I came, I saw, I lost! (Classroom of the Elite Fanfiction)

Chapter 26: Everything Went to Hell


While Kumagawa was disappearing, Ayanokouji was stuck between a hard rock and a cliff.

Due to the girls' sudden suspicion of the boys, they decided they wanted to live separately, citing the reason, "we cannot trust the boys."

Which was both fair and unfair at the same time.

Now, because of that, the girls would inevitably have to move their tents. But since the most capable people were Hirata and Ike, they couldn't do it all by themselves. Maybe out of pride, they didn't want to ask the boys for help.

Although some of the girls were strong enough to assist, obviously, they couldn't do it alone. So they asked for the most obvious help—Hirata.

Of course, Hirata agreed to help. But even he couldn't do it alone, so he had no choice but to request assistance from the boys.

And thus, the third conflict began once again.

Slowly, the commotion ran amok, and the boys and girls found themselves in yet another turbulent argument. But, thanks to Hirata's efforts, the girls agreed to let one boy help him with setting up their tents and moving supplies.

The problem was—aside from Hirata, they didn't trust anyone.

Horikita, who had remained mostly neutral throughout the ordeal, recommended Ayanokouji for the task. And with Hirata's convincing argument, he was reluctantly chosen as the helper.

And so, trapped between Hirata's sincere gaze and the girls' suspicious glares, Ayanokouji found himself caught between two hard places.

At first, the work was tedious. Some stakes slipped loose, and the ropes weren't cooperating, but after getting the hang of it, he managed to secure the first tent. It was surprisingly easy. Currently, he was sweaty, hammering in the stakes for the second tent while Hirata stretched the rope and helped drive them in.

"I'm sorry. I've put you in a tough spot Ayanokouji-kun."

The other guys were off fishing or playing around.

"Ah, it's okay. You don't have to apologize, Hirata. If anything, I'd feel bad leaving it all to you."

"Oh, it's not all bad. I do it freely." His sincere smile only enhanced his coolness.

Ayanokouji paused. "This question might come off as weird, but why do you work so hard?"

"Work so hard? I don't intend to work that hard. I just do what needs to be done. I think this special test isn't actually a battle—it's an important opportunity for us to grow closer. That's why I want to cherish this moment. I'm glad to work hard for that."

Hirata said that in a way that wasn't boastful.

Even so, Hirata was drenched in sweat, wiping himself down with the towel around his neck. No matter how you looked at it, he was clearly overworking himself for the class.

Ayanokouji wondered—how was it possible for an ordinary person to be so full of good intentions without being two-faced?

Then, suddenly, his mind wandered to a certain other person, someone who was the exact opposite of Hirata.

That person was as far from the extremes of what one could call an ordinary person. He was a walking contradiction, an amalgamation of both good and bad, minus the heart that would give either meaning.

"I hope Kumagawa can learn something from you."

Before he realized it, he had muttered his thoughts aloud.

Hirata let out a small, awkward laugh.

Meanwhile, Kumagawa's situation was far from ideal. In fact, it had somehow gotten worse.

Because of his sudden disappearance, even though it had already been proven that he wasn't the thief, the girls' suspicion had reached an all-time high.

At this rate, it wouldn't be surprising if they just outright declared him an enemy.

"Hirata-kun! Come here for a minute!"

Karuizawa and the other girls called Hirata's name. In an instant, they surrounded him and began tugging on his arms.

"Hey, come on, come here!"

"Ah, I still have work left to do, though," he said.

"Isn't it okay to just leave that to Ayanokouji-kun? Can't you?" they said, yanking him forcefully.

Seeing Hirata's troubled face, Ayanokouji decided to let him go, even though he thought it'd be a bother.

"I can do this. Go."

With Ayanokouji's approval, the girls wasted no time. They dragged Hirata off before he could even respond properly.

Ayanokouji let out a quiet sigh and went back to his work. Judging by the number of girls clinging to Hirata, it didn't seem like he'd be back anytime soon.

