I Was a Loner, but My Class Got Summoned to Another World…

Chapter 54: Tame Giveaway

The trio quickly exited the venue. A worker, busy cleaning, told them where they could find Rubina and her father. They had also just recently left and shouldn't have reached the carriages yet.

Logan quickly left to find them, as he had a few urgent questions before they set out to town. Maybe Rubina would be keen on going with them.

Luckily, after pacing quickly through a crowd that was also leaving, Logan spotted Rubina's shiny red hair. He quickly ran forward, leaving both Chloe and Kai behind.

"Hey, Rubina!" he called out.

It wasn't hard for the girl to know who was calling her. Looking back, she saw Logan panting and told her father to stop. It was strange, but Logan seemed to have forgotten to cover half of his face as he usually did.

"Hey Logan, what's with the look? You seem more handsome," Rubina teased as Logan quickly fixed long strands back into his face.

"Aww, don't do that. Keep it back; it looked better."

"No, I hate when people keep staring. I just forgot to do so before. Now then, I have a few things to talk to you and the Earl about," Logan said, while recovering his breath.

"Glad to see you're doing well today, Logan. Nice to hear you're joining the noble society. Now, what is it you want to speak about, boy?" The Earl smiled as he led the three of them to the side to let the crowd pass through. He then used a particular accessory to form a bubble to keep the sound in.

"Wow, I need to get one of those," Logan commented as he tried to touch the strange magic bubble, which produced a translucent wall as if they were inside water.

"I think it's doable. If you want, I will give you one later as a gift for what you have done," the Earl told him, while rushing him as the bubble cost him mana.

"Yes, I wanted to ask for a favor. You see, I was thinking that I needed to help a friend among the heroes. To do that, I need a particular pet I could tame and send into the labyrinth as a precaution.

"Since you both are well-versed in this matter, I wanted to ask for your opinions on the best beast to send," Logan began to explain.

"Well, if it's about that… I don't currently have many beasts to give out, but I'm sure if you visit Miles, he could find you one," the Earl said, turning toward Rubina, who seemed to send him a pleading gaze, as if she wanted to join Logan's group.

"Well, I can take a guess who it will be for… I will help you with one condition," Rubina said, holding her lovely chin and making an expression as if thinking hard.

"Fine… what is it?" Logan asked, wondering what she had in mind.

"Well, if you're going to be giving out tamed beasts… I want one for myself as well. Don't you think it would be nice to have a monster who, like Scorch, evolves?" she told Logan, grabbing his hand and displaying the most adorable eyes she could muster.

"Now, Rubina, I am sure you don't need one." The Earl tried to calm his daughter while holding himself back from committing murder.

"No, Dad, you don't understand. I may be in danger too, right Logan?" she said, looking at the boy with a sad expression.

"It's not like I mind… Since you have helped me out, Rubina, I just don't understand why you would need one, but alright, no problem…" Logan replied, as the Earl finally felt like his mana reserve was at its limit.

"Well then, I guess I will leave you both—or should I say you four—for now." The Earl noticed that Kai and Chloe had joined the group after the sound barrier had been dispeled, and he decided to take his leave.

"Let's get going then. We have a lot to do and very little time to do it. I need to buy a few things and then head out to try something," Logan told them. The other three just went along and followed him towards a carriage.

It was the Earl's carriage that both Lisa and Logan had ridden in that morning. The friendly driver, James, was instructed to drop them off at Miles's store.

It was a quick drive to the market area. Being the afternoon, most of the morning activity had calmed down. It was close to two in the afternoon, and people were relaxing before the day ended.

"This store…" Chloe said with a disgusted expression.

"I know, I felt the same way the first day. But I'm not here for a slave; I just want to ask about a particular monster. Can you and Kai wait outside for me, please?" Logan explained, thankful that the girl was too revolted with the idea of entering with Rubina and him.

As soon as they entered, Logan heard the bell chime and the attendant who told them to pass through. She knew Rubina and had been informed that if the hero Logan were to come, he could pass directly inside without a problem.

It wasn't long before they found Miles, who was taking care of a slave. It seemed to be a young girl who had hurt herself trying to touch a particular spiked beast.

"Now, Irma, I told you to be careful with the Sandquills. They may hide their spikes and look cute, but when threatened, they instantly bring them out. It's a wonder you only got one stuck on your finger," the merchant said, while a healer was removing the sharp pin.

"I'm sorry, Master Miles," the young girl cried.

"Oh, is that you, Hero Logan? What a pleasure to meet you on this fine day. Sorry about showing you something like this—it usually never happens. We don't tend to get kids here, but many orphans are being displaced because of the war. It's either an orphanage or slave trading… Of course, we follow the law and only sell them after making a soul-bound contract, meaning harming this child leads to death," the merchant tried to explain himself.

The girl seemed unharmed, except for the small cut that stretched a good centimeter through her finger.

"It's fine… Miles. I came with an urgent matter… or two," Logan said, after remembering that Rubina also wanted a tamed beast.

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