Chapter 21
What!?!!? It’s huge!?!!?
And it’s the top floor!?!!?”
“Yuki-san, over here. Spectacular view.”
“Oh wow, it really is a spectacular view.
Wait, that’s not the point!!!!”
“Well, don’t worry about it. Let’s just relax.”
“Can I even afford this…?”
“You’re always worrying about money.”
“Well, of course. I can’t just let Akira-kun pay for everything. I don’t want to be seen as that kind of woman. I want to show that I can manage money properly. My mom always told me that too.”
“Wait, you told your mom about me!?!?”
“Yeah. When I told her we finally got together, she said, ‘If you’re serious about the future, make sure to show that you’re a woman who can handle money properly.’
She also said, ‘You’re stingy, so that’s a strong selling point for you.’
Well, our family is wealthy in its own way, so I’ve been taught about money management since I was little.”
“I see. Then I guess I’ll have to go greet your family soon. By the way, where’s your family home?”
“Oh, I never mentioned? It’s in Rokurokuso, Ashiya.”
Putting all the pieces together, I realized that Hitomi was from an old-money family and extremely wealthy.
“Well, keep that a secret from everyone, okay?
If people knew I was both rich and beautiful, who knows what kind of trouble I’d attract.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Looking at my amazing girlfriend, brimming with elegance, I thought that maybe I could confide in her about my own secret too.
While we were chatting in our loungewear, the room attendant brought in our dinner.
“Oh, dinner’s here. You made a reservation?”
“Yeah, I told them to bring it around 8 PM.”
At KAI Atami’s main building, meals can be served in the rooms.
We indulged in Atami’s fresh seafood and thoroughly enjoyed our meal.
As dessert arrived, I decided to share my secret with Yuki.
“Earlier, you shared your secret about being from a wealthy family, right?
So I thought maybe I should share one too.”
“Ooh, getting all serious now?
Alright, tell me! Your big sis is listening.”
“We’re the same age…
Anyway, the thing is, I’m actually pretty wealthy.
Not my parents—me.”
“Huh? Oh? And then?”
“To be honest, my total assets are around 40 billion yen. I also have about a billion in cash in my accounts. Plus, I bought a condo near Honmachi Station. It’ll be completed in March next year, and I’m planning to move in then.”
“Hold on, that’s too much information at once.
And your wealth is insane. Your cash alone is absurd.”
“Wait, you’re not that surprised?”
“I mean, yeah, for a student, or even for an individual, that’s a crazy amount, but it’s not enough to make me lose my mind.
Even with that, you’re still two zeros short of my family’s total assets.”
“The Yuki family is terrifying.”
Hearing her casually say that made my head spin.
Two more zeros? That’s in the trillions. Wait, how much is a trillion? How many 10,000 yen bills is that?
Wait, Rokurokuso? That’s basically a mansion district.
For reference, Ashiya’s Rokurokuso is one of Japan’s most exclusive residential areas, where land use and property sizes are strictly regulated by the local association. It’s a town filled with elite residents—Japan’s very own Beverly Hills.
“Well, that’s counting company assets too.
We also do real estate development and sales.
Actually, if you bought a condo in Honmachi, it’s probably one of our projects. I was thinking of moving there too.”
I had no idea I was about to have an unexpected neighbor.
Well, not officially decided yet, but still.
“But I’m really glad I told you. I feel like a weight’s been lifted off my shoulders.”
“I felt the same way earlier when I told you about my family.
Money is important, and whether our values align matters a lot.”
My last relationship ended over money issues, so I’ve been a bit sensitive about it.
Especially since I’m not old money—I made my fortune through stocks. I basically struck gold.”
“I actually prefer self-made wealth over old-money families like mine.
People like you have drive, you climbed up through your own talent. Even if you lost everything, you could rebuild it. And honestly, listening to you talk is way more interesting.
Wait, you made your money through stocks!?
That’s impressive—it’s not something you can succeed in with just effort alone.”
“Nah, it was mostly luck.
I was just strategic with my investments—making sure I had combinations where if one stock lost, another would gain.”
“Oh, so there’s a way to do that?
Talking to a different kind of rich person is really interesting!”
Now that I had shared my secret, I felt relieved. I was also glad that I could explain where my money came from—it meant I had nothing to hide.