Immortality: Raise an ant queen and add some immortality

Chapter 9: Proficient level martial arts, fake death to save life

In addition, he has been practicing the martial arts slashing skills he has learned.

Chopping trees and chopping firewood can increase the proficiency of this martial skill.

Although each effective slash can only increase proficiency by 0.01 points, it still increases rapidly.

Skillfully call out personal attributes to view.

Qin Niu

Cultivation level: 1st level mortal 37.1/100, low level farmer 75.4/100, low level insect master 3/100

Lifespan: 51 years

Skills: None

Skills: Planting, sowing proficiency 34.4/100, loosening soil slightly 357/1000, fertilizing 124.4/1000, watering 276/1000, weeding 369.7/1000

Insect control, identifying insect traces for beginners 0/10.

Martial skills: Cutting proficiency 67.3/100.

Talent: None

Supernatural powers: none

Labor points: 879

His cultivation level has reached 37.1/100 of the first level mortal. This strength is far beyond that of a strong adult man.

The cultivation level of an ordinary strong adult man is generally around 30 in the first level of a mortal.

Some are thin and short, even only weighing about 20 for a mortal.

Only some talented people can reach above 40.

For example, Hai Kun, the bully king in the village, is naturally tall and powerful. Even if he doesn't exercise much, his cultivation level can still reach the level of 35 or more for a mortal.

It is completely enough to bully ordinary people.

Qin Niu was definitely no match for Wang Haikun more than twenty days ago.

Now, the outcome is at least 50-50.

If he were to make a surprise attack, his winning rate would be at least 80%, or even as high as 90%.

Because his martial arts skill - slashing, has been upgraded after more than twenty days of hard training.

Currently the proficiency level is 67.3/100.

The hit rate of slashing attacks has far exceeded the beginner's level, and the use of inertia in slashing attacks has been significantly improved.

This also means that the destructive power caused by hitting the target is at least twice as strong as before.

It used to take two to four knives to split calf-thick wood.

Nowadays, it’s almost always a one-shot solution.

When cutting down trees, he could even feel the help brought by the upgraded slash.

Arbors as thick as arms are basically cut off with a single knife.

According to the current rate of progress, he estimated that it would take about ten days at most to upgrade his slashing martial arts to the next level.

It will definitely be more powerful by then.

Of his five planting skills, only sowing has not reached a moderate level of success, and the other four have all reached this level.

In terms of planting level, he has initially possessed the strength of a middle-level farmer.

As for the farmer's level experience improvement, he didn't care.

So far, only sowing seeds can improve farmer experience. Watering and fertilizing cannot increase farmer experience.

Looking at the lush green fields, his heart was filled with joy.

It should be ready to harvest in about two months.

By then the food ration problem will be solved.

After eating the wolf meat, his cultivation began to grow extremely slowly.

This made him look forward to meeting a lone old wolf again.

With his current strength, killing the old wolf should be much easier than the first time.

However, if he encounters a pack of wolves, he will still be in danger.

Counting the days, the larvae hatched by the queen should be almost fully grown.

Its energy has now bottomed out, and it has reached its most difficult and dangerous moment.

This made Qin Niu very worried.

He carried the basket into the mountain and came directly to the ant nest.

The entrance to the hole is still sealed by the queen, which shows that the young ants are not yet capable of leaving the nest to forage.

When I tried to peek into the nest, I saw that the body of the queen ant had lost a lot of weight due to hunger and became extremely weak. Five immature ants are surrounding it.

Even though it is so weak, it is still trying to spit out saliva to feed the young ants.

Help them quickly transform into termites with the ability to move.

The growth of termites is divided into three stages: eggs, nymphs, and adults.

After the ant eggs are laid, it takes about seven days to hatch with the help of the queen and then enter the larval stage.

At this time, the termites have no eyes and limbs, and their bodies are curved.

The queen ants need to continuously spit out ant milk rich in various nutrients to feed them.

