Chapter 372: 372 Kung Fu Panda: Meditation with Oogway, Conflict with Tigress, The Sin of Shifu and The Scariest Prisoner, Tai lung.
Allen remained silent because it seemed like Oogway expected him to do something specific or maybe notice something on his own. One never really knows with these spiritual masters; they often speak cryptically. However, Allen has his own students and, therefore, has a general idea of what Oogway might be looking for.
Oogway isn't trying to instruct or train him; he doesn't wish to teach him what to think, judge him, or change Allen's life. Instead, he wants Allen to discover for himself what he might be missing, what he has too much of, what he should change, or what he should improve.
Still seated in a lotus position, Allen took his gaze away from Oogway, stopped looking at his Chat, and simply observed the pond.
"Master Oogway, I know I need to find something, but couldn't you give me a hint?"
"There are no shortcuts; if there are, they come with their own consequences, as does the longer path…"
Rick – That's not an answer, just admit you don't know!
Gilgamesh – You're old too, Rick. And honestly, this turtle is intriguing... I never thought I'd feel respect for a talking turtle. But at the same time…
Artoria – I liked his analogy, though his passive approach only works in peaceful times. During tough times, swift decisions must be made.
The Emperor – A peaceful thinker won't protect humanity from a constant onslaught of monstrous, murderous beings.
Athena – However, as the goddess of wisdom, I think meeting Oogway was something Allen needed, and you'll all understand soon enough.
Allen felt a bit sleepy as he thought about the courtyard, the sun, this breeze—this world was just too pleasant, like stepping into an ancient painting done on canvas and ink.
Lately, Allen often wore a relaxed expression, though he rarely rested. This "peace" was not a gift; it was the result of his increased power. Allen felt more confident in protecting what he cared about, and naturally, this brought him less feelings of urgency. However, the enemies did not stop escalating in danger, and with Stan Edgar followed by Reed Richards, Allen realized that the dangerous enemies were not just the powerful ones, plus to complete that crown of thorns, the phoenix gave Allen to understand of the kind of unknown existences that are still out there.
The voice of Oogway mingled with the atmosphere.
"Always going from one place to another, from one problem to the next. Isn't that how things are for you?"
Allen answered slowly. "Not like I have much of a choice..."
"There are always more choices."
"Maybe, in some cases. But if the world is ending, then there really won't be any more choices, will there?"
"Is that your responsibility?"
"No, it's my decision." Allen's voice had not the slightest hesitation in responding and Oogway nodded.
"That's a heavy burden..."
"That's how problems are… Master Oogway"
"A problem is only a problem because you see it that way..."
"Well, an extra-dimensional being trying to destroy the world sounds like a problem…"
"Hehe, maybe that's a problem…"
"…!" Allen opened his eyes in surprise and looked at Oogway who was smiling while keeping his balance on his cane.
"Surprised that I agree with you?"
"I… no."
"Fear of admitting we're wrong makes us weak. Even an old soul like me, who has lived so long, can be wrong, can learn, and, of course, can improve. So why shouldn't I?"
"Master Shifu would be disappointed if he heard you talk like this… you know he respects and admires you."
"If he truly respects and admires me, he should understand me. I am not a collection of accomplishments; I am a collection of experiences. And experience is learned primarily…" Oogway smiled slightly toward Allen waiting for him to finish the sentence.
"Through mistakes?"
"If you're sure of your answer, don't say it like a question…"
"Sorry, Master Oogway…"
"No need to apologize for being wrong; it proves you're getting better…"
"By learning."
Oogway chuckled with his usual gleam in his eyes. "Allen, you're an agreeable human…"
Allen also smiled suspiciously. "Master Oogway, how many humans have you met?"
Oogway laughed along with Allen for a while until the sunset.
After his conversation with Oogway, Allen hadn't yet found his answer, but he wasn't in a rush. Oogway asked Shifu to arrange a room for Allen; Allen didn't refuse, though he'd probably teleport himself home to sleep in his own bed.
Upon returning, he found Po lying on the floor, covered in bruises.
Nikky: Oh no, someone killed Po before the Captain got to him!
It was easy to guess what had happened. Po had lost his confidence, but Oogway hadn't intervened, which led Po to leave the Jade Palace. Po couldn't return to the restaurant because everyone would know he was the Dragon Warrior and that he'd fled the palace, so he'd made the drastic decision to escape the Valley of Peace.
That's when he met Allen, who brought him back, and Po felt more motivated to be the Dragon Warrior.
Po returned and, this time, trained harder until he passed out…
Allen knelt, lifted the enormous panda onto his back, and carried him to his room. As he walked out, he saw Tigress watching him.
"Why do you care about the panda? Or is this a sneaky tactic to make us lower our guard?"
"Hm? Nothing like that…" Allen shook his head. "Besides, isn't it a bit arrogant to think my actions are decided because of you?"
Tigress got angry and attacked Allen, though something felt strange. The overwhelming feeling that Allen projected had lessened, no, it had actually been controlled much more.