And sure enough, by the time Ayanokouji finished setting up the tent, Hirata still hadn't returned.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Ayanokouji decided to rest under the shade of a nearby tree. Even though setting up a tent wasn't difficult once you got the hang of it, working under the blazing sun was still exhausting.

Just as he was about to relax—

"Do you have a minute?"

Ayanokouji turned his head toward the source of the voice and saw Ibuki standing a little distance away.

'So much for resting.'

"What you were talking about this morning sounded really serious. The underwear incident, I mean. Class D isn't exactly unified, is it?"

"Well, I guess. Our troubles never seem to end."

From the very start of the school year, Class D had constantly been embroiled in some kind of problem. Though most of them were because of Kumagawa, Ayanokouji couldn't help but feel a little disturbed by the sheer number of incidents.

"Whatever the reason, stealing a girl's underwear is unforgivable," Ibuki said.

"Do you doubt me, by any chance?"

"Are you the culprit?" she asked.

"No, I'm not."

"Okay, that's good. Well, it's not like I had any evidence or anything. It looks like some of the girls trust you and that boy Hirata. I think the chance of you being a villain is low."

Ayanokouji narrowed his eyes slightly. This conversation was strange. So far, Ibuki had maintained her distance from Class D, only helping with basic tasks when necessary. And yet, now she was approaching him out of nowhere?

"So who do you think did it?"

She asked the question as if she were testing him. Ayanokouji noticed the way she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. When he didn't respond, she continued talking.

"If a boy isn't the culprit, then they'll suspect me—the stranger—next. I'm sure some people have already said something about me. After all, I could've just made it look like the guys stole the underwear. Right?"

Ibuki let out a self-deprecating laugh, clearly aware that she was already a suspect.

Ayanokouji spoke without thinking.

"I think I trust you, at the very least. I doubt you're the culprit."

Ibuki looked a bit surprised, as if she wanted to confirm whether he was being serious. When their eyes met, she quickly looked away.

Ayanokouji took a closer look at her appearance. She was strangely dirty. Small traces of dirt clung beneath her fingernails, and the fabric of her pants was stained at the knees, as if she had been kneeling on the ground for a while.

Considering she was helping Class D with whatever they needed as repayment for letting her stay, he wondered what kind of work she had been given.

"...What were you doing?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Just helping out with some things." Ibuki answered casually, as if disregarding the question entirely.

"I see,"

For a moment, neither of them spoke. Then, without another word, Ibuki turned and left.

Ayanokouji watched her figure slowly disappear into the distance.

From that short conversation, he managed to conclude one thing.

It was—

『Ibuki-chan who had stolen the underwear from Karuizawa's bag and hidden it in Ike's luggage. 』

Ayanokouji immediately turned his head.

『What's with this lively atmosphere? Did I miss something fun?』

Kumagawa Misogi had returned.Top of Form

His sudden appearance caught Ayanokouji off guard. In fact, it seemed like no one had even realized his arrival in the first place.

Ayanokouji eyed him carefully.

"Where have you been this entire time?"

『Are you worried about me, Ayanokouji-kun? 』

Ayanokouji ignored his teasing and looked at his attire. Kumagawa wasn't wearing the school-issued tracksuit. Instead, he was back in his signature black school uniform—the same one he had worn on the first day of school in July.

"And why are you covered in dirt?"

Kumagawa was a mess. Dirt clung to his clothes, and there were even a few twigs caught in his hair.

"...Did you hear anything about what happened while you were gone?"

Kumagawa tilted his head.

Hmm? Something happened? Did we finally get a decent meal? 』

Ayanokouji stared at him for a second before shaking his head.

"...Never mind."

There was no point in asking him. Either he already knew and was playing dumb, or he genuinely had no idea. Neither option was particularly reassuring.

"By the way, what did you mean Ibuki's the one who stole Karuizawa's underwear?"

Although his sudden appearance was surprising, it was what Kumagawa had said that truly caught Ayanokouji's interest. Even though he often acted like an idiot, he sometimes could be eerily perceptive of people around him, to the point where it was unsettling.

