I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 27 1994 has passed

"The authentic 'Blue Moon Orb', don't miss it when you pass by! The Moonlight Orb associated with the Misery Moon Tiger clan, each tiger only has one in his lifetime!"

It was dark at night, and more and more tourists were attracted by the shouting in the fountain square in the amusement park, which had a large flow of people.

They had seen this so-called Blue Moon Orb at the souvenir stall on the other side of the amusement park. Although not many believe it, this bead can be regarded as a local souvenir after all. I don’t know if it is for psychological reasons. This bead will indeed look more beautiful under the moonlight, reflecting a light blue brilliance.

But what attracted more attention was the little boy who was holding up a shining blue moon orb and shouting. He looked like he was only about 5 years old.

The boy smiled and said: "1800 ring nip, arm wrestling with me, whoever wins can take the bead."

The crowd was talking a lot, and a lady smiled and said, "That's so cute. Where are your parents?"

"The little cutie looks serious and really wants to be hugged."

"These beads are sold for 40,000 yuan a piece over there. Can they be fake?"

"Fake ones are given away for free."

"40,000? Why did the person I bought it from say it was 100,000?!"


People who are tired from visiting the amusement park are just idle, watching the excitement and laughing at the same time. Indeed, for such an old child, arm wrestling?

Jing Yang pushed away the woman who was touching him and said dissatisfiedly: "Auntie, can you be more serious! You are making money! Do you want to arm wrestle? 1800 per person. Thank you!"

"Auntie will give you 5,000, as agreed. If you win, the beads will be auntie's." The woman was not angry. She took out three banknotes from her wallet with a smile and waved them in front of Jing Yang. .

"Thank you, sister." Jing Yang put away the three bills, jumped onto the borrowed stool, stretched out his hand and made a pose, "Come on, sister."

The woman couldn't help laughing, smoothed her hair, leaned over and stretched out her hand to hold Jing Yang's little hand.

"Hahaha, actually, how could sister...huh?" The woman didn't really want to use force at first, but slowly she realized something was wrong. No matter whether she used force or not, the boy's arm seemed to be made of steel and nailed to death. It didn't move at all on the table. Until she was sweating profusely, exhausted, and gave up on her own initiative, she still had questions in her head. Is this true or false?

Some people applauded, some booed, and some suspected it was a double act, "Beauty, this child is not yours, right? Hahaha!"

"I'll do it!" A muscular man in a vest jumped out, rubbed his fists, stared at Jing Yang and said with a smile, "I hate naughty kids the most, grandma, how much salary did a trip cost dad and me... Little guy, uncle She won’t be as gentle as your mother!”

"Come on." Jing Yang shook his right hand, "1,800 ordination."

"Two thousand Blue Moon Orbs are worth it." The macho man slapped a banknote on the table, and was knocked down by Jing Yang smoothly, falling into doubt about his life.

Jing Yang originally just set up a stall on a whim to make some extra money. He had no intention of pretending to hold back his strength. No matter who challenged him, no matter whether he was tall or fat, he would do it within three seconds. What a disaster!

With his current strength of about 1,400 total telekinesis, even though it is not an enhancement type, it is impossible for these ordinary people to win against him despite their strength. The reduction of dimensionality is a blow.

Before the amusement park security guard heard the noise and rushed over, Jing Yang closed the stall and left in a cool manner.

A group of people watching the excitement and doubting life dispersed one after another. However, there was a young man with a sinister look on his face who had a sore face. Someone passing by recognized him and said, "It's you! The profiteer who sold me 100,000 pills." !”

The profiteer yelled: "I am the one who met the profiteer! The Blue Moon Orb in the boy's hand just now was 'borrowed' from me! Why did he just leave?"

"Is it really genuine? Interesting."

The onlookers watched the fresh and lively ending and left with satisfaction.

Jing Yang left and came back again, holding the Blue Moon Orb in his hand, and said to the profiteer: "I'll take the 1,000 nuns, how about it?"

"1000?!" The profiteer's eyes widened, "Young man, you are more evil than me!"


"make a deal!"

Jing Yang tried out his skills for a while and earned 26,700 rennies. After deducting the 900 renminbi for receiving the Blue Moon Orb, he earned 25,800 rennies today, which is probably about 1,200 soft girl coins.

Placing the Blue Moon Orb on the bedside, reflecting the faint moonlight, Jing Yang fell asleep.

When I woke up the next day, I still practiced mindfulness skills in the morning, and trained mindfulness and various basic skills in the afternoon.

After the hot girl Men Qi briefly went through the basic skills in the afternoon, she didn't know where the cat would go to continue to develop her ability to manifest. It was not convenient for Yinda to watch Jingyang's practice alone, so he also left.

Jing Yang remained unmoved and continued his practice, releasing the maximum amount of Qi throughout his body to maintain it. Through repeated wear and tear, he gradually increased the upper limit of his thoughts.

In fact, his main attention was not on his own body. Anyway, he had already given himself instructions to practice with the help of the star on the back of his neck.

What is fully automatic on-hook practice?

