Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Provocation
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Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, Christmas Eve had arrived.
Hogwarts was adorned in a silver-white coat of several feet of snow. One morning, the Weasley twins enchanted a few snowballs, which chased Quirrell around the castle, eventually hitting the back of his head one after another. Orli silently held her breath for the twins, feeling a pang of worry.
Everyone was busy discussing Christmas holidays and gifts, but Harry and Orli had no such concerns—they, of course, were staying at school for the holidays without question. Ron and the twins also planned to stay, as Mrs. Weasley intended to visit Charlie in Romania during the festive season.
Only Hermione was preparing to return home. Her Muggle parents hadn't seen their daughter for far too long and were eager to ensure she hadn't suffered any harm from learning magic.
Malfoy was becoming increasingly annoying. Ever since the last Quidditch match, he had been sulking. Many admired Harry's ability to stay on his out-of-control broomstick and still catch the Golden Snitch. This left Malfoy both jealous and furious, so he resorted to mocking Harry's family.
"I really pity some people who have to stay at school for the holidays because their families don't want to see them," Malfoy said loudly after Potions class, deliberately as he passed by Harry in the corridor.
Harry ignored him completely. At that moment, Hagrid was hauling a gigantic fir tree, trying to drag it around a corner. Ron and Harry both intended to help.
"Hey, Hagrid, need a hand?" Ron asked, sticking his head through the branches.
"No, I'm all right, thanks, Ron," Hagrid's voice came from the other side.
"Trying to earn some pocket money, Weasley?" Malfoy's voice echoed persistently behind them.
"I bet you can't wait to take over Hagrid's job, since even his hut must seem like a palace compared to your home," Malfoy sneered.
Ron lunged at Malfoy, but Orli and Harry quickly grabbed him from either side.
"That's enough, Malfoy. Stop whining like a bitter old hag. The more you talk, the more it shows how insanely jealous you are. Look at the trail you've left behind—you've filled the air with the sour stench of pickles," Orli snapped, unable to tolerate Malfoy's sharp tongue any longer.
"Oh, so Potter and Weasley have gone mute, and now they need a little girl to stand up for them?" Malfoy drawled mockingly. "How could I forget about you, Waters? They don't want to go home, but you? You're simply homeless, aren't you? Because your entire family is dead. Poor, miserable orphan Waters. Were you raised by rats in your house?"
A surge of anger rose within Orli, and before her rational mind could react, her hand had already grabbed Malfoy by the collar. Just then, Snape appeared on the staircase.
"Waters, let go!" Snape commanded.
Orli gritted her teeth, glanced at Snape, and released her grip.
"It was someone else who started it, Professor Snape," Hagrid's shaggy head emerged from behind the tree. "Malfoy insulted their families."
"I'm not deaf, thank you for the reminder," Snape replied, casting a glance at the Gryffindors before fixing his gaze on Malfoy. The smug smile on Malfoy's face gradually faded under the silent scrutiny of Snape's eyes.
"Draco, I'll be sure to inform Lucius to pay more attention to his heir's manners. Now, return to the dungeons," Snape said before turning and walking away.
Malfoy looked after Snape with a disbelieving, petulant expression, like a child who had just been scolded. Then, with a huff, he pushed past the branches and disappeared up the stairs.
"I can't believe it. Did Snape just... reprimand Malfoy?" Harry stared in astonishment in the direction they had left.