Chapter 51
According to the Suspicious Viewer, since it’s most important to decorate your lair however you want…
Taking that advice to heart, I focused on decorating my lair exactly how I truly wanted it.
“A place that’s cozy and comfortable, where anyone can drop by without feeling pressured.”
The coziness was just my personal taste…
But making it a place where anyone could visit without pressure came from my own personal wish after meeting so many people.
“Since I’ve only been receiving help and never properly repaying it…”
It was a desire born from wanting to somehow be helpful to everyone in return.
“Of course, since my lair is rather… actually very lacking, probably more people will avoid coming than anything.”
Still, thinking that if even one person wanted to visit, I wanted to make it a place they could rest comfortably…
I began decorating it in a style where people could relax.
Somehow, it ended up feeling like a secret hideout.
Looking back, since my first lair had that secret base vibe, it probably carried over.
Anyway, even as I myself admired how decently it turned out with a satisfied grin, Chae-a beside me looked extremely impressed and spoke up.
“Wow, amazing… Hae-un, you’re amazing!”
Getting compliments like that definitely made me puff up with pride…
Even though I knew I shouldn’t get so full of myself over something like this, I couldn’t help but swell with arrogance while smiling.
Just as the thought of showing off to others started blooming in my mind…
“Huh? Why?”
Han Arin just looked at me confused…
And since everyone else was busy and had gone elsewhere, there was no one left to give praise.
Feeling a bit regretful about leaving it at that, I decided to pull out my trump card – my ‘phone’ – with a sly smile.
* * * * *
[Hae-un completed her lair and is trying to show it off via broadcast lol
– Ahahaha, she worked hard but why does it look so abandoned? (No hate tho)]
n You should just silently hop on when Hae-un comes carrying stuff later, legit.
n Still, it does feel kind of… honestly super cute how proud she is showing it off lol
n Honestly makes me want to sneak into her lair and redo all the interior design secretly. But she’d probably hate that.
Meanwhile, Chae-a is super shocked saying it changed so much – so cute lol
The hunter community was abuzz with news of Hae-un’s lair completion.
Her lair, which had been indiscriminately destroyed twice by that bald (yes) spirit master who’s not actually a demon…
Finally reached completion, spreading excitement through the community.
Though hunters were usually apathetic towards others…
Perhaps because of everything Hae-un had done, there was a surprisingly celebratory atmosphere.
Then someone posted an intriguing new thread.
[Did you know that the white animal that goes around with Hae-un can enhance items?
– Saw it accidentally walking into the Spirit Master’s lab.
That thing called Somtul put enhancements on a plastic bag?
And it became an insane plastic bag covered in special effects wow.
If you have something to enhance later, try hinting around to Hae-un.]
n Wait what? If this is real, this is seriously crazy right?
n But I don’t want to burden Hae-un so it’s awkward to ask… Maybe better to just find enhancement stones.
n Easy for you to say but enhancement stones are something even top tier hunters struggle to find. Still, I doubt I could ask her either… hahaha
n Sorry but could you delete this post? Don’t want it causing trouble for Hae-un.
Right away, talk turned to Somtul.
About Somtul’s special ability – “enhancement”.
Normally, most hunters wouldn’t dare approach Hae-un for fear of causing trouble…
But since enhancement was such a precious thing that most hunters could only dream of, some greed started showing through…
[Are you guys serious right now?
– While Perseus, Han Arin, the Guild, Elder Dragons, Ancient Dragons, Spirit Master Representative Lee Seong-Hyun and countless other members of Hae-un’s fanclub (including me) are working hard to protect her…
You’re going to push unreasonable requests onto her?
Are you guys sane?
n Haha yeah, here we are joking around…
n This is right. Personally, that Spirit Master Rep is legitimately terrifying. Sure he’s all gentle in front of Hae-un but he’s seriously scary.
n Wait that guy? Isn’t he just the squid taco baldy who destroys lairs and innocence?
n Haha look up his achievements sometime. Later you’ll be too scared to even make eye contact.
n Looked him up. What is this guy? Is he human?
n Squid taco confirmed.
