I Woke up One Day as a God

Chapter 14 Plans Are Boring Anyways

And just like that the credits were rolling. Wait what? How’s the movie over already? I don’t think a minute has even passed… Oh. According to my android eye it certainly has been about an hour and a half since we started watching the movie. Am I really that oblivious? Like I know there have been times where I zone out for a while, but could I really zone out for an entire movie? Was the movie I created just that boring?

Before I could ask myself any more questions Annette shifted in my lap, (wait when did she get in my lap,) and hugged her face against my chest. My head’s kind of groggy, but I quickly realize she’s scared stiff and that this is definitely the type of situation where I need to calmly and affectionately pat her head. I need to comfort her like the big sister I am after all. So I start with exactly that and soon shift our positions so that I can rest our heads against each other. I slowly wrap her up in a hug and start gently rubbing her back.

Moments pass and I realize that Annette was slowly starting to loosen up and as even more minutes passed I felt her breathing become slow and relaxed. Did she fall asleep? She must’ve been really scared if she was only staying awake because the adrenaline hadn’t worn off yet. Geez, on one hand I’m really curious about that movie, but on the other hand I declare scary movies are banned in this household. Halloween movies can still be allowed I guess, but they’re on thin ice. I’m going to protect Annette from all of those evil movies.

This movie night definitely didn’t pan out the way I thought it would. Actually, I wonder how Ruby and Sapphire are doing? I turn to look at their seats while moving Annette as little as possible. One of the seats was empty and the other contained Ruby and Sapphire as they hugged each other out of fear. Good thing the chairs I created are big. Seriously though, what kind of movie did I miss? Eh, I guess all that really matters is that Annette’s little plan succeeded, even if the movie also scared her.

Welp, I should get Annette to bed considering I’m currently the only one not trying to curl into the fetal position. Thankfully she’s already in my lap so I don’t have to try and awkwardly pick her up out of a chair. I shift Annette into a position that's easier to carry her in and stand up. I start walking and almost immediately trip over everything. God why am I having trouble with walking and seeing straight. I guess my legs are numb from Annette sitting on them. They don’t feel numb, but whatever it just means my blurry vision is the problem. 

I carefully make my way over to Annette’s room, thank god I don’t have to use stairs, and gently place her in bed. I give her a quick good night hug and roll the blankets over her. I then make sure she’s comfortable before I turn off the lights and leave. With Annette in bed I should probably check on Ruby and Sapphire now.

A quick walk back and “Hey why are the lights off.” Did they already leave and turn the lights off? Actually did we even have the lights in here on? Oh! I bet the tv was the only light and it just turned itself off.

Though I guess how the lights got turned off doesn't matter. Magic eyeball activate night vision, I did create night vision yeah? No? I guess I didn’t; that’s kind of disappointing. Surely it has a flashlight or something instead? Thankfully the answer to this question is yes. I can’t be bothered to question how the science behind this works so instead I’m just going to give a thumbs up to sci-fi. Good job Sci-fi genre, I was wrong in saying you’re just explosions and inconvenient holograms.

Using the light I walk over to Sapphire’s chair. Wait… I should have just used the light switch. Well too late now, I mean not actually, but I’m already at their seat and there’s no point in walking back and forth. I really don’t want to trip over anything while my vision is blurry. I get close so I can wake them up when I realize just what position they fell asleep in. Ruby tried her best to curl up against Sapphire and she ended up resting her head against Sapphire’s shoulder. As for Sapphire, her arms were wrapped around Ruby’s stomach and her hands were resting in Ruby’s lap. You know, they seem pretty comfortable and it’s not like they’re gonna wake up to back pain. So I think I’ll just leave them here tonight. I whisper, “Good night you two.”

So… Now what. Everyone but me is asleep and it’s not even that dark out yet. I’d hate to wake anyone up considering how comfortable they are. I awkwardly wander through the house as I ponder what to do. 

Huh… I didn’t think about it much until now, but the house is kind of empty by myself. Everything’s kind of contained within three or four rooms and all of the empty space is usually occupied by someone else doing something. It’s… kind of lonely at night.

…On a completely unrelated note I wonder how Corrin is doing. She’s probably at home right now, maybe eating a late dinner with her parents, maybe playing some games. What if… I ignore my previous plans and visit her? There’s nothing really stopping me from doing that.

I could just trust in the power of the cards, wait that’s not right. I think the phrase is friendship of the heart or something? Eh whatever, my point is that I could just believe that friendship conquers all and hope that everything I logically thought about five days ago was just the ramblings of someone too scared to meet with a friend I kind of definitely abandoned.

I could even change my appearance back and just treat it as a one night dream of Corrin’s where I reunite with her. Oh! This way I could still continue my original plan of befriending her on the first day of school.

Yeah this is definitely the Greatest Plan 2: Electric Boogaloo. I just gotta teleport over there… Do I have the ability to do that? I think I do, but creating another pill that gives me the power to teleport can’t hurt. 

One pill later and I was ready to do this. Teleport me to where Corrin is magical ability thingy. The scenery quickly shifts and I drop a very short distance into some cold water. Woah that really snapped my brain awake. I sat up and parted my hair so that I could see where I ended up, but the scene I was met with was… A bit stimulating. I was expecting to see Corrin for the first time in, well, a very long time, but I wasn’t prepared for us to meet while she was bathing.

The story isn't established enough to have a Christmas special so here's a regular chapter instead. Sure was a fun one to write though.

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