Part of Jingyang's attention remained on the two crows beside Xiaodi, who kept looking familiar, waiting for a suitable opportunity to guide Xiaodi to them.

As for the other part of his attention, he was naturally still paying attention to the actions of Cajin and others on the north coast.

This evening, the high-profile Miyagi Ryota, the guy named Babi Mayina, seems to have made new progress.

He found the place where Jing Yang buried the remains of his godmother and another hunter.

Replacing the shift with two other birds, Jing Yang looked at the group of Cajuns digging a hole from a distance through the sight of the two birds that landed on the branch.


"There are two corpses in total. The one here is the abandoned princess, and the other one over there should be the professional hunter she hired."

"No remains of...the child were found."

"It may have been rescued by the person who buried the body, or it may have been picked up and eaten by a passing wild beast earlier..."

Babi Mayina put her hands behind her waist and stood upright in front of the dug corpse pit. While listening calmly to the report of her subordinates, she looked at the woman at the bottom of the pit who could no longer see her beauty when she was alive. corpse.

“Take photos to collect evidence and send them to Prince Benjamin,” he said.

"So, where is the body?" the person next to him asked.

"Do you have a hobby of insulting corpses?" Babi Mayina asked, "note the location and fill it in again."


While his subordinates were busy refilling the corpse pit, Babi Mayina watched quietly. Diagonally behind him, two birds left the top of the tree, spread their wings and circled for a while before flying away.

"Two are rotated each time, a total of 6..."

Babi Mayina did not look back, "It's not like a coincidence. Who tamed the bird? Or was it a manipulated spy... operating system? Let's assume for the moment that the person who forced Muser to commit suicide has noticed and monitored us. Let’s take action. It’s better not to alarm him yet and wait and see what happens.”

"We cannot rule out the possibility that... this person took away the little prince and prepared to raise him by his side."


"Why do I always feel so frightened?"

Outside Dongzhen, Jing Yang's main body side, he clasped his fingers and aimed at a tree not far away, the air mass on his fingers continued to accumulate strength and strengthened, "Indeed, the six birds I sent to follow the Cajun people were not there at all. It has been two days since then. If the high-ranking Miyagi Ryota was a well-trained soldier and a master of telekinesis, he might not have noticed the abnormality of six stationary birds wandering nearby..."

"I can't afford to play with these smart guys, so let's just leave it at that!"

Jing Yang loosened his fingers and bang!

A thought bullet turned into a magical power at the snap of a finger, carrying a power close to at least 600 qi, and broke the tree effortlessly. It continued to fly forward unstoppably, destroying the dead and decaying, and penetrated four or five trees in front and behind before all the qi was dissipated. …

With such a powerful teleportation bullet, if it had been on that day, I wouldn't have had to deal with the water-bending poster named Garo at all. Such a bullet would have flown over with my fingertips, and I would have settled the matter directly.

More importantly, after firing this charged release-type special move, Jing Yang still had some energy left and was not completely drained by the ultimate move.

He shook his hand and turned to look in the direction of the north coast. Unexpectedly, that Babi Mayina was quite moral. After digging the grave and confirming his identity, he buried the body again...

In this case, Jing Yang's worries were gone. All he had to worry about was whether he would be exposed. To avoid this, the only thing he should do was to improve his strength as much as possible, so he Completely withdrawing the six birds that were being followed and monitored would not only remove the extra risk of exposure, but also reduce the distraction of one's own energy.

So in the next few days, Jing Yang's training intensified, which seemed to make Men Qi even more stressed.

Men Qi appears less and less, probably because she is focused on developing her ability to manifest herself and compete with Jing Yang.

Yinda passed by Jing Yang's training ground, looked at the series of interrupted trees, and thought to himself: "Is he from the release system? Or the strengthening system, or the operation system..."

It's noon again, in the woods outside the unchanged town.

Just when Jing Yang was immersed in the wonderfulness of fully automatic practice, the carefree Men Qi came over.

After many days, she seemed to be able to shine in front of Jing Yang again, and said with a smile: "Why are you still practicing today?"

Jing Yang opened one eye and glanced at her, as if to say, if you have something to say, go away and don't disturb your buddy's leveling.

"What an exaggeration... I always feel that you are more than twice as powerful as when we first met!" Men Qi looked at Jing Yang, and then said, "Today is the New Year! It is no longer 1994, but 1995. January 1st! Stop practicing today. Let’s go to the town and watch me prepare a table of delicious food!”

She raised a finger, with air flowing on it, and said proudly to Jing Yang: "My ability has been successful! I won't lose to you in the future! Haha!"

Men Qi couldn't help but beam with joy when he thought of his proud place.

"1994 has passed, and I miss it very much..." Jing Yang looked up at the sky, "Well, there's nothing to miss. Wu Er, let's go now. I'll bring you some back!" He waved his hand, "Let's eat. Come on!" The little rock bird chirped twice, spread its wings and caught up with Jing Yang and Men Qi. Men Qi looked like she wanted to show off her ability to successfully develop, but insisted on waiting for Jing Yang to ask first, but Jing Yang didn't ask, which made her feel very uncomfortable...

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