Chapter 66: Bonus ~Chapter 66 Lucius
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When Harry finally managed to break free from the crowd, he was staggering under the weight of Lockhart's complete set of leather-bound books in his arms.
Malfoy had somehow materialized in front of Harry.
"Famous Harry Potter," Malfoy sneered with his characteristic smirk. "Can't even step into a bookshop without making the front page."
"Leave him alone!" Ginny glared at Malfoy. "He didn't want all that!"
"Potter's got himself a girlfriend!" Malfoy drawled, causing Ginny's face to flush scarlet.
"Rich coming from you, Malfoy," Orli retorted. "You're the one obsessing over Harry's every move. Why don't you just tattoo 'green with envy' across your forehead?"
"Ah, Waters," Malfoy said condescendingly. "Turning up everywhere, aren't you? Orphans flock together, just like the penniless. Did you and the Weasleys fast all summer to afford this term's books? If you're willing to beg, perhaps I can convince Father to increase your scholarship - he is on the Hogwarts Board of Governors, after all."
"Shut it, Malfoy!" Harry's chest heaved with anger.
"What's going on here?!" Mr. Weasley pushed through with the twins.
"Well, well, well - Arthur Weasley." Lucius Malfoy placed his hand on his son's shoulder, both sporting identical sneers.
"Lucius," Mr. Weasley acknowledged with an icy nod.
This is it! Orli's mental alertness heightened. She barely glanced at Draco, instead keeping a covert watch on Lucius's hands. Though uncertain of Voldemort's diary's exact location, she knew Lucius must have it on his person.
She couldn't interfere with his plan now - she might lose track of the diary. She remained still, listening to Lucius's cutting remarks toward Mr. Weasley until the situation devolved into a physical altercation.
Chaos erupted instantaneously. The crowd surged backward as bookshelves toppled, forcing Orli to wedge herself against the wall awkwardly, still balancing her cauldron.
Shop assistants' protests went unheeded until a thunderous voice cut through the mayhem:
"Break it up, gentlemen - BREAK IT UP!"
Hagrid waded through the sea of scattered books and hauled Mr. Weasley up effortlessly. Mr. Weasley had a split lip; Lucius's eye was darkening from an impact with a book.
He snatched Ginny's Transfiguration book and thrust it back at her, malice glinting in his eyes.
"Here, girl - take it - it's the best your father can give you!" He shrugged off Hagrid's grip, beckoned to his son, and swept from the shop.
"Yeh should've ignored him, Arthur," Hagrid said, nearly lifting Mr. Weasley off the ground as he straightened his robes. "Rotten ter the core, that lot. Let's get outta here."
Hagrid shepherded them toward the street. The shop assistant seemed inclined to stop them but thought better of it upon noting Hagrid's imposing presence.
Mrs. Weasley was beside herself with fury, scolding Mr. Weasley until they reached the Leaky Cauldron.
Hermione departed with her parents for Muggle London, Hagrid left on other business, and the rest used Floo powder to return to the Burrow.
Orli maintained her composure throughout the journey back. Once in Ginny's room, she casually spread out all her new purchases to sort through them together.
Sure enough, she soon spotted a black, worn diary among Ginny's books. It stood out conspicuously among the stack of new textbooks, as Ginny no longer needed second-hand books this year.