Kumagawa, who had been brushing some dirt off his uniform, paused and blinked at him.

『Oh? You mean that?』

Ayanokouji nodded.

『Isn't it obvious? She's the only real outsider here. The perfect suspect. 』

"That's just speculation. Do you have actual proof?"

『Do you really think I care about proof when I want to blame someone? 』

Ayanokouji sighed.

『But if you're asking whether I actually know she did it... Hmm. Well, let's just say I have a really strong hunch. 』

"...Did you see her do it?"

『Now, now. Let's not jump to conclusions. I didn't say anything remotely close to that. At this point, you're just being paranoid, Ayanokouji-kun.』

"...You didn't answer the question."

Kumagawa merely chuckled and turned away.

『Well, well. I think I've had enough questioning for one day. I'm feeling so attacked right now.』

Ayanokouji exhaled slowly. As always, talking to Kumagawa was like trying to walk in a straight line while the ground randomly tilted beneath you.

Still, if Kumagawa had noticed something, then it was worth considering.


It was the end of the special test's fifth day, and Class D was depressed.

It was like they were holding an all-night vigil over a dead body. A whole day had passed with everyone jumping at shadows. Everyone was suspicious, and no one knew who the culprit was.

Despite the oppressive atmosphere, it was Ayanokouji's turn to get the fire going. As he watched the fire's condition, he occasionally tossed in some branches. It was monotonous, easy work.

He had another problem, though.

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun! Didn't we tell you to move the tent properly?"

"I moved it like I was told."

"It needs to be more to the left. Otherwise, we're too near the guys."


The girls made unreasonable requests of him, and he had to reluctantly accept. They still seemed resentful. Although he was a little fed up being worked like a horse, he felt bad for Hirata, so he complied.

"It must be really tough, being forced to do routine chores," Horikita said.

"That's rich, coming from you. This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't recommended me unnecessarily."

"There was no other way. Hirata-kun can't be trusted, and I needed insurance."

"You're the only one in class who doesn't trust Hirata. Life's better when you stop believing that all people are two-faced."

"I suppose that's true. I'm certainly not two-faced."

That was an understatement. Horikita lived her life completely true to herself. She threw Ayanokouji's criticism back rather skillfully.

"Well, Hirata is a man of many talents. He helps when we can't bring guys and girls together during a dispute. Don't you think that he's working hard to bring students together when no one else can?"

It was an understatement to say Hirata only worked hard. Right now, he was the backbone of Class D. Without him, even before the exam ended, Class D would've already self-destructed from the inside.

Although Ayanokouji realized that almost all of Class D had some kind of defect, for some reason, it felt like those flaws were being forcefully brought to the surface by some kind of mysterious force.

Horikita looked at him in silence for a moment, as if she was carefully considering her next words.

"Let me ask you something. Do you know how many points Class D has now?"

"Well, it seems like there were some unexpected expenditures. I can't give an exact number."

"Exactly. Trustworthy Hirata-kun has kept his mouth shut about it."

"What do you mean?"

"Come with me."

Ayanokouji wondered what she wanted to show him that was important enough to let him leave the fire unattended. As he followed her, he noticed that they were heading toward the entrance of the girls' tent. Horikita opened the main panel and shoved him inside.

"This is..."

Unlike the boys' tent, which was spartan-like in its lack of comfort, the girls' tent was completely different. It was spacious, with a floor mat on the ground so that they wouldn't have to sleep on the hard earth. There were several pillows inflated with air. On top of that was a battery-powered cordless fan.

"The tent on the other side has the exact same things in it, too. A total of twenty-five points."

"I thought the girls were putting up with the heat unusually well. So this is how you're getting through it."

They hadn't sacrificed anything from the very start. They'd simply bought whatever they needed.

"Karuizawa-san and the others asked for these."

Apparently, they'd secretly indulged themselves quite well. If the boys came to know about this, it would certainly spell doom for Class D—and for all of Hirata's hard work. Compared to the boys' situation, it was clearly unfair.

"Hirata-kun knows about this, of course. But he hasn't said anything to the boys."

