I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 36

Chapter 35 People respect me 1 foot, I respect peop

“He Mu, our principal originally disagreed. After all, we are not a cat or dog school. We must have principles in our work.

As a result, I scolded him, saying that if the school is not willing to respect even the outstanding talents, then I don’t need to stay in this school.

Just like that, after several quarrels, I finally convinced him. ”

As soon as Ling Hanxing entered the bar, before sitting down, he began to report the results.

“In the end, he promised to waive your tuition and fees. If you do well in school, you can even subsidize all your board and lodging expenses.”

Li Da was shocked behind the bar when he heard that all board and lodging expenses were subsidized.

He didn’t expect that Lingzhou Vocational University would give such a generous treatment to the first round of talks.

If we continue to talk about it, wouldn’t it be…

However, before he can continue to think about it, He Mu over there has already agreed: “Thank you, Teacher Ling and the principal, I am willing to sign this agreement, but then I have to tell me how to behave well.”

Li Da felt anxious when he heard the words, and began to wink at He Mu.

After all, the two sides didn’t even see each other for ten minutes, so where did they go?

aware of the change in Li Shu’s face, He Mu turned his head and smiled lightly: “Uncle Li, people respect me a foot, I respect others a foot, I think this is enough, what do you think?”

Li Da’s expression instantly froze when he heard this, and he was very surprised by He Mu’s calmness and freedom.

It wasn’t until a few seconds later that he realized that his thoughts were too far.

He Mu wants to investigate He Feng’s affairs in a completely unfamiliar city like Lingzhou. Lingzhou Vocational University is equivalent to a base area for him, and he may have to ask people in the school for help.

If he is acting too snobbery now, then the relationship between him and the school is pure interest. How can he speak embarrassedly in the future?

I have to say, He Mu sees it more thoroughly than him.

Li Da admired more and more. If He Mu looked only eighteen, he would even think that this boy was older than him.

“Ahem, I think it’s okay, too.”

“Then sign!”

Ling Hanxing smiled happily when the two agreed.

He Mu didn’t delay, so he started signing, but halfway through signing, he suddenly paused and said, “Ms. Ling, I have to tell you one thing in advance.”

“What’s the matter?” Ling Hanxing’s heart just let go of it came up again.

“My brother is He Feng, the guardian of Tianmen District, Lingzhou City.” He Mu said calmly.

Hearing this, Ling Hanxing’s pupils shrank instantly.

He didn’t pay much attention to the matter in Tianmen District, but he knew it.

At this moment, he finally understood why He Mufei had to go to Lingzhou.

After pondering for a moment, Ling Hanxing’s expression gradually became solemn.

“He Mu, before entering our school, there may be different special recruitment policies for reducing points because of different status conditions, but after entering our school, everything depends on yourself, and you will not be distinguished because of whose relatives you are. treat.”

He Mu’s eyes never left Ling Hanxing’s eyes from the beginning to the end. Seeing that his eyes were clear and very open, he withdrew his gaze.

The meaning in his words couldn’t be more obvious. Whether his brother is a great hero or a great villain, the school will not value or despise himself because of this.

Received such a promise, He Mu didn’t hesitate anymore, lowered his head and wrote his name on the agreement.

This also means that he will spend the next few years in Lingzhou Vocational University.

“Ms. Ling, when can we go to Lingzhou.”

The agreement was delivered to Ling Hanxing, and He Mu couldn’t wait to inquire.

Ling Hanxing put away the agreement, and at the same time took out his mobile phone and checked the date.

“Today is August 5th. We should go with the returning teachers and students on August 20th.

Well, there is still half a month. In this half month, you should be more prepared. Next time you come back, it will be at least half a year later.

, this is my contact information, if you have any questions, you can directly contact me. ”

Talking, Ling Hanxing typed his phone number on his cell phone and placed it in front of He Mu.

He Mu took out his cell phone and wrote it down.

“He Mu, go back and consider which major to go to. I personally recommend that you come to our excavator major. On the one hand, our excavator majors can run all over the country.

On the other hand, the chef who is a professional chef is very embarrassed. If he hadn’t taken my bag by mistake, I wouldn’t be so downhearted now. I am a little worried to let you follow such a teacher. ”

“Um…I will consider it.”

He Mu just finished speaking, when a middle-aged man suddenly heard a slightly angry voice outside.

“Oh! That long-haired guy, what are you doing in my clothes?”

