just small rituals on the family altar. The second curse was created by the daughter of the idiot who received such a gift. This "smart girl" invented the "one heir" curse to protect the clan.

That's what she thought at the time, but she didn't consider that the curse would weaken over time, thanks to the family's guardian spirit and the magic flowing through the altar. The curse would be sharpened by magic, like water sharpening a stone. But not after what this woman had done.

The curses have resonated, strengthened by the feeding of ancestral magic, and now it's almost a program of ancestral magic: two or three more generations, and there will be no chance of removal, and even squibs will stop being born. Pretty cool, huh? I don't know, but it's funny to me.

The third curse created the current situation. No, if it wasn't for the second curse, it wouldn't be a problem, but again, that damn "but". The third curse, reinforced by some serious ritual (it was impossible to trace the details — the ritual caused the strongest magical disturbances), as well as introduced potions, was meant to simply and trivially turn Draco into a girl.

 The structure of the curse uses the potions to explosively reshape the body on the physical plane, while on the energetic plane it channels Draco's personal magic to reshape his channels and aura into a different pattern. Of course, this is in direct conflict with the powerful program of the previous two curses, practically birth magic. That's why the boy is freaking out. I said out loud what I had seen, causing stunned silence and extreme interest from two elderly healers.

— The quickest and easiest option is to banish him, to cut Draco off from his birth magic. Then the conflict would disappear, he would become a girl, and that would be that. — I shrug and study the ritual circle, noticing the Malfoy couple's reaction out of the corner of my eye.

— Are you capable of suggesting other options, or have I wasted my time with you? — Lucius hissed, eliciting gasps of surprise from those around him, Narcissa being particularly shocked, which I found odd. Wasn't she expecting that? Why the reaction? I don't understand.

— Right now I have a choice. However, — I turned to Lucius, smiling broadly and squinting my eyes, almost infuriating the aristocrat. — I have a number of conditions. — Narcissa cast a worried glance at her husband, her hands visibly shaking.

— You will make the best of it, or else...' — the blonde hissed and turned to the birth magic. I felt the channel of communication between the Lord and the altar widen dramatically. But.

— Take your 'otherwise' somewhere deeper, do you understand me, you? — There's no need to hold back any longer. — You don't have much of a choice, and I've given you options. You want to save your son, your heir, you agree to my terms, and if you don't, you're out of here. Do I make myself clear, or should I write you a letter?

Narcissa looked at her husband in disbelief, — The wizards here are obviously hired for a short time and for specific purposes, so I'm not afraid of a fight with them. I saw Lucius' mental command as two silvery sparks jumped to the invisible house elves. Before the magical servants could move, my spirits surrounded them, creating a rift into the 'sub-world', the 'gray layer' — mostly the upper spiritual plane.

A frowning Lucius grabbed his wand and began to swing, but the manifested shikigami enveloped the mage, turning him into a paper mummy. The paper quickly began to smolder around the man's shoulder blades and diaphragm, but a fresh batch of seal-bearing shikigami spilled from my sleeves, amplifying the effect and keeping the head of the family and his magic at bay.

In two steps, I approached him and placed a more powerful suppressing seal on his forehead — similar seals could briefly restrain even a vampire lord like Dracula, and then it was a matter of technique.

— Lady Malfoy, — I turn to the woman, who looks at me with concern, but also with hope in her eyes. — Your husband has behaved outrageously today, insulting me more than once, in front of witnesses. — I point my eyes at those present. — His actions have greatly increased the price of my services. I can help you. — the woman sighed dramatically. — But you should think carefully about what you're willing to do to save your son. — The woman blinked, tears in her eyes. — As far as I can see, — she looked at the circle and the structure being held. — Draco will last another three or four days, but I'll give you until tomorrow morning to think about it, for tomorrow is the only day I can do it.

— The day of the winter solstice... — whispered one of the healers, the other nodded to his colleague, and the whisper was heard by all.

— If your desire to save Draco is strong enough, your part of the preparation is this: you and your husband should perform as many cleansing rituals as you can that night, perform a fertility ritual on the family altar, and prepare a ritual site in the garden with everything you need for the great ritual of summoning magic. You can contact me, Patronus — we don't have much time...

With these words, a few more seals fall to the ground around me, flash with a steady blue light, and I apparate. The point-blank distortion of the seals shows the power and abilities I possess. It confirms what I said about being able to help. And they also keep the existence of the piercing device a secret.

Why did I leave like that when I could have left the manor grounds and apparated there? But the seals on Lucius would only last about five to seven minutes, because they weren't designed to fight a clan source directly. Even that result is a serious indicator, because the head of the family is the master and lord of his house, and very few people can pull that off.

I rushed to my workshops and began to prepare, certain of the answer I would receive.


POV Narcissa Malfoy

Narcissa stared at the brash Japanese man for a few more seconds. His antics were extremely surprising to the woman and his demonstration of skills and abilities resonated with the born black. After waiting for the paper seals on the floor to disintegrate, the woman shifted her gaze to her so easily defeated partner lying on the floor. The man could only turn his eyes in despair.

The strongest desire to caress her husband with something from the Dark Family's vast arsenal of torture, Narcissa resisted with great effort. For a minute, the blonde studied Lucius with the interest of a child with a magnifying glass, pondering the question "Should I burn this ant or not?", ignoring his meaningful looks.

She moved closer, literally half a step away, so that her shiny half-boots were right in front of her husband's eyes. The metal toes jingled melodiously on the stone floor.

— Lucius, — the woman sang in a sweet voice, smiling fondly at her husband. — You've ruined everything. — The people around them felt threatened at that moment, but they didn't stop working — professionals. — Do you realize what you've done, or do you want me to explain it to you? — the man just rolled his eyes. — If you do, I'm surprised. That's not nice. — He gave the man a sharp slap in the face. — You've ruined so much work and plans. — Another blow, blood stains appear on the paper, and the man's look becomes incomprehensible.

— Thanks to you, another blow. — Our son is in danger, and the only person who can help him is you. — Idiot, not just angry, — the woman took a step to the side, so that the new blow landed somewhere in the stomach. — You've ruined everything with him. — Two more blows to the stomach with the sharp nose of the boot.

— Now the woman's voice changed from a singing voice to an extremely stern one. — If you stand up, — the seals on the man began to darken and smoke. — You will do anything to save our son. ANYTHING! — Another hard punch to the stomach. — Otherwise the Malfoy family will be replaced prematurely. — The woman paused, as if thinking, nodded her head and punched her husband again.

She looked around with a heavy "Master" look, but there was nothing to pick at. Two house elves appeared from the air under the ceiling, laughing and squealing. The servants looked out at the world with even crazier eyes than usual. Narcissa, looking at her husband with a bloodied face freed from the seals, left the room. She had much to do.

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