Ayanokouji considered that.

It made sense. Hirata wasn't stupid. He had to have realized what the girls had done. But for the sake of keeping the peace, he kept quiet about it. That was the kind of person he was.

Ayanokouji wasn't sure whether to call that admirable or foolish.

"Speaking of confession, don't you think it's about time you confessed?"

"Confessed? Confessed what?"

Although Horikita pretended to be calm, she was sweaty. Enough was enough.

"Your health has gone rapidly downhill since the test started."

She'd looked ill even before they started traveling, but it hadn't been that noticeable. Recently, though, it was more obvious. She was noticeably lethargic. Even during mealtimes, she barely ate and quickly retreated to the tent afterward.

Horikita had likely planned to keep to herself and avoid unnecessary interactions.

"Not really any more than usual."


He'd caught Horikita in a lie and extended his hand to touch her forehead. It was clear she had a fever. Horikita tried to escape, but her movements were sluggish. He easily stopped her.

"We cannot lose any more points. With Kouenji retiring from the exam, we lost 30 points as a result. If I retired now, it would mean 60 lost points."

Her resolve to reach Class A was admirable, but the reality was harsh. From the temperature of her skin, her fever had to be close to 38°C. Still, she was hiding it for a pretty simple reason—if she reported an illness, the class would be hit with a bigger penalty. The timing of this test was simply rotten luck for her.

"Horikita-san! Can you come here for a moment?"

A girl's voice called from outside the tent.

Horikita pulled away from Ayanokouji's grasp.

"I just need to hang in there for another few days. If I give up now, it'll all be for nothing."

She turned toward the entrance, speaking quietly before stepping outside.

"And you should leave as soon as possible. If someone sees you in here, it'll just create another unnecessary conflict. Goodnight."

With that, she left, leaving Ayanokouji alone inside the girls' tent. It would be bad news if anyone saw him here and he intended to leave immediately.

But now that he was here, he might as well check something.

Due to the underwear incident, the girls kept their bags inside the tent at all times. They didn't want to leave their belongings unattended in the open, which meant everything was stored here.

Ayanokouji's eyes flicked across the tent. A pile of bags sat in one corner, each marked with their owner's name. If he checked them now, he might be able to confirm his suspicions.

Still, there was a risk. If someone walked in while he was searching, it would be impossible to explain.

Ayanokouji hesitated for only a moment before making his decision.

If he was going to check, he had to do it quickly.

He moved toward the pile of bags and found the one with Ibuki's name on it. It wasn't locked or secured in any way—just a standard backpack. Carefully, he unzipped it, keeping his ears sharp for any sound of approaching footsteps.

Inside, there were only the expected items: spare clothes, a water bottle, a flashlight, a small first-aid kit... but the one thing he was looking for—

The digital camera was missing.

Ayanokouji frowned slightly.

Had Ibuki already taken it? If so, where would she have hidden it?

There weren't many places to stash something like that. It was unlikely she kept it on her person at all times—it would be too risky.

He carefully zipped up the bag, making sure everything was exactly as it was before. There was no point in lingering here any longer. The longer he stayed, the higher the risk.

Ayanokouji silently stepped out of the tent, making sure no one saw him.

Where had Ibuki hidden the camera?


The morning of the sixth day arrived with a heavy, oppressive atmosphere. Just like the mood in Class D, the weather was gloomy.

It was overcast outside, the skies cloudy and gray.

When Ayanokouji stepped out of the tent, he immediately noticed how different the scenery looked compared to yesterday. Puddles and patches of mud littered the ground.

'It must have rained last night,' he thought.

The humid air and the lingering dampness made the tent feel suffocating, forcing one by one, the boys to wake up.

First was Sudou, groaning as he stretched his sore muscles, followed by Ike, who complained about the dampness, and then Hirata, who greeted them with his usual pleasant tone despite the uncomfortable conditions.

The others, however, clearly wanted to sleep longer but struggled against the muggy heat. Some buried their faces deeper into their sleeping bags, while others turned over with an exhausted groan. If someone from the outside saw them like this, they would look like a group of hobos huddling together.

