I Can Assimilate Everything

Chapter 23: Iridescent! I

Inside an isolated room, green flames engulfed target dummies in a shocking fashion before, in the next moment, they began breaking down and turning into ash.

The scene was captured by the cameras on the four sides of the room as the radiant verdant flames and their incandescent radiance spread out.

Alongside…the image of the surprised young woman with her cap that flew back, her fingers still showing green dancing flames!

This was one isolated room within the Advanced Human Evaluation Center.

This tall building had many other rooms as inside of a room on the third floor, many screens showed images and video feeds that should all be privately saved in government servers.

And yet…there were areas in the Advanced Human Evaluation Center where Organizations resided for the purposes of welcoming and recruiting other Advanced Humans.

Normally, they were not supposed to get the video feeds of the things occurring within the Evaluation Center.


But when one had tremendous power and influence, many more things were possible.

Like observing all Advanced Humans being evaluated in real time.

Or putting in certain search parameters that once met, they would be notified of a certain video or feed.

Inside of a room like this, there was a man in a sleek blue suit, his hair also a radiant blue color just like his pupils.

He held the stature of a rich prince with his gaze and mannerisms alone as at this moment, he was looking at a video feed.

But this was interrupted as a video feed of relevance to certain parameters he had set down was made available to him on another screen, and he clicked on it right away.

There, on the screen, the scene of a woman with a baseball cap on was seen as she unleashed a tendril of green flames, this alone causing the eyes of the man watching to light up brilliantly in surprise.

He looked at the color closely as he confirmed he truly was watching a green flame!


He saw what happened next as a storm of green flames emerged from a single tendril to destroy everything!

It was radiant.


"This…a Unique Advanced Human! An Elemental one at that! Who is…?!"

His voice was choked off.

His figure rose from a tall chair as his mouth hung open, his eyes frozen as he legitimately forgot to breathe!

He saw the cameras focusing on the one responsible for the destruction.

Her face covered the screen as it showed nervousness and shock, but it was clear for all to see.

And such a face made this blue eyed man literally forget to breathe.


Moments later, blue lightning crackled around him as on his body, a radiant blue vessel like river flashed on his right hand brilliantly!

It looked like a massive artery or vein.

It was…a Meridian.

For Advanced Humans, they could be Low Tier, Middle Tier, and Upper Tier Body Modification.

After Body Modification came Meridian Transformation.

Some also called it Meridian Awakening since one woke up Meridians within their bodies to further transform themselves!

There was Lesser Meridian Transformation, Greater Meridian Transformation, and Peak Meridian Transformation that were all differentiated based on how many Meridians one awakened in their bodies.

They were Powerhouses that regularly raided the deeper areas of Catacombs- the single number entrances that led into hordes of Evolutius Beasts.

A single Lesser Meridian Transformation Advanced Human could easily crush any Body Modification Advanced Human or Beast.


Such a being only now remembered how to breathe as he shook his head with incredulity.

"What the hell?"

A shout of disbelief at what he was looking at.

Was that real? Could such a person actually exist?

He was star struck as he watched that face on the screen, his heart racing as the lightning around him crackled with even greater ferocity.

"I…want her."


He croaked out with bright eyes as his hands began to move, already making a phone call.

He was a recruiter who was a part of one of the three renowned trading companies in the City of Neon.

There was the Golden Trading Company, the Noblesse, and the Titan Industries.

He belonged to the Titan Industries- and he held a high level of versatility within it as recently, he was making his own strike team to raid Evolutius Catacombs!

He hung around different Advanced Human Evaluation Centers every single day to see if any newly awakened Advanced Humans would catch his eye, and he had actually been successful in getting two Upper Tier Body Modifications and one Lesser Meridian Transformation Advanced Human.

For the remaining team members, he had set the parameters of a woman, and for them to be long ranged.

What he saw now was far more than that as his eyes flashed with a light of obsession, having already made a call as he spoke into the phone.

"Get me everything there is to know on the woman in Video Feed #135. Everything! And-…!"

His voice stopped as he saw on the video, a man appeared behind the utterly gorgeous woman that nobody should ever touch, his hand landing on her shoulder as if to calm her down as he put her cap that had flown out back on her head.

When he saw this, his expression instantly became ugly as if something dear to him was taken away.

"Who the hell is that?!"

His voice carried a rising rage within it as he put on his suit jacket, shooting out towards the door with his eyes filled with purpose!

Back in that isolated Evaluation room.

Achilles appeared beside Rose who instantly came to herself, raising her hands and focusing as the raging storm of flames ahead of them rapidly began to fade away as if they never existed.

All that was left behind was ash and dust.

She had not expected such a heavy reaction from the dummies as she swallowed her surprise, looking towards Achilles as she asked.

"It will be okay with just that, right?"

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