I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 452 Start the fight!

Citi-Country must be about to take action. Facing the upcoming battle, Shi Xuan is actually very excited. In reality, he will lead the armed forces to defeat the world's strongest military group and unify the world is just around the corner!

Shi Xuan didn't rest. With his current physique, it would be fine even if he didn't sleep for several months, so he still stayed in the base command center with great interest, listening to music, and watching the battles of various aircraft carriers in Citi on the big screen. group status.

As the time entered the early morning, Penglai's voice suddenly sounded.

The enemy is dispatched! Twenty high-altitude stealth bombers have taken off from the Guam base, twelve to Nanyang Kingdom and eight to Kiris Island.

Shi Xuan smiled coldly. These high-altitude stealth bombers are very expensive, but they have excellent stealth performance and high-altitude flight capabilities. Get the first mover advantage.

At the beginning of the war, sending high-altitude stealth bombers to attack the enemy's power stations, buildings where leaders are located, important military targets, suspicious strategic weapons bases, important bridges and other high-value targets is Citi's usual method. Although all countries in the world know it, it is often impossible to defend against this method in actual combat, because the stealth technology of these high-altitude stealth bombers is unique in the world, and other countries can hardly find them.

It's a pity that what they encountered this time was Shi Xuan's alien technology army, which had absolutely no advantage in technology. The so-called stealth in front of Penglai was a joke, and they were doomed to fail.

Guam is not a short distance from the earth in the South China Sea. Although the high-altitude stealth bomber is very fast, it will take about an hour to reach the South China Sea.

The space plane takes off, and these stealth bombers are handed over to them.

Shi Xuan didn't care, the stealth performance of aerospace planes was higher than those of Citiplanes, and the speed was even more overwhelming.

Penglai responded and controlled the two aerospace planes to take off. It is very simple to solve these stealth bombers. I suggest that after destroying the bombers, the aerospace planes directly attack each other's satellites.

Okay! Let's do this! Shi Xuan agreed, of course. Now that Citigroup has made the first move, he will no longer hide it. Knock out their satellites first, so that many of their so-called high-tech weapons can be lost. effect.

Citiland's aircraft carrier battle group has launched missiles! It's a 'Tomahawk' cruise missile. All aircraft carrier battle groups have launched missiles. The total number is 1. The targets are several important military bases in the South China Sea. They will reach their destination in about 15 minutes. .

The carrier aircraft is also dispatched! All of them have begun to dispatch,

According to the current speed, a fighter jet will fly close to the control area of ​​our regime in an hour and a half. It is estimated that they plan to launch an air strike by fighter jets immediately after the stealth bomber bombs.

The Citigroup ** team is very experienced in this set of air raid operations, and the whole process is smooth and smooth.

In the White House war room, the president and the core of Citigroup were watching the live broadcast of the war.

When the stealth bomber took off, the cruise missile was launched, and the carrier plane loaded with weapons took off, Pu Chuan clenched his fists tightly, Yeah! I just want to make them look good!

No one believes that the so-called Star Empire can maintain its strength in such a high-intensity air attack by Citi. As long as such air raids are maintained for a few days, the military strength of the Star Empire will be paralyzed. At that time, Citizen soldiers landed and used tanks Time to sweep the opponent!

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is Admiral Field's explanation of military operations, In the hours before the war, we have confirmed all valuable targets of the Star Empire with satellites, including their presidential palace on Kiris Island, the naval base, Airports, power plants, these are our priority targets. The first weapon to successfully attack should be Tomahawk cruise missiles, which can reach the attack site in just ten minutes.”

Field said, pressed the button in his hand again, and another picture was displayed in the corner of the big screen in front of him, a visual picture looking down from the air.

This is the picture sent back by the camera built into the Tomahawk cruise missile. This missile's mission is to attack the enemy's presidential palace, and it will be the first missile to attack. It is followed by hundreds of other missiles, respectively attacking other missiles. Target.

Seeing the sea water moving backwards quickly under the picture, everyone knew that the missiles were flying at an extremely high speed, and instantly made up the picture of hundreds of missiles cutting through the sky in the night sky, and they felt proud.

This is the strength of Citi Nation! The world's No. 1 Citi country! Star Empire? You're just waiting to be blown to pieces!

In the blink of an eye, land appeared on the screen.

Everyone, pay attention, the missile has now landed on the shore, and the enemy's presidential palace is not far away, in a few minutes...

Admiral Field was on the verge of speaking, and with a puff, the picture suddenly stopped, turning into a snowflake with no signal.

What's going on? Puchuan asked in surprise.

Admiral Field frowned, I'm afraid, I'm afraid it was shot down...

An awkward silence...

Didn't they say they don't have many anti-aircraft weapons?

According to our information, the other party does not have a defense system against missiles. Maybe it was just a coincidence that it was hit by anti-aircraft guns. Field said embarrassedly, because other cruise missiles did not have live broadcast footage, so they couldn't see it for a while. situation on site.

So what is the result of our missile attack now?

We can call the satellite image to see. Field said, motioned to the assistant next to him, and immediately contacted the relevant military department.

Within a few minutes, satellite surveillance footage appeared on the big screen, focusing on the island of Kiris, the core area of ​​the attack.

The island was calm, and the expected picture of the smoke of gunpowder did not appear. Field was livid, watching the cruise missiles that were slightly close to the island on the screen exploded one after another, and no one really entered the Kiris Island range.

You must know that each of these cruise missiles is a high-tech weapon worth millions of Citicoins. In such a short period of time, hundreds of millions of Citicoins disappeared without any results.

Seeing this scene, Pu Chuan and the non-military members also knew that the situation was not good.

What's the matter? Was it intercepted by the other party? Field almost growled and talked to the person in charge of the missile attack.

It was intercepted, and we are looking for the reason. There is no sign of intercepting missiles at the scene, nor any traces of hot weapons. Our missiles were intercepted by a mysterious method... The person in charge over there was full of heads. Khan, such a result was completely unexpected before the attack.

According to the pre-war assessment, the enemy may have a certain amount of interceptor missile forces hidden, but under the saturation attack of each missile, even Citi’s own proud interceptor system cannot intercept most of the missiles, and the other party’s interception The system certainly cannot cope.

Unexpectedly, the enemy did not know what means they used to be able to intercept the cruise missiles.

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