I’m Going to Destroy this Country

Chapter 32.1



What? Did I pass?

Isaac, who was caught in the moment, had to think for a moment.

Did he misunderstand that the third gate had just opened up?

For the first time in hundreds of years, was his brain playing tricks on him, hearing things through auditory organs, not magic?

However, to his surprise, the voice was filled with joy.

Among all the voices he had heard so far, it was the most heartwarming one.

[Among you, the one with the true qualifications of a Saint is none other than this little one!]


[You are worth going to the 3rd vault!]


[Out of all these children, you are the only one who has passed! Unbelievable. Incredible. Such an answer is the first time since the first Grand Invocation! A Saint has appeared!]


Did I hear it wrong?

Isaac raised his eyebrows, and the other children were in great confusion.

[Yes, you heard it right. This one is the only one who can go to the 3rd vault.]

The children were unable to accept this and immediately reacted angrily.

“Why? What happened now!”

“What’s with the pass?”

“I don’t understand. Did you really say only this one is qualified?”

The children’s sharp voices turned cold, as if they had never been excited before.

[You heard me correctly. Only that child can go to the 3rd vault.]

The children immediately got upset as if they couldn’t understand it.

“Why? You told us ‘pass’!”

Isn’t this pattern of light floating at our feet proof? What is this emblem for if not passing?

But the voice was extremely cold.

[I told you ‘pass’, but I didn’t say you ‘passed’.] (tl/n: here in korean were used words similar in meaning – as in english too – can be interpreted as “children got through” and “Isaac managed to pass the test”.)

“What? But you said you would send us!”

[Nevertheless. I haven’t said anything about ‘3rd vault’.]


[What you are going to is a prison. That symbol is a teleportation mark sending you to an underground prison. Stay there until that child chooses an item.]

In the face of such a voice that sounded like a thunderbolt, the children immediately rebelled.

“It’s ridiculous! Why us?”

“Why, I can’t understand! Why on earth?”

It was unfair. They had done everything they were told, so why?

Unconvinced reactions erupted among the children.

[Don’t you really know? I asked you to prove your faith in the God.]

“Yes! That’s why we did it!”

“Each of you knelt in front of the stone statue and greeted… Oops.”

The children who had been speaking loudly suddenly fell silent. At the same time, their faces began to pale.

They had received religious education from a young age. There was no way they wouldn’t know what kind of mistake they had made.

Sure enough.

[I said to worship the ‘God,’ I never told you to worship the ‘stone statue.’]


At the mention of worshiping the God, the children, who had shown the formal ritual that humbled themselves the most, realized their mistake.

However, in places other than the temples officially recognized by the gods, it wasn’t allowed to worship in that manner. All other acts were considered idol worship.

In other words, what was the real meaning of the phrase ‘those who prove their faith by facing the stone statue can go to the 3rd vault’?

‘Don’t kneeling in front of the statue.’ That’s the real answer.

As proof, the voice scolded the children who couldn’t accept the situation.

[Is your god that statue? Is everyone who resembles gods a God?]

The voices of the children, filled with frustration and sobbing, were heard among them.

“But…! To go to the 3rd vault, we have to… What should we do?”

[You guys are the ones who will bow down to someone who is not a god for immediate gain.]


This was true of all priests, but especially Saints and Saintesses. You should never kneel to someone who is not your God.

Idolatry is a taboo that should be strictly avoided as they serve as an example to others.

[Look at that child. Even in the face of the fear of death, he didn’t give up his true faith.]

The children were silenced.

It was a mistake.

The feeling of their blood disappearing from the tips of their heads to their toes.

Even though they weren’t in the Papacy , the people who sought to become Saints had to uphold their beliefs in front of the statue.

It was a role model for the leaders of the holy faction.

But even so…

[I guess you’re thinking why I’m being rude at the end?]


Is it using some kind of magic now?

Some seemed as if they couldn’t even raise their heads, as if they were in awe.

It felt like their hearts would stop.

[Tsk, considering that most of the Saint candidates come from noble backgrounds, I knew there would be plenty of secular individuals. The white dragon on the national flag must be wailing.]

The voice sounded very displeased.

[If you think this is an illusion, you’re quite foolish. Saints and Saintesses lead people on the frontlines, channeling their power to the gods. That’s why the demons spare no effort to tempt them, and they’re obsessed with Saints and Saintesses. Transforming into the appearance of the gods or their messengers to seduce them is quite common. Even a top-rank demon like the Skeleton King can easily transform into a god.]

Really? But these guys don’t transform.

Isaac let out a bitter laugh.

How inefficient is that?

Do they pride themselves on being born with magical reserves? Huh?

[That’s why we conducted the tests to make sure they wouldn’t yield to temptation or threats. I can’t believe it looks like this even though the previous vault gave such a hint. It’s a subpar level.]

He’s making things sound even dirtier.

They were just playing mind games with the kids, that’s all.


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