Chapter 219
Chapter 219 – Afterdeath
“Now that everyone is here, please read through the operational plan for this match as soon as possible.”
Before the second match began, there was time to discuss the strategy.
Even as Manager Kim handed out the operation plans, his mind was racing wildly behind his calm facade. The feasibility of the plan was still uncertain. In truth, it was more like a wishful plan hanging by a thread.
Naturally, the strategy for the second match was a circus for not only the squad members but also for the squad leader and group leader himself. To execute it smoothly, one needed an understanding of the battle structure at Yoo Jin’s level.
This strategy was also a result of analyzing the data obtained from the first match.
‘…There are two major weaknesses in Harmony’s team.’
The first was their dependence on the Harmony squad.
The second was the relatively uncoordinated operation of their task force.
However, the opponent had resolved the first weakness in a rather brute-force manner. Simply put, they possessed enough individual strength to lead the entire group single-handedly, regardless of dependency. It was the epitome of “if you lack strength, why not just gain more?”
The second weakness was also addressed similarly to the first.
In other words, in preparation for their uncoordinated operations, Harmony’s team seemed to have devised numerous worst-case scenarios and used these to operate their squad.
In the first engagement of the first match, when Harmony’s members were killed by Manager Kim’s group, they respawned and immediately ran towards the enemy’s main base.
As further evidence, Harmony’s team had left one of their main forces, Cartographer, at point C as the operation team leader to break through point A. If it wasn’t prearranged, it was a nearly impossible feat.
In summary, the opponent was aware of their weaknesses and had prepared for them.
“We need to overcome this.”
Even when he worked as an analyst for a professional team, he hadn’t faced such an unreasonable situation.
Since transitioning to a streamer, this was the first time he’d seen such a spectacle. Many focused on Harmony’s tier, but the more crucial fact was that she had broken through the gates of Grandmaster from unranked in just ten days. It was an unbelievably rapid pace.
To think, a player who had previously shown no remarkable performance could transform to such a degree in just two months. If he were Yoo Jin, he would have joined a pro team and raked in money and fame.
…His thoughts were wandering. He quickly dismissed them and began the briefing.
“Is there anyone who hasn’t finished reading yet?”
“Good. Then, let’s start the explanation.”
With professional gestures, he pointed at the screen. The laser from his finger, dressed in an all-black outfit, moved across the pop-up screen. His black coat fluttered with his slight movements, and an LED expression appeared on the enigmatic black mask covering his face.
The explanation didn’t stray far from his earlier thoughts. Here, he had to be the true leader of the entire group and make uncertain parts seem certain.
He carefully unraveled the strategy he had devised.
“The main tactic for this match is the simultaneous integration of offense and defense. We will keep moving until the stamina gauge does not recover at all. Resting is only allowed when we have occupied at least two areas.”
He continued with a simpler explanation.
“Even if point B is occupied, we will continue to disrupt the enemy’s main base to spread their forces. Therefore, the team composition will constantly change at the squad, detachment, and task force levels, so you must always listen to the comms no matter what.”
This part was crucial.
After taking a breath, he popped up the next screen. Many people gasped, but there were no objections. They had come to realize Manager Kim’s skills through continuous joint training over the past month.
A single word composed of four characters hovered at the top of the screen, catching everyone’s eyes. There was no need to explain. The speakers on Manager Kim’s electronic mask articulated it clearly.
“A decapitation operation at point B through luring. It doesn’t have to be Harmony’s squad. The goal is to exclude the key player from the first engagement. Bring as many explosives and devices to counter EMPs as possible. Next, I will briefly explain the operation of the squad for the lure…”
The explanation continued. Manager Kim’s unique charisma blended with his avatar, combining his extensive knowledge and clear logic.
The team members, entranced, absorbed the briefing data and began their simulations and command drills.
Time was running out, and the countdown above each team converged towards zero.
The sound of rotors and the announcer’s voice overlapped.
“Then, the second match starts now-!”
New York’s Central Park HQ, in the large simulation room.
That was the second battlefield.
“This place is still warm.”