Because of how well protected Hae-un was, there really wasn’t anyone actually trying to act on these thoughts.
Unless someone had nothing to lose, which didn’t apply to hunters who had both their profession and certain benefits secured…
Anyone planning extreme actions likely wouldn’t last long anyway.
Seeing these posts, Perseus felt the need to further strengthen the safety around Hae-un and decided to take preemptive measures.
* * * * *
As soon as the broadcast went live, numerous viewers quickly joined.
I was so grateful they came that I stumbled over my thank yous…
When Seorin, who arrived first, gave me a compliment.
[SeorinSeorin – Did you finish the lair? It’s really pretty.]
Of course Seorin would notice.
Thinking that hard work does indeed get recognized, I felt extremely accomplished when…
Han Arin, who was holding me, spoke to the viewers.
“Hae-un finished her lair. Anyone who wants to visit is welcome.”
At those words, my tail wagged wildly side to side.
Though inviting guests to my modest lair was embarrassing, I was more excited about people coming over…
Vowing to do my best by serving water or giving massages to any visitors…
[MinCola – Isn’t it still unfinished? hahaha]
[YangSauceTasty – hahahahaha Stop teasing Hae-un.]
[WantToRegret – It looks great, why are you guys? Don’t worry Hae-un, it’s really well done.]
Some shocking comments started appearing.
Seeing those, I wriggled around in shock…
While Han Arin, who was holding me, chuckled nervously and warned the chat.
“Talking about it being unfinished is forbidden. I’ll warn you if you keep doing it.”
Though warnings were mostly just cautions, temporary chat bans, or at worst permanent bans…
Everyone seemed to agree with keeping the peaceful atmosphere, so talk of it being unfinished stopped…
[Natting – Hae-un’s lair feels very nature-friendly.]
Suddenly this strange “nature-friendly” trend started spreading.
Since it obviously sounded like teasing, I was about to get a little upset when…
Chae-a, watching nearby, lit up with joy and spoke to me happily.
“Loves nature…”
As a spirit beast, she must have liked the “nature-friendly” description.
Thinking that pleasing Chae-a was enough, I grinned when…
My phone buzzed.
Checking it, I saw…
[Grandma Leseia
– Hae-un, grandma plans to visit your lair tomorrow. Is there anything you’d like me to bring?]
A message from Grandma Leseia.
She’s coming sooner than expected, I thought while blinking, then carefully typed back but…
Something weird came out.
I was baffled looking at the result despite typing each letter carefully.
“What happened?”
Wondering why as I focused on retyping…
Somtul was subtly tapping the keyboard with its tail.
Thinking it was odd, I erased the message to rewrite when…
In trying to pick up Somtul, my phone accidentally sent the message.
Panicking over the mistake, I fidgeted my fingers, then just as I was about to send another apology message…
[Grandma Leseia
– Haha grandma will figure something out. Just wait a bit.]
Grandma’s reply came back, seeming to fully understand.
Wondering how she could possibly understand that message, I marveled when…
Han Arin beside me spoke anxiously.
“Le, Grandma Leseia is coming tomorrow?”
Han Arin’s pupils shook rapidly.
Wondering why as I tilted my head…
Thinking it was fine and putting down my phone, I noticed the chaotic chat.
[SeorinSeorin – Close-up of Hae-un is so cute hahahahaha ㅠㅠㅠ]
[CabbageSalad – Hae-un’s huge eyes while typing is adorable hahaha]
[ChickenTasty – hahahahaha Can hear the unique breathing of babies when Hae-un gets close hahahahaha]
Apparently, my face got too close while typing and zoomed in on camera…
Blushing at that, I hid behind a nearby wall to calm down when…
Han Arin suddenly picked me up and said.
“Hae-un, can you follow my lead for today?”
Not understanding why she suddenly said this, I tilted my head when…
Han Arin explained.
“We need to prepare to welcome Grandma Leseia.”
With that, Han Arin quickly started preparations, contacting hair salons, various clothing stores, famous restaurants, and dessert shops in a flurry…