Ayanokouji glanced around, quickly noting that Kumagawa was missing.

His absence wasn't unusual, but given how unpredictable he was, Ayanokouji instinctively scanned the area.

And there he was.

Perched up in a tree, eating berries, casually gazing up at the cloudy sky.

Ayanokouji approached the tree and looked up.

"When did you wake up?"

Kumagawa, still munching on berries, turned his head slightly and look at Ayanokouji

『I didn't. I've been up the whole night. 』

"You didn't sleep at all?" Ayanokouji raised an eyebrow.

『Nope. Not even a wink. 』

"Are you not sleepy?"

『Of course I am. The moment I step back onto that fancy ship, I'm gonna sleep like a corpse.』

That was an oddly fitting comparison.

Though, it wasn't surprising that Kumagawa had chosen to stay awake. Considering the state of the boys' tent, sleeping there was about as appealing as spending a night in a swamp. With the humidity, the mud, and the collective body heat of several exhausted, sweaty male students, it was no better than a steaming hellhole.

Even someone like Kumagawa, who never seemed to complain about much, had apparently drawn the line there.

"Still, you should've at least tried to sleep. Lack of rest affects your judgment."

『Oh, I know. But between my judgment and my spine, I'd rather keep my spine intact, thank you very much.』

Ayanokouji glanced back at the boys' tent. It looked like a disaster zone.

The inside was humid, the air thick with the combined body heat and sweat of over a dozen students. The ground was damp, making the sleeping bags cling uncomfortably to the skin. The smell of mud and unwashed clothes mixed unpleasantly, creating an environment that was far from ideal for rest.

Ayanokouji couldn't blame Kumagawa for avoiding it.

Still, the difference between the boys' tent and the girls' tent was almost laughable.

Ayanokouji recalled what he had seen the night before—the girls had set up spacious tents, complete with floor mats so they didn't have to sleep directly on the hard ground. They even had air pillows and, most absurdly, a battery-powered fan to keep cool.

"...Now that I think about it, the girls' tent is way more comfortable. They have mats, pillows, and even a fan" Ayanokouji mused aloud.

Kumagawa suddenly stopped eating his berries.

『...Come again? 』

Ayanokouji glanced at him but continued.

"Their tent is completely different from ours. They laid out mats to keep the ground from feeling uneven, and they even have extra blankets. Compared to that, our tent is just... Well, you know."

Before Kumagawa could respond, a loud voice interrupted them.

"Oi! What the hell did you just say?!"

Turning around, he saw Ike and Sudou standing there, their expressions shifting from confusion to outright fury.

"The girls' tent is... comfortable?" Ike's voice cracked slightly, as if struggling to comprehend the sheer injustice of the words he just heard.

"They have mats? And pillows? And a damn fan?!" Sudou repeated in disbelief.

It seemed they had overheard everything.

Kumagawa, on the other hand, simply clasped his hands together again, as if mourning their collective suffering.

『That's right, my fellow oppressed brothers. We have been sleeping on damp, bug-infested ground while those traitors have been resting on mattresses like royalty.』

"THOSE DAMN—!" Sudou was already fuming, shaking with pure rage.

"Oi, we're gonna have a little chat with them. They've been treating us like criminals, and this is what they've been doing?!"

But at the same time, he couldn't fully blame them.

For the past few days, the boys had been complying with every single one of the girls' unreasonable demands. Moving tents, adjusting sleeping arrangements, constantly reassuring them about the underwear thief—all while being treated like criminals. Even though they were angry, they still complied.

They swallowed their frustration and went along with it.

And now, they learned that the girls had been secretly living in comfort while they suffered?

It was inevitable that someone would snap.

"Ike, Sudou! Come back!" Hirata called after them, but his voice was drowned out by their furious shouting.

"Hey! You lot, get out here! We need to talk!"

"Don't pretend you can't hear us! Come out!"

Their yelling echoed through the camp, catching the attention of everyone who was already awake. But due to their sheer volume, it also woke up the other boys who were still sleeping.

