HP: Supreme Potion Collector [Original Female Protagonist]

Chapter 37: Chapter 37: Quidditch

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Early Saturday morning, the brand-new Nimbus 2000 that Orli had ordered for Fred finally arrived.

Worried that it wouldn't arrive in time for the first match, Orli had paid an extra ten Knuts for express delivery. The result? When three owls awkwardly stumbled into the Great Hall, all clutching the broomstick together, and then dropped it onto the Gryffindor table, everyone burst into laughter.

Blushing furiously, Orli hurriedly tossed a few cookies to the owls to send them away. Honestly, what kind of logic did wizards have? Did "express delivery" really mean tying three owls together to fly? She was reminded of a Muggle game called "three-legged race" and felt immensely relieved that the broomstick hadn't been damaged by their mid-air wing entanglements.

Fred, thrilled, grabbed the new broomstick and headed straight to the pitch for some practice runs. Meanwhile, Harry was still struggling to swallow his breakfast, as if the warm toast Hermione handed him was actually a handful of stinging nettles.

# Orli: "You need to eat something for breakfast."

Orli urged him.

# Orli: "If you don't want to faint from low blood sugar and fall off your broomstick. Slytherin is definitely going to target you today, so you need all the energy you can get!"

Ron, taking matters into his own hands, slathered ketchup all over a sausage and stared Harry down until he grudgingly ate it, bite by bite.

By eleven o'clock, nearly the entire school had gathered in the stands of the Quidditch pitch. Harry had already been called to the players' locker room, while Ron, Hermione, and Orli squeezed into the highest row of the stands. Seamus and Neville insisted it was the best spot for a clear view, but before long, Orli felt like she was about to freeze solid.

Some of the boys unfurled a massive banner they had painted on an old bedsheet. It read "Potter for the Win!" and featured a giant lion's head. Hermione cast an ingenious spell that made all the colors shimmer and sparkle.

Hermione's talent for charms never failed to leave Orli in awe. She even crafted a magical hand warmer for Orli—a small blue flame encased in a jam jar, perfect for holding and warming her hands.

Thankfully, just as Orli felt she couldn't bear the cold any longer, Madam Hooch blew her silver whistle with all her might, and fifteen broomsticks shot into the sky. The match had begun.

Lee Jordan launched into his commentary with his usual humor, while Ron and the others focused intently on the players soaring above, trying to spot Harry among the tiny, rapidly moving dots.

Neville and Seamus both insisted they had found Harry, though they were pointing in completely different directions.

Orli raised her binoculars and scanned the pitch. Before she spotted Harry, she caught sight of the Weasley twins. They moved like two sweeping arcs, darting across the field and expertly batting away Bludgers. Fred seemed to have adjusted to the Nimbus 2000 remarkably well, flying with incredible agility.

The pace of the Quidditch match was lightning-fast. Before long, both Gryffindor and Slytherin had scored several times. The game was evenly matched, though Slytherin's players constantly resorted to physical fouls.

Suddenly, a golden gleam streaked across the middle of the pitch! Orli leaned forward uncertainly, and this time even Lee Jordan shouted, "The Golden Snitch!"

Harry dove after the glimmering light, but Marcus Flint from Slytherin rammed into him viciously, nearly knocking him off his broomstick.

# Hermione: "Foul!"

The Gryffindor supporters erupted in loud protests, and even Hermione stood up and screamed at the top of her lungs.

The time had come. Orli lowered her binoculars. Everyone's eyes were glued to the pitch now; no one was paying attention to her. Quirrell was about to jinx Harry's broomstick!

She quietly slipped away from the edge of the stands, heading toward the professors' section. By the time Hermione turned to check on her, Orli's seat was already empty, and she had vanished without a trace.



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