Chapter 5: To be radiant
Mike twisted his body, and had his legs slowly reach the ground and the chains loosened themselves, letting him do so.
Once again, he was stunned by the large red chains, and he watched as they suddenly rescinded back into him.
However, something different happened in their path back to Mike. The chains suddenly huddled together and twisted about each other forming a round shape.
Mike watched, his curiousity peaked.
After a few minutes, the red chains unfurled to reveal a creature. Mike backstepped reflexively over the size and the eccentricity of the creature.
It was the creature the chains had claimed earlier, Mike had assumed it was a goner and hadn't given it a second thought.
However, it hovered right before him, surrounded by his chains. At this position, Mike could see it entirely for what it was. It had moved so fast and the trees did a fantastic job of hiding it.
The radiant beast, true to its name radiatied a warm blue glow. It was massive, almost a giant by the side of Mike, and it was strangely humanoid.
Mike gulped as he witnessed its front features. The radiant beast had limbs, its arms like that of bats with large wings adorned by blue and white feathers.
Its chest and torso were fairly small in proportion to the rest of its body. For a creature resembling a colorful bird, it had tits, large tits crowned by tempting pink nipples.
Mike eyed it, from its scaly taloned bird feet to its face. Though Mike couldn't exactly read its face, he was inclined to think it was mad with the sheer focus its eyes were directed at him, and it made him shiver.
'Why is it here?'
Mike continued backstepping and turned to run when he felt hooked at the spot. The chains wouldn't get longer nor move from their spot.
Seeing that he couldn't run away, he instead accepted his fate, and turned to the creature.
When he did, the radiant beast swung its right wing generating a powerful gust of wind which was supposed to blow away the chains, however they remained unaffected in their positions, locked around the colorful beast.
"What is wanted of me?" Mike accidentally said out his thoughts, and that was where it clicked.
The radiant beast had wind abilities–the ability to generate gusts of wind and he connected the dots. The beast had been trapped within the chains and since then gusts of wind had been coming to his rescue.
He had been freeloading on the abilities of this radiant beast, and his escape was made successfully due its capture. His fear reduced greatly once he realized this, the radiant beast was at his mercy, or rather that of his chains.
Though the beast could move its body within the circle of chains it occupied, it couldn't move out of it. Mike had realized that. He moved closer to the beast, his right hand cupping his chin as he looked ahead curiously.
The radiant beast bared its finger-sized teeth as Mike approached, he could sense the malice it held against him, nobody liked being bound against their will, especially sentient creatures such as this.
Mike was still cautious, he made sure not to encroach the circle it had to itself. His red chains trailed him like they were another pair of arms–dramatic tentacles.
Having inspected the front part of the creature, Mike moved to its behind. He had been tempted to touch the beautiful thing, its feathers looked incredibly soft and they were pretty too, but he contained his urge.
Mike spotted the area from which the wings of the beast jutted from. Its front had looked so soft and meek, its back on the other hand was imposing, and thick muscles were outlined beneath the bed of feathers.
He had to clear his throat, this creature was every bit impressive, but he was still confused. What was he to do with the beast?
He looked to his chains hoping for a hint when his eyes caught the glow around the beast. He had noticed it earlier but the glow was much too close to the beast for him to safely reach for it.
He held his right hand and shook his head, he wouldn't be thralled by the strange light.
"What do I do with you?"
Like the chains could understand him, they moved and took the radiant beast, violently spinning it like an insect at the mercy of a spider.
He watched the scary action unfold.
"You'll kill the thing." He said, but the chains paid him no heed and continued spinning.
After about three minutes of incessant spinning and grunts from within, Mike saw the glow he had seen on the radiant beast body stream through the chains, and coming to him.
He staggered back, unsure and worried about the strange energy. His body tensed, and his eyes trailed the glow.
"Fuck, fuck!"
The energy ultimately got to him, and his body got an ample dose of radiance. It wasn't like that from the berries he had taken previously, consuming them had made him feel energized before intoxicating him but then, he couldn't tell, now however, with this much radiance coursing directly into him, his body couldn't help but react aggressively to it.
His back arched, his neck thrown back, and his eyes opened wide-eyed and aglow. Eating the berries had been invigorating, but this, this was different, a new high.
He felt like he could do anything. That was until, his muscles began to tense even more and then tearing.
It hurt, but hardly anything could compare to the high he felt at the moment.
He was still in his joyous state when the chains stopped spinning and twisting and the radiant beast was exposed except it was not a giant of creature anymore. It had reduced significantly, so much so that it was simply slightly larger than Mike's hand.
The chains had robbed it of so much of its radiance–its life-force so to speak and it was reduced to a pathetic inglorious state while Mike was made radiant.