“Indeed… Alright, I’ll issue the orders. Since it’s an indoor engagement, we need to adjust the comms sensitivity. The sound will echo, so there’s a risk of missing commands.”
“Understood. Adjusting comms sensitivity.”
The season in the Dark Zone was midsummer, while the real world was in late October, gradually turning cold. It was the first time in recent operations that his breath wasn’t visible. But that was all for reflection; it was time to focus on the match again.
How would the initial skirmish unfold? Probably another battle for point B. With that in mind, there wasn’t much to worry about initially. There weren’t many options, so the start didn’t matter much.
In other words, no matter the method, the start wouldn’t make a significant difference.
Just like in the previous match, the main base was at point C. The enemy team would automatically be at point A.
Should he carry out the strategy the same way again?
“Like the previous match, we’ll capture point C and immediately move to point B. Ten members. Since Cartographer stayed at C last time, HumanBoss will lead at C this time. I’ll call for immediate support when necessary.”
“Understood. Leave it to me.”
“Let’s do well this time too.”
The match started soon.
Heavy footsteps echoed through the large simulation room. The twelve members quickly took out the AI enemies scattered around point C and occupied the terminals, turning point C blue to gain control.
The time spent at point C was about one minute.
But there was a problem.
“Squad leader. There are no lights on at point A.”
“Ah, they must be serious this time.”
His mind raced. The enemy team had likely abandoned point A and rushed all twelve members to point B from the start. It was a troublesome choice.
They could detour to capture point A, but that would complicate their troop movements… There was still time. Even if the enemy team reached point B first, the difference in arrival time wouldn’t be significant.
The previous command to rush to point A after dying was still valid. Essentially, it would be the same as the last match.
Reminding them of this, he added.
“Move to point B. Ten members. There are no changes to the plan.”
Then, ten people started heading toward B.
The central capture zone was enveloped in an ominous silence. However, the sound collection function detected footsteps from about a hundred meters away. It was not a good sign, naturally.
Running at the forefront, I tried to predict what would happen next. Since it was a clash of forces, we couldn’t afford to be hit by concentrated fire at the start. Hence, we planned to infiltrate from spots out of the line of fire.
Indeed, it soon turned out that way. As soon as we scanned the enemy base with drones and scan rounds, we began our incursion – but this time, the situation was slightly different from the previous match.
The data detected through various devices was spewing out multiple results.
“Enemy firepower increased by at least 20%. Their aggressiveness is also significantly higher than in the last match.”
“It was worth bringing multiple trophy systems. Maintain your positions. If nothing else happens, the team waiting at C should head to A.”
However, despite those words, the enemy’s behavior had become alarmingly aggressive compared to before. The team’s analysis was accurate, and accordingly, our losses accumulated faster than before.
Fortunately, thanks to Kato’s team members’ continuous efforts, the enemy’s losses were also rapid. In the end, the rate at which both sides’ numbers dwindled was fairly similar.
Harmony, thinking quickly, added over the comms.
“Those who die, regroup at B instead of A. It’s better to push them back decisively at this point.”
We responded with flexibility, adapting to the situation. Our side was crumbling fast, but Kato’s arrival at the front line also meant the enemy was falling quickly. The overall structure was similar to the last match, but the tempo felt faster.
I called Kim Stone, Limit, and Hotteok. A fierce battle was happening at the center of B, and we intended to break through the enemy’s core. My squad would be the spearhead, while the others would provide suppressive fire and deploy smoke grenades, flashbangs, and small EMP grenades to hinder the enemy.
The orders were given swiftly, and soon, a barrage of suppressive fire and numerous smoke grenades began to explode simultaneously.
“Advance, advance! Run to the designated point with smoke vision enabled!”
“Trophy system deployed. Don’t worry about explosives, just go!”
The last check showed nine enemies and seven allies.
As we broke through the first line of defense, seeker mines were deployed to clear traps. With a hissing sound, the bouncing mines rolled and exploded in all directions. Amid the chain of explosions, I saw the continuous flare of gunfire through the smoke.
That’s how we identified the enemy’s position.