After eating ant milk, they will grow and develop rapidly.

When it grows to a certain level, it will shed its skin once.

If the young ants are malnourished or do not have enough food, they may starve to death or become stunted.

As the young ants undergo their final molt, their bodies gradually mature.

At this time, it becomes an adult ant.

Already have the ability to forage for food or guard the queen and nest.

At present, all five young ants have molted multiple times and have reached the final stage, which shows that the queen ant has taken good care of her five babies.

Qin Niu watched for a while and began to collect humus everywhere.

The entire mountains are like an inexhaustible treasure house with extremely rich resources.

Just to obtain these resources, you must have sufficient professional skills.

For example, collecting humus soil as fertilizer.

If your fertilization skills are weak and you collect humus on the surface indiscriminately, the fertility effect will be extremely poor.

For example, Qin Niu now has the fertilizing skills of an intermediate farmer. If he knows how to choose the type of fertilizer that Baogu needs in the next growth period, he can achieve very good results.

At least judging from the growth of the corn seedlings in his one acre of land, water and fertilizer management is very good.

After collecting a basket full of humus, he prepared to carry it back to the ground.

I'll come back later to cut a few loads of firewood.

I just used to chop wood to practice my slashing skills.

In this world where the jungle prevails, having a powerful martial skill is equivalent to owning a gun in the modern civilized world.

When you encounter unreasonable bullies and robbers, you can always use martial arts to make them learn to reason.

Before leaving, he was a little worried about the queen ant and decided to go and see it again.

Now at the last critical moment, he couldn't help it. Only those five young ants that metamorphose into adults can go out to find food to feed the queen.

Come to the nest and peek through the small hole.

Qin Newton panicked.

The queen ant lay motionless on the ground, her six legs slightly folded, and her body shrank slightly from fatigue.

This is clearly a posture that occurs after death.

It's over, it's over, I didn't expect it to survive until the last moment!

Qin Newton collapsed on the ground helplessly.

All the efforts and expectations of the past month were all in vain at this moment.

He was very unwilling, but had to accept this reality.

Why is it so difficult for female reproductive ants to become queen ants and successfully create a termite kingdom?

No, if the contracted pet dies, my head will hurt, but it didn't happen this time.

Qin Niu was startled and suddenly realized that the queen ant might not be dead.

This queen ant is different from other queens in that it has the skill of suspended animation.

At this moment, could it be suspended animation?

He immediately checked the attribute status of the queen ant.

Female milk termite (queen)

Level: Level 2 Isoptera, upgrade experience 100/1000

Lifespan: 4.2 years

Energy: 0

Skills: The first level of reproduction is 0.05/10, the first level of suspended animation is 2/10

Talent: Moderate intelligence

Its suspended animation skill proficiency has increased from 1 to 2, so it must be suspended animation.

Why is it pretending to die?

Normally, only when encountering a strong enemy that cannot be defeated would one resort to feigning death to escape the crisis.

No enemies have invaded its lair now!

After thinking for a moment, Qin Niu's eyes brightened slightly.

The queen ant feigns death most likely to reduce her body's energy consumption to a minimum.

Because its energy has become 0.

Yes, that must be the case.

Frogs and snakes hibernate to reduce energy consumption and spend the cold winter hiding in warm underground caves.

Termites do not have the ability to hibernate, so their suspended animation should have the same purpose.

It's just that the limit time of suspended animation is much shorter than hibernation.

Qin Niu lay down outside the nest and observed the queen ant in the cave again.

It was still the same, dead.

At this moment, one of the darkest young ants began to move.

This made Qin Niu excited.

Hurry up, your mother is going to starve to death soon!

He was really anxious.

Unfortunately, the final molt of the young ants is not as easy as imagined, but a very long process.

The young ant moved twice and then stopped.

Still curled up and sleeping.

Seeing Qin Niu get angry for a while, it can really make people anxious to death.

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