Groggy and confused, some of them crawled out of their tents, rubbing their eyes.

"...The hell's going on?" Yamauchi yawned, scratching his head.

"Why're those two screaming first thing in the morning...?" another boy mumbled.

Of course, their curiosity grew the moment they saw how pissed Sudou and Ike were.

"Oi, Ike, what's up?" one of them asked.

Ike spun around, his face red with anger.

"The girls! Those damn traitors have been living like queens while we've been sleeping in the dirt like beggars!"


"What the hell do you mean?"

Seeing that everyone was now paying attention, Ike took a deep breath and explained.

The boys were silent for a moment.

Then, the rage spread like wildfire.

"...You've gotta be kidding me."

The tension in the air skyrocketed as more and more of the boys began realizing the sheer unfairness of it all.

Hirata of cousre tried to calm the boys, but to no avail. They're already drowned in their own anger for the girls.

Hirata, of course, tried to calm them down, but it was no use.

"We should talk this out properly—"

"Like hell we're just gonna talk!" Ike shouted, completely ignoring him.

The boys were already drowning in their own anger.

And inside the tent, the girls were beginning to stir. One by one, they stepped out, rubbing their eyes or frowning in irritation.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" Shinohara snapped

"Oh, sorry," Ike shot back sarcastically. "Did we wake you from your beauty sleep on your soft mattresses?"

Shinohara stiffened.


"You heard me! You girls have been living like royalty while we've been sleeping in the dirt like stray dogs! And the whole time, you've been acting like we're the problem?!"

At those words, the other girls started to tense up as well.

"...What are you even talking about?" one of them said, feigning ignorance.

"Yeah! Don't make weird accusations first thing in the morning," another chimed in.

The boys were already livid, but the girls' stubbornness and their demeanor, which made it seem like they were in the right while the boys were in the wrong, only fueled the fire.

"Then prove it. Let us check inside." Sudou said.

The girls immediately recoiled.

"What? No way!"

"Gross! You just want an excuse to go through our stuff!"

The situation was on the verge of exploding. Ayanokouji and Kumagawa stood by, watching in silence. Hirata was still trying to mediate, but his words were being drowned out by the growing hostility. The girls refused to budge, and the boys were past the point of rational discussion.

"Listen," Hirata said, stepping between them, "this is getting out of hand. If there are concerns, we should address them together, not like this. Forcing your way in isn't the solution, Sudou."

"Oh yeah? Then what's the solution, huh?! They've been lying to us this whole time! We're rationing food, drinking dirty water, and barely getting any sleep, while they're living comfortably! You're telling me we should just sit back and take it?!"

"I'm saying there's a better way to resolve this than fighting. If you do this, it'll only cause more division. Do you really want to make enemies out of your own classmates?" Hirata remained firm.

Ayanokouji silently agreed with Hirata's reasoning. However, Sudou was already beyond the point of listening. His frustration had built up too much.

"Tch, get out of my way!" Sudou snarled, shoving Hirata aside.

Hirata stumbled, and in the process, he knocked into Ayanokouji, who had been standing behind him. The force wasn't much, but with the wet ground from last night's rain, it became a chain reaction.

Ayanokouji lost his balance and fell backward, landing on his rear. Unfortunately, Kumagawa, who had been standing just beside him, was also caught in the mess.

With a loud splat, both of them landed in a patch of mud.

"...How unfortunate," Ayanokouji muttered, staring at his now-drenched clothes.

『Oh wow, what a tragedy. Truly, this must be the greatest injustice of the century. Someone, quick, call the human rights committee!" 』

Then, Yamauchi's voice cut through the tension.

"Hey, look at this!"

Everyone turned toward the source of the voice. Yamauchi was already at the entrance of the girls' tent.

During the commotion, he had managed to slip past everyone unnoticed and make his way directly to their tent. With a triumphant grin, he pulled the flap open wide for everyone to see.

Inside, the tent was completely different from the boys' spartan-like setup.

A heavy silence fell over the group.

