Chapter 134
Episode 134: The Imperial Maiden of the Empire (3)
Mint looked up at an unexpected sound of wind. If the light on her desk wasn’t from a magical device but a candle, it would have flickered.
The imperial princess closed the book she was reading.
What caused that sudden eerie feeling? They say someone walked over a grave just now.
Why? Mint twirled her feather pen in hand, pondering. Proper magicians don’t believe in luck or coincidences.
This creepy sensation must have a cause… Hmm. Mint glanced around. Of course, there was nothing unusual nearby—but—
Ah. That was it.
Mint returned to her bed and hugged a large stuffed doll she had received as a gift long ago.
This is the Academy Café.
The sacred maiden sighed with quiet relief at an unexpected gift. The priests accompanying her were bustling about excitedly.
The topic of their discussion was clear: Was the recovery of the sacred maiden’s legs a miracle, magic, or something else entirely?
Though one might question the need to distinguish between miracles and magic, given that her legs healed after many healers failed…
It could be called miraculous.
Perhaps it was a miracle. Two priests disagreed. One thought it was a miracle; the other didn’t. The sacred maiden didn’t join their debate.
It wouldn’t be proper for her to argue about herself. Debates like this happen all day when the priests aren’t healing.
Theological debates. Sometimes dull, but today there was plenty of fuel in the fire.
“It’s definitely a miracle.”
“Not a miracle. It was medicine.”
The two priests held differing opinions.
“In any case, it’s God’s will. We should thank the healer too, of course.”
The skeptical priest shook his head, sticking to his belief in miracles.
“Hey, why not ask Professor Asterix? What kind of medicine? What kind of illness? He probably can’t answer properly anyway.”
The sacred maiden considered carefully.
What should I say to resolve this? Whose side is right?
“We simply don’t understand yet. If we listen closely, it might make sense. At least it makes sense to Professor Asterix himself, right?”
“I doubt it. It’s still a miracle.”
“I think it’s not a miracle. Maybe there’s a new frontier in medicine that we don’t know about, related to both the academy and the professor.”
It’s hard to claim we know everything. Is there anyone who knows everything in this world?
“Didn’t ancient legends say that heaven tests even the most faithful and sinless individuals to absolve humanity’s sins, while miracles ease their burden?”
“That’s excessive praise. Being called a sacred maiden is just a title—I’m not that extraordinary. Titles don’t define people; effort does. Still, I do believe it’s part of heaven’s plan.”
“No. Look, you saw a doctor help a cripple walk. Calling it anything but a miracle seems illogical, doesn’t it?”
The sacred maiden nodded.
“There’s no need to worry. Whether it’s divine mercy or a scientific frontier beyond our understanding, we should just be grateful.”
Ultimately, that’s the conclusion. Regardless of how the symptoms improved, if we don’t understand, we can always ask the professor later.
“Isn’t there a symposium soon?”
“Yes. Professor Asterix isn’t presenting though.”
In any case, it wasn’t worth worrying about.
The temple healers chatted briefly before heading to the symposium. While the conversation strayed little from the sacred maiden’s illness…
The academy buzzed more than usual today.
The interests of the temple healers differed from those of the academic community. Since temples traditionally combined hospitals and shelters, they were more pragmatic but struggled with making new discoveries.
“Let’s change the subject.”
The sacred maiden sipped her herbal tea.
“Something struck me while reviewing studies on infectious dysentery and the Black Death. What the academic community emphasized seemed important.”
“The key to solving problems. Ultimately, isn’t it a return to theological teachings? The academic community didn’t fully understand the transmission of plagues until recently. What was the conclusion?”
“What was it?”
The sacred maiden wasn’t called sacred for nothing. Her breath is music, her voice gospel. What teaching would descend now…
At least that’s what believers thought.
The priests listened intently.
“Science admitted ignorance. Some skeptics believed cold logic opposed theology and morality, but helping the most marginalized, the poorest, the most destitute ultimately leads to salvation.”
“Preventing rats from eating the poor’s grain, stopping contaminated water from polluting wells…”
“A return to the origin, a kind of unity. Theologically and practically, that’s how I see it.”
The sacred maiden concluded there.
The priests marveled softly at her words. The sacred maiden sheepishly smiled at their reactions.
“Wow, these words should be written down.”
“Madam Sacred Maiden should’ve been a playwright.”
One priest pulled out paper.
“Such profound statements should be recorded and shared during sermons.”
Hype. Just like earlier, the priests were hyped again.
“But… I truly believe this.”
Thanks to Professor Asterix, her legs healed. Reviewing scholarly opinions is the least she could do in return. Probably?
Church resources are worth investing here. The sacred maiden saw Professor Asterix’s sincerity. When she first met him, he immediately analyzed her condition despite her presence.
It wasn’t a miracle.
If it were, why would he have hesitated?
He clearly spent a lot of time thinking. If this were just a miracle created by Professor Asterix…
He wouldn’t mutter obscure diagnoses or pull her arm to help her stand. Besides…
“To be honest…”
The two priests looked at her.
“If it were a miracle, either I or church officials could’ve achieved it. Since that didn’t happen, it’s logical to conclude that the professor pondered, judged, and reached a conclusion.”
The debate ended. Unable to hold back, the sacred maiden concluded. The two priests accompanying her understood the chain of events.
I stretched my legs and sat in the research lab.
The sacred maiden received the medicine, so she’ll recover soon. Whether the need for medicine will disappear eventually remains unknown, but it’s possible.
Didn’t we see this in knights or mages of the academy? Superhumans, especially those receiving healing magic, defy normal judgment.
Anyway, things turned out well. With church support, distributing or verifying the medicine will become easier, and securing research funds will be simpler.
In some ways, it might be more practical than academia. From the perspective of preventing disease through environmental improvements, the church might be more helpful than other groups.
Still, meeting the sacred maiden is necessary.
Amy tilted her head.
“So, what was the sacred maiden’s illness?”
“Severe Myasthenia Gravis.”
“What’s that?”
“Just as it sounds. A severe condition causing muscle paralysis. There’s no known specific cause, but trauma can trigger it.”
“Hmm… ironic, isn’t it? The sacred maiden, who seemed capable of curing all illnesses, couldn’t walk due to her own sickness.”
Amy continued talking.
“Plus, in the sacred maiden’s case, falling off a horse coincided with the onset of illness, so she didn’t realize she was sick.”
I shook my head at this comment.
It wasn’t coincidence.
“Rather than irony… She went to fight monsters because she’s the sacred maiden. And I heard she fell off a horse fighting a monster. I suspect Severe Myasthenia Gravis might have caused the fall.”
“That could be true.”
I nodded.
The situation the sacred maiden faced wasn’t coincidence. Even if it seemed random, there’s a logical structure and chain of events behind it.
You can’t rely on surface-level observations alone.
“So, what did the sacred maiden say? Did she rejoice calling her recovery a miracle?”
“Honestly, saying that to the person who cured you is disrespectful. I cured her—what kind of miracle is that?”
Amy wore a puzzled expression.
“Does she need to keep taking the medicine?”
“I’m not sure. It’s not an incurable disease, so she might recover someday.”
“That’s reassuring.”
Practically speaking, if you want to achieve something, building alliances with powerful allies is crucial.