Allen took a step back, just enough to avoid her attack, and Tigress continued her assault.
"The tiger style is all about powerful strikes that can shatter rocks and explosive force. It's predictable but makes up for it with speed… isn't that right?"
"Shut up, human!"
"Calling me 'human' isn't an insult…"
Tigress became even angrier, increasing the strength of her strikes, but they became more predictable.
Her strong will and fierce character made her a formidable warrior, yet one of the reasons she wasn't chosen as the Dragon Warrior was precisely her rigid mentality. She lacked the adaptability to learn from others like Po.
Allen smiled, which infuriated her even more.
Gwen – Allen, I'll only say this once—she might talk and act like a human, but there's more cat in her than person…
MJ – Allen, don't… she is a cat...
Felicia – Even I think you should stop…
Diana – Allen, I don't think it's a good idea…
Natasha: I'd find it hard to accept something like that myself…
Allen's expression changed upon hearing the chat's comments. They were concerned that Allen had a hairy girlfriend. His eyes widened, and he seemed stunned.
Tigress didn't know what happened, but she immediately took the opportunity and struck with all her might, using both paws in one of her most powerful blows.
Allen was hit by Tigress and went through a wall; his feet dragged on the floor; Allen jumped and slowly fell in the courtyard outside the dormitories. However, his face was still in shock. Instead, Tigress ended up hurt by the exchange.
'What?! My arms nearly broke. He was even harder than iron, and it felt like my strength was being absorbed by something! What kind of monster is he?!'
Tigress looked at Allen cautiously and with a hint of fear, though Allen wasn't even looking at her.
The thought had never crossed his mind until now, but, upon seeing Tigress… The Chat and their wives thought Allen might end up having an affair with Tigress.
[I.M] "No, no, no, wait! Everyone stops!"
In the end, having cat ears, a tail, and skin of some exotic color like blue, green, or red, doesn't matter to Allen. However, Tigress is a humanoid tiger. If both species have very few physical similarities, it's hard to imagine a relationship, unless you're like Omni-Man or Uncle Max from Ben 10, who don't seem to mind.
Allen was certain there wouldn't be any new girlfriends in this world. Not that he disliked Tigress; it was just hard to imagine either of them feeling that way, and it was true for both sides.
Neither Viper nor Tigress showed any attraction to Allen's appearance simply because Allen was human, and the concept of beauty varies from species to species. For all Allen knows, he might be ugly to them.
But despite all this, knowing how Allen often ended up involved with each woman he met, the possibility was still there.
A shiver ran down Allen's spine as he smiled; he wouldn't mind if he were some kind of anthropomorphic feline himself, but he wasn't.
Allen looked at Tigress cautiously, surprising her because she should have had that same look—but for different reasons.
"E… excuse me… would you mind not… killing me if I asked you to stop fighting?"
Monkey peeked from the corner of a slightly open door. This was the dormitory, so naturally, there were more people around.
Allen took a deep breath and returned to his usual demeanor, "Sorry, I lost control there for a moment..."
Harley – Don't worry, Daddy, I'll love you no matter how strange your tastes get...
Rebecca – Same here, though it might take a few weeks for me to stop laughing every time I see you...
"Nothing's going to happen..."
Esdeath – In the end, strength is what matters most; you can simply make others accept your tastes by force...
Makima – Humans never cease to amaze me with how depraved they can be... and hearing that from a demon is saying something...
"It's not going to happen..."
Bocchi – ...
Nokotan – I'm a human-deer hybrid... but Tigress is a complete tiger... one that's evolved into a complex, thinking being, but still a tiger...
"Are you all just making fun of me?"
Artoria – Perhaps you could use a technique, power, or skill or even ask the system to give her a semi-human appearance or the ability to transform into a human. I mean, it wouldn't be the first time a creature has acquired that power.
Allen was at a loss for words. Now even Artoria was giving him options, as if it were already certain there'd be something between Tigress and him.
They'd just met and didn't even get along—didn't they see how she treated him like a monster, and he just laughed it off?
What else could he do but...
"Human... someday I'll defeat you!"
Far from being intimidated by Allen's power, Tigress decided to make him her next life goal after losing her spot as the Dragon Warrior.
Allen didn't respond as she walked away, and Crane, Monkey, and Mantis looked at him, terrified.
Monkey came out of his room and walked over to Allen. "Hey, man, don't worry, she's just crazy!"
Crane flew over to him and leaned in, whispering in a desperate voice, "Don't tell her I said this, but a year ago, she fell off a cliff and hit her head. Since then, she's been a bit out of it!"
Mantis perched on top of Monkey's head. "That psycho's basically all muscle up there—no brains, just a constant urge to fight without realizing she can't move mountains with her paws. Just don't kill us!"
Allen grinned; these guys shamelessly justified Tigress's actions as insanity.
Hestia – Aren't they supposed to be friends?... Gets under my skin!
Donna – In Themyscira, we'd have executed them by now...
Antiope – Donna, don't exaggerate. Just tying them to a post and flogging them a hundred times would've been enough.