"You've gotta be kidding me..." one of the boys muttered.

Seeing the evidence directly, the girls did not hide it any longer. But instead of apologizing or any other action, their doubled down on their behavaior.

"So what? Of course, our tent is different. We're girls."

"That's right," another chimed in, her tone dripping with condescension. "It's just common sense. Boys and girls have different needs. You wouldn't understand."

The boys' faces twisted in anger. The way they spoke, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, only poured fuel on the fire.

It wouldn't have been strange if a full-blown conflict broke out right then and there. The tension had reached its peak. One wrong move, and the entire group would explode.

But before that could happen, Ike said something surprising.

"I'm retiring."

His voice was calm, shockingly so. Unlike his earlier outbursts, there was no trace of anger or frustration.

Hirata immediately tried to stop him. "Ike, don't say that. You've been working harder than anyone—"

"I don't care anymore. Do whatever you want." His tone completely even.

Throughout the exam, aside from Hirata, Ike had contributed the most His experience in camping had been invaluable. He helped catch food, build the tent, and handle other tasks.

And now, after everything, this was his reward.

But instead of anger, Ike just felt disappointed.

Without another word, he turned and walked away, heading toward the woods. He was probably going back to the ship.

The other boys could only watch in silence as he disappeared.

Another 30 points lost.

With Kōenji already retired, that made 60 points wasted for nothing.

Hirata looked utterly defeated. It was probably the second time since Sakura that he had looked like this.

The girls, who had been fiercely defending themselves moments ago, were now quiet. Even the boys, who had been on the verge of a full-blown attack, had nothing more to say.

The argument that had nearly erupted into a battle had instead ended in the worst way possible.

Kumagawa, still sitting in the mud, let out a sigh and chuckled. He casually wiped some mud off his sleeve.

『The girls put up such a stubborn front that they made Ike, of all people, give up. And the boys were so focused on being victims that they didn't even try to be clever about it. If I didn't know better, I'd think both sides were trying to lose on purpose. 』

His words, spoken without a hint of malice, still managed to sting. Neither the girls nor the boys had a comeback.

Then, as if the situation wasn't bad enough, he added—

『Ah, speaking of losses, it seems I lost my key card. It probably fell somewhere.』



And then—

"Are you kidding me?!"

"What the hell is wrong with you, Kumagawa?!"

"You've gotta be messing with us, right? Right?!"

The air exploded with shouting as the students turned their frustrations toward Kumagawa. Whatever lingering resentment between the boys and girls instantly evaporated.

Ayanokouji watched as Kumagawa became the target of verbal abuse. The outrage over the girls' comfortable lifestyle was completely forgotten, buried under the new crisis he had just created.

At this point, Ayanokouji expected Hirata to step in and calm the situation. But strangely, he didn't.

Hirata was standing there, gazing at the ground with empty eyes. His usual composed expression was gone. Instead, he looked lost, hollow.

"Why was I doing this? Why was I doing all this until now?"

Ayanokouji heard him mutter those words quietly, blaming himself.

For the first time, Hirata—the one who had been desperately trying to hold the class together, seemed on the verge of breaking.

Amidst the chaos, Ayanokouji noticed something strange.

Right now, all of Class D was outside. No one was inside either tent. Yet, someone was missing.

"Where is Ibuki?"

His remark was drowned out by the ongoing verbal abuse hurled at Kumagawa, but Yukimura, standing nearby, seemed to hear him. His head turned slightly, eyes narrowing as if realizing it for the first time.

Before anyone could process it further—


A blinding flash of light tore through the sky, followed by a deafening roar of thunder.

Then, in the next instant—


A lightning strike hit the camp. Flames erupted, consuming part of the campsite in an instant.

"F-Fire! The camp is on fire!"

"Somebody, do something! Get water!"

"Where's the water?! Where's the damn water?!"

The screaming and shouting from before turned into something else entirely. Panic. Confusion. Fear.

Ayanokouji stood still, watching the disaster unfold.

He was no longer sure what was happening anymore.

It was pure chaos.



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