Ling Hanxing’s face changed slightly when he heard this, and he stood up immediately.

“I still have important things to do, let’s leave first.”

After saying that, his figure flashed, and he disappeared into the Red Mist Bar.

Immediately afterwards, he heard further and further apologies from outside the bar.

“Ah, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, your dress looks so much like mine! I couldn’t help taking it off… I disturbed you in the bathroom, sorry…”


In the bar, He Mu thanked Uncle Li again, and then left the Red Mist Bar.

The matter of going to Lingzhou City was resolved, and a stone fell on the ground in his heart.

No matter what, he finally successfully took the first step in investigating the true cause of his brother’s death.

As for choosing a chef or an excavator, he doesn’t really care.

Although these two professions were both terrifying professions in the previous life, there are not so many terrifying professions in this world.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if you have a stalk.

After all, relying on the ability to feed, and not breaking the law, whose career hasn’t been said so much?

Code code is chanting the hairline every day, calling the **** whenever the code word is, and some actresses have also become teachers to countless people.

doesn’t matter anymore.



At the same time, the other side.

At the residence of the guardian of the South City, the guardian Wu An and the captain of the special operations team Sun Weizheng met secretly.

There was a calendar in front of the two of them, their expressions were quite solemn.

On the calendar, August 19 is circled by a red circle.

“I have agreed with the military, and the date is set for August 19, when enrollment is completely over. Both students and teachers should stay at home.”

Wu An drew a big triangle on the calendar while talking.

The three-star triangle represents the three major protection systems of the South City, the Guardians, the Special Operations Team and the Red Mist Alliance.

“Most of the students and teachers live in the guardian quarters. Under normal circumstances, this area is the most protected area in the entire South City.

It is too fake for the monster to enter the city from here, and the hidden members of the New Moon League will definitely not attack here. ”

“What do you mean?” Sun Wei was puzzled.

Wu An did not rush to answer, but drew an arrow from the outside to the inside between the Red Mist Alliance and the special operations team.

“The military will put five hundred to one thousand monsters into the city from between the special operations team and the Red Mist Alliance.”

“Five hundred to one thousand…”

Sun Wei’s eyes opened suddenly.

The monsters in the nest and the city monsters are not at the same level, even the cannon fodder in the nest is stronger than most city monsters.

After all, the monsters in the city were eliminated in time, their growth time was limited, and their bloodlines were not good, but the nest monsters were completely different.

Wu An seemed to see Sun Wei’s worries and calmly said:

“Don’t worry, they are basically cannon fodder below 50 combat power, and there are not too many high combat powers. As long as the citizens obediently hide in safe rooms after hearing the warning from the whole city, they will not cause major casualties.

Moreover, I will take people to the special operations team ahead of time and wait for them.

As you know, important locations such as communication towers, arsenals, and water sources are all around the special operations team.

The special operations team is the most likely place for the New Moon League to attack Sun Wei feels even more stressed.

These places mentioned by the guardian are usually hidden, and ordinary monsters cannot find these places when they attack the city.

But people are not the same, people will look for these important places on purpose.

Not to mention, many of the people in the New Moon League are descendants of the first generation of Red Mist fighters, and among them, there are likely to be powerful ones.

If the Guardians do not sit in the special operations team, the New Moon Alliance comes to attack, and monsters enter the city, then the special operations team composed of most ordinary people is really likely to be captured.

When those important places fall, the people of the New Moon League can completely do things like attacking ordinary people with heavy arms, poisoning the water source, cutting off the communication signal of the whole city, and even broadcasting false news.

Seeing cold sweat on Sun Wei’s forehead, Wu An took out a tissue and wiped him.

“Captain Sun, the Red Mist Alliance has no offensive value. There are powerful teachers and students near my guardian’s residence. The New Moon Alliance can only attack the special operations team.

I know you are under a lot of pressure, but you can rest assured that with me in the special operations team, they will not be able to turn the waves when they come. ”


Sun Wei bowed his head and said nothing, the room became completely quiet.

After a long time, he took a deep breath and raised his head, his eyes became extremely firm.

Everything is silent at the moment.

Wu An smiled at this, and then pointed to himself.

“In Nancheng, only you know and I know this.”

“Wu can rest assured that everything will be like a broken city when the time comes. I will inform the whole city and let all citizens take refuge, and before that, I will not conduct any drills.

I…trust my players. “

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