I Can Assimilate Everything

Chapter 7: Transfer! I

It was easiest to exchange Evolutius Crystals for cash.

Achilles reached out to his pockets and pulled out three Evolutius Crystals that the Examiner took into his hands.

He didn't ask how Achilles obtained these as he spoke.

"Thee Low Tier Evolutius Crystals. A total of $300,000. After the national sales tax of 25%…your proceeds come out to be $225,000. Shall I send that to the bank account ending in 8566?"


Achilles felt his head buzzing as he heard these ridiculous numbers, and he gave a light nod as a few seconds later, his phone buzzed with a notification.

He got a text message that $225,000 was just deposited into his account.


A few hours ago, he only held $19.

It all felt surreal as he kept checking the balance to make sure it didn't fade away.

"It was great doing business with you, Achilles. I am Johnny Riker. Here is my business card if you wish to conduct any future transactions. I am affiliated with the Golden Trading Company as we deal with all sorts of things relating to Advanced Humans. Housing, Vehicles, Armaments, Trading, Entertainment, and even if you are looking for a connection to form a Party with other Advanced Humans- we facilitate this. If you do not directly reach me or I am busy, I will have my associates take care of you. We sometimes have our people stretched out near Catacomb Entrances and famous spots for Advanced Humans as all that is required for a seamless experience is communication."

A business card shining white and gold.

Achilles received it while nodding and putting it away, the Examiner leading him out of the Evaluation Center thereafter.

He found himself outside the streets once more as he pulled up his banking app.

Truly, a ridiculous amount of money remained there as it was not an illusion.

The moment he confirmed this, his eyes shone resolutely as he was about to start running towards the hospital a few miles away from here, but he stopped when he saw the dozens of Aerieal Evolutius Vehicles floating near the entrance of the Evaluation Center.

He walked forward and raised his hand as one at the very forefront floated down, Achilles entering after the back door automatically rose as he spoke out hurriedly.

"Brightborn Hospital."

He gave his destination as the normal Human piloting this Aerieal Evolutius Vehicle smiled and placed the destination, a screen in the backseat lighting up as the driver spoke out.

"That will be $200, Sir."


$200 for a taxi ride. It seemed small at this moment, even though it was ten times what he had just hours ago.

He shook his head at the new reality as he used his phone for tap to pay, and after the screen lit up green, the Aerieal Evolutius Vehicle took off into the skies!

The advancements made by the Lunaris Colony Overseers alone over the years were unbelievable, and the Colony of the City of Neon only enjoyed a part of it.

There were multiple Colony Cities under Lunaris alone as the number of Evolutius Crystals they obtained over the years was astronomical.

The number of Advanced Humans was also high as the truly powerful ones were those employed by the Lunaris Government.

In the Colony City of Neon, there were also the Evolutius Companies that held terrifying Advanced Humans in the lead, their fingers stretched into multiple Colony Cities as some were geared towards manufacturing weapons, clearing Catacombs with Strike Teams, or even Alchemy.

There were countless complex things that Achilles barely knew a tiny bit about, but at this moment, his focus was not on any of these.

The Aerial Evolutius Vehicle flew across the skies, and only when he was about to land did he realize…

That was his first time flying in such a vehicle.

He looked out the window to see the countless blinking lights and high-rise buildings of the Colony City of Neon until the sign for the Brightborn Hospital appeared.

In total, about 3 minutes had passed for this ride as he appeared where he needed to be.

"Thank you for utilizing the Sky Enix Service today. Please don't forget to leave a rating and a tip!"

The driver shouted out as he came out of the vehicle, going into the hospital without looking back as he waved his thanks.

The driver's smile faded away after just receiving a thanks as he harrumphed.

"Hmph, a poor Advanced Human. Just my luck…"

With these grumbling words, the driver pulled away towards richer areas and continued on.

Achilles went into the hospital with renewed purpose, going past those in the waiting room where he would have had to wait an hour just to get checked in and allowed inside.

Instead, he went towards the right side of the hospital, which looked much cleaner and richer, with gorgeous male and female nurses standing around waiting as there was no line there!

The moment he began walking towards this direction, the eyes of many of these nurses lit up as nearest to him, a voluptuous nurse with red hair appeared.

"How may I help, Sir?"

The treatment…was starkly different.

Achilles looked at this woman without any change in emotions as he replied.

"I need to transfer a patient to a different room, and I need treatment for her to be started as soon as possible."

The nurse hid her frown at the cold reply as she tightened her chest even more to display her blessed chest while replying with a smile.

"Of course, Sir, I would just need to scan your Advanced Human Identification Number to get you in our system."

Achilles took out his phone and showed his profile- a barcode popping up and being scanned as the eyes of the nurse lit up!

A genuine Advanced Human.

Yet he didn't seem at all interested in her efforts as she sighed internally while reviewing his documents, surprise rising as she saw his hospital history.

"I see the patient connected to you here is Rose Adrian. Afflicted with the Low Tier Poison- Wolf's Graybite. Treatment couldn't be started before as she was only kept stable in the Human Ward. We can move her to one of our VIP Rooms and begin a detoxification regimen right away, Sir. But to fully cure her of the Wolf's Graybite…an Advanced Human with a Healing Factor or a Low Tier Synthesized All Poison Potion is required."

She was surprised as based on their records, this Achilles was a normal human this whole time!

Did he just awaken recently?

And the first thing he did was rush to save this woman?

She kept her surprises to herself as she listed everything that had to be done.

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