With a burst of fire, a magazine emptied in an instant. The enemy’s life ended as the magazine was half-emptied. Nine became eight, and we entered CQB.
Now it was a matter of reaction speed.
“Three in front! Marked the enemy positions!”
“Confirmed. Flanking.”
Normally, flanking would be the role of a rifleman, but I was both the squad leader and the best fighter in this group. Using my strength at the right moment was part of my role, so allowances had to be made.
I pulled the pins on grenades connected to Molly and Finn and threw them at the enemies visible through the smoke. They bounced once on the floor and exploded with a roar before the enemies could react. That neutralized the second line of defense.
However, at this point, Kim Stone and Hotteok were dead, and the point man, Limit, was barely holding onto his HP. It was too risky to proceed together, so I ordered the squad providing suppressive fire from the rear to advance while I plunged into the enemy’s core.
At that moment, our eyes met.
The silenced shots and rising smoke, and among the shattered pieces of stone, I saw Manager Kim, who hadn’t escaped. His avatar was distinct enough that I couldn’t mistake him for anyone else.
Bullets flew between drums, furniture, and various objects. The skill cooldown timer in the UI showed that the sticky bomb would be ready in about 5 seconds.
But the enemy group leader was retreating under cover.
“Where do you think you’re going…!”
With a whoosh, the sticky bomb crossed dozens of meters and stuck to the wall, detonating immediately. Unfortunately, it was a second too late. Manager Kim escaped just as the wall collapsed, blocking the retreat.
The battle stopped abruptly, and an eerie silence fell. Besides me, one enemy remained in the room, but he was muttering into his comms as the retreat was cut off.
What I saw next made me groan.
Focused on the battle, I hadn’t noticed the wires cleverly embedded in the walls and floor until now.
Time seemed to slow down. Or rather, it felt like it. The first to detonate was a directional EMP bomb. The room was swept by an invisible shockwave, and the comms only produced static. Before I could issue any orders, the command chain was cut off.
Clever move.
“Well, everyone knows what to do.”
With those last words, the next moment, everything went white.
Accompanied by a blinding flash, an explosion occurred, and I was ejected to the respawn screen.
“One friendly casualty, one enemy casualty. Harmony squad decapitation mission successful. Remaining forces, regroup at the designated point.”
The explosion rose high into the sky, and two death scores popped up on the UI. Included among them was Harmony’s name, who hadn’t died even once in the last match.
Suppressing my chilling nerves, I barely managed to speak into the comms. Harmony’s speed in breaking through was much faster than anticipated; if I had been a second slower, Manager Kim himself would have been trapped by the sticky bomb in that room.
But at this point, it was just an “if.” Only four enemies remained, and our side also had four left. Even for a simple decoy operation, the losses were chilling.
Pushing those thoughts aside, I focused on what was important now.
“After regrouping, let’s take a moment to reorganize. The enemy has also suffered significant losses, so they won’t rush in recklessly.”
Both sides had equal forces at B, but fortunately, I was the group leader. The enemy had lost their top commander, Harmony, which should dampen their momentum. I needed to quickly provide guidelines, reorganize, and completely recapture B.
Despite just escaping death, I composed myself and began issuing orders. At my command, the scattered team members started moving in an orderly manner.
If things continued like this, we had a chance. We just needed to regroup quickly. Yes, it should have been that way.
“Detecting multiple enemy signatures moving from 70 meters ahead! They’re heading this way!”
“The enemy’s main force… Cartographer and three squad members! They’ve taken over the squad leader role and are counterattacking!”
Damn it.
An unexpected, or rather, an uncomfortable truth I knew but couldn’t face, was now rearing its head.
“Everyone… prepare for battle.”
At that moment, Manager Kim had to admit he was partially wrong.
But one fact that everyone had momentarily forgotten – he was the first team leader, and naturally, he had the breakthrough capability to match.
Thus, the next events were inevitable.
-[Notification: Harmony Group has captured B.]
And three minutes later.
The temporary Cartographer squad cleanly wiped out Manager Kim’s remaining forces and seized control of B.