[I.M] "Seems the old ways continue..."
Hippolyta – Not all, some have evolved... but it's a pity you won't come back to find out for yourself...
Diana – Mother? *She raises an eyebrow*
Hippolyta – What? I can't greet my son-in-law warmly?
Diana – ...
Allen decided not to interfere in the mother-daughter conversation and turned his attention back to the trio. Monkey was a yellow macaque.
MJ – Each of them is a special species. Monkey's a macaque, Tigress is a Siberian tiger, Crane is a crowned crane, Viper's a cobra, and Mantis is a praying mantis.
Allen thanked MJ for the information, though he wasn't sure it was necessary.
Allen saw no need to scold them that's Shifu's job, so he simply let the subject pass. "Don't worry, just one interaction with Tigress made it clear what kind of... person she is."
Allen hesitated for a moment, unsure if it would be offensive to call Tigress a woman or a female.
"What are you all doing making noise at this hour?!"
Shifu jumped down from a rooftop, standing before them. Monkey, Crane, and Mantis immediately bowed, covering their fists with their paws and wings.
"Return to your quarters."
At the sound of Shifu's stern tone, the three quickly left.
"Human... no," Shifu paused, took a breath, dropped his defensive stance, and greeted Allen with the same respectful gesture. "I am Shifu, master of the Jade Palace."
"My name's Allen Walker." Allen smiled, "Seems I'm a walking disaster."
Shifu's face showed a strange mix of shame and awkwardness.
"I apologize for my previous attitude."
"For what?"
"For being so rude."
"I didn't mean that; I'm asking what made you change your mind."
"My master Oogway has guided me my entire life. I know no one who comes close to his wisdom. If he welcomed you, I have no right to judge you..."
"Don't worry. I'm glad you learned from your mistakes..."
"...?!" Shifu looked at Allen in confusion.
"The Dragon Warrior..."
"Ah yeah... of course" Shifu choked. Oogway had declared Po the Dragon Warrior, but neither Shifu nor the Furious Five could accept it. They doubted Oogway's judgment. While doubting wasn't wrong in itself, even Oogway admitted he could be mistaken, Shifu didn't just doubt Po's potential as the Dragon Warrior; he actively tried to drive him from the Jade Palace.
He hadn't made any attempt to train him.
"If I doubt my master once, it might be an error or an insight, but to do so twice means I don't deserve to be his student..."
"Don't worry, Shifu..."
Shifu looked at Allen in silence and noticed he no longer felt as intimidating. 'I'm still far from Master Oogway...'
In Shifu's eyes, Oogway had seen through Allen's power and presence to his nature. Shifu lowered his head, then raised it, nodded, and slowly walked away.
Allen watched Shifu's back, knowing he was remembering Tai Lung—the son he'd raised to be the Dragon Warrior but who was rejected by Oogway. It is quite ironic that Allen is a scary guy in presence but does not hide bad intentions, and Tai Lung is a noble warrior who hides signs of corruption, and in both cases, Shifu could not see through the superficial. However, not all the responsibility lies with Shifu, the people had always criticized that decision, thinking Oogway may have seen something he didn't like in Tai Lung, yet made no effort to correct it or give him a chance to redeem himself.
This was due to Oogway's philosophy of "If something is meant to happen... it will happen."
It's a mindset that lets things unfold, believing answers will eventually emerge. Perhaps when Oogway admitted he could be wrong, he was thinking of Tai Lung—if he had guided rather than rejected him, Tai Lung might never have become the Dragon Warrior, but he could've been a great warrior.
Allen looked at the setting sky.
Though Allen wasn't bound to this world's fate, it might just be a coincidence he was here, but even if it was, perhaps it would be useful.
(Jade Mountain)
Throughout history, there have been great warriors and powerful demons who have carved a name for themselves that would live on in the memory of the people, either as legend or as terror. Few, however, have been so fearsome that a maximum-security prison had to be created solely for them.
It lay here, in the raw, cold, desolate Jade Mountain, where a prison fortress was built to house a single prisoner.
In its deepest depths, where not a single breath of fresh air, sunlight, or warmth could reach, a stone platform held a prisoner with a turtle shell, bound and chained in every direction with swords embedded in his shell.
In this place, the beast's faint breathing was barely audible. Not because he was weak; even after lying dormant for years, with only occasional food and water, his strength endured, fed solely by a burning desire for revenge.
This was Tai Lung, a fierce snow leopard, a monster who once called Shifu his father and now held nothing in his yellow eyes but hate.
'What... was that...'
Tai Lung remained in constant meditation, rarely disturbed by stray thoughts. But this time, he couldn't ignore it—a faint disturbance, a different wind from the direction he hated and remembered most: the Valley of Peace.
Tai Lung opened his eyes, sharp and clear, gazing in that direction.
"So, the Dragon Warrior I was denied has finally appeared... I wonder what face Shifu will make when I lay the Dragon Warrior's head before him. Ha..."
A/N: Let's leave aside the controversial and complicated issues, Allen came to this